College of Business Graduation Information
Step 1: Complete and Submit "Program of Study" form
Each degree seeking graduate student must complete and file a Program of Study (form GS #101) by the end of the first semester of enrollment in graduate coursework.
Instructions for Obtaining, Completing, and Submitting "Program of Study":
- The Program of Study (POS) form can be found at the UTC Graduate School web site.
- The College of Business Graduate Programs Office encourages MBA & MAcc students to contact their advisor for a Program of Study that already has all required courses printed on it. With this MBA or MAcc Program of Study, students only have to fill out the top of the form and sign the bottom of it.
- Most MBA and MAcc students complete this form during their first advising appointment with the College of Business Graduate Programs Office.
- Detailed POS instructions if needed are available at the UTC Graduate School web site.
- The Program of Study requires the MBA/MAcc advisor's signature before it can be submitted to the UTC Graduate School for approval. Students who didn't complete a form during their first advising appointment, should submit a completed form to the College of Business Graduate Programs Office.
- The end of the first semester of enrollment in graduate coursework
Step 2: Complete and Submit "Graduate Application for Candidacy & Graduation"
Admission to a graduate degree program allows the student to demonstrate ability but does not guarantee the right to continue toward a degree unless he or she is admitted to candidacy.
As a result, each degree seeking graduate student must complete and file an Application for Candidacy, Certificate Award, and Graduation (form GS #103) by the semester prior to the semester of his/her anticipated graduation.
Instructions for Obtaining, Completing, and Submitting "Application for Candidacy & Graduation":
- Include only your four MBA or MAcc electives and any other class not listed on your program of study.
- Detailed Candidacy/Graduation Application Instructions if needed are available at the UTC Graduate School web site.
- Submit the application with your original signature to UTC's Business Graduate Programs Office (Fletcher 215, Fax # 423-425-2329).
- The last date of early class registration for the semester preceding the anticipated graduation. The specific filing dates are listed in the Graduate Academic Calendar located on the Graduate School web page.
- Wait to submit the form until you have registered for your final electives, because you will be asked to list the four graduate electives, which you have taken, are taking, or are registered.
Step 3: Order graduation invitations, purchase cap and gown.
Caps and gowns can be purchased in the Bookstore in the University Center. In addition to your height, weight, and hat size, you will also need to know the academic degree you are to receive.
Step 4: Complete all degree requirements.
That's a given! Before you enter your last semester, you should check with a College of Business advisor to make sure you have met all degree requirements and are ready for graduation.
Step 5: Graduate!
It is not required that you walk at graduation. You've worked hard and should celebrate! Why not attend graduation with your family and be recognized for your accomplishment!
The Registrar coordinates the commencement ceremony (occur in May and December). More information about the graduation ceremony is available from the Registrar or you may call 423-425-4416 to speak to someone in person.