
For password instructions and assistance, visit the IT Knowledge Base. For two-factor authentication (Duo Mobile) instructions and assistance, visit https://utc.edu/2fa. For further assistance please contact the Help Desk at 423-425-4000.

Student and Employee Account Management

Activate your account – All new students, faculty, and staff.

  • Complete the first-time password setup to activate your account and set your security questions.
  • You will need your NetID and one of the following: SSN, employee personnel number, TN Unique ID. 

Change Your Password - If you know your UT or UTC password, you can change it hereOnce your password expires use the forgot password link below.

Forgot Your Password - Use the reset your password link or contact us at 423-425-4000 to reset a forgotten or expired password.

Manage DUO Two-Factor Authentication  - Add or manage the devices used for two-factor authentication. Click here for more information on DUO. Required for all students and employees.

Department Account Management

To be completed by the account owner and only applies to shared department accounts that require a password.

Manage department password - Use this tool to reset or create a new password for your account.

Manage Your Departmental NetID Two-Factor Authentication - Add or manage the phones/tokens used for two-factor authentication.

Alumni Account Management

Alumni Account Management applies to students who last attended UTC 12+ months ago and are not active at another UT campus.

Change Your Password - for access to your MocsMail, Handshake, and other systems available to alumni please click here to update your password

Affiliate Account Management

Please contact us at 423-425-4000 or click here to update your affiliate password.

Information Technology

Information Technology