University Website Guidelines and Policies
The UTC website is an interactive, evolving communications medium. Policies and guidelines are established by the UTC Web Advisory Committee and reviewed regularly. The UTC Information Technology Coordinating Council oversees these policies and is responsible for implementing reviews and updates as necessary. The Division of Communications and Marketing is the webmaster for all edits or other requests for screen changes.
Categories of pages
For purposes of these guidelines, web pages are divided into two main categories: institutional pages to provide official University information; and non-institutional pages, which are the responsibility of their authors.
Institutional pages
Institutional pages include the UTC homepage and those related to core University businesses. These pages are designed and authored by or with the assistance of the Division of Communications and Marketing. Included are pages for Admissions, Bursar’s Office, Financial Aid, Graduate School, Orientation and Records and Registrations. The Division of Communications and Marketing also is responsible for maintaining the University Catalog online, the site navigation plan and controls and a site index. Communications and Marketing also provides design guidelines, web design training, sample pages and support.
The Institutional pages category also includes those for University divisions, departments and offices.
Departmental homepages
Division, department and office homepages should provide items of interest to their audiences. Such pages provide information about official University units and must use the page design and navigation provided by Communications and Marketing. In general, they should not repeat information already available on the UTC homepage or at other links but should link to such information. They should provide additional information relating to their specific areas.
All departmental pages should meet the following guidelines. A page may be removed from the UTC website if it fails to meet these guidelines.
- Be substantially complete in content.
- Use the Institutional page design and navigation bar provided by Communications and Marketing.
- Include the name of the organizational unit or department.
- Include the email address of the person maintaining the page.
- Indicate on the page the date the page was last reviewed.
- Be reviewed at least once every 60 days.
- Provide information in a timely fashion, removing out-of-date information or announcements.
- Link to standardized content (such as catalog information, admission requirements, costs) rather than creating separate copies of such.
- Meet the requirements of all applicable statutes and University policies, including FERPA, AUP, copyrights and patents, ADA and handicapped access.
- Regularly provide information to the Office of Communications and Marketing to allow the UTC website index to properly and easily categorize the page and its subsidiary pages.
Approvals for UTC Department, Division and Office Pages
Homepage Owner Design/Implement Approval
College/School Dean/Unit Head* Dean/Unit Head
Department/Office Department Head* Dean/Unit Head
It is the responsibility of the dean or unit head (or designee) to contact the Division of Communications and Marketing to request a page be linked to the UTC homepage or secondary directories. Requesting a link signifies that the page meets the guidelines above.
* It is understood in most cases that a dean or unit head appoints a designee to create and maintain pages. The unit head is responsible for ensuring that the individual managing the home page keeps content timely and accurate.
Non-Institutional pages
The category of non-institutional pages includes pages for faculty, staff, currently enrolled students, recognized student organizations and other organizations (including approved community service organizations). These pages are not part of the official University website and must provide visual separation from the official University pages. These pages are designed and authored by the individuals or groups served.
All such pages must meet the following guidelines. A page may be removed without warning if it fails to meet these guidelines. Individuals and groups are subject to normal University disciplinary procedures for violating these guidelines.
- These pages may not use the institutional page design and navigation bar provided by Communications and Marketing. Instead, they must use a special footer provided by Communications and Marketing.
- Communications and Marketing provides a page of University-related graphics that may be used on non-Institutional pages.
- Include the name of the individual or group.
- Include the email address of the person maintaining the page.
- Indicate on the page the date the page was last reviewed.
- Meet the requirements of all applicable statutes and University policies, including FERPA, AUP, copyrights, patents, Faculty Handbook and Student Handbook. Infringement of copyright laws, obscene, harassing or threatening materials on pages can be in violation of local, state, national or international laws and can be subject to prosecution by appropriate law enforcement agencies.
While the responsibility for the content of the page rests with the individual authoring the page, the following contacts will be notified if problems occur with these web pages:
- For faculty and staff, the department/unit head (or designee)
- For recognized student organization, the faculty advisor
- For students, the vice chancellor for student affairs (or designee)
- For other organizations, the Division of Communications and Marketing