Emergency Preparedness
Be Smart. Be Ready. Be Informed.
In the event of abnormal conditions on campus, we've got people and plans in place. Get informed today about campus safety, security, emergency preparedness and law enforcement.
Check Out These Resources
UTC Police
As a full-service law enforcement agency, with limitation on jurisdiction, our Campus Police Officers have necessary and complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and areas immediately adjacent to the campus.
Environmental Health and Safety
The mission of the UTC Office of Environmental Health and Safety is to provide a safe, healthy and hazard-free environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors of the University, as well as providing for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulatory requirements.
Policy on Sexual Misconduct
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment free from sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking, and retaliation.
Emergency Alert System
All Students Will Receive SMS Text Messages
If an emergency occurs on campus, how will you know? The UTC-ALERT system is designed to inform the UTC community in the event of an emergency. We offer several methods for receiving alerts.
Our Preparedness Plans Include...
Abnormal Conditions Preparedness Guide
In the event of an emergency or abnormal condition, this guide is intended to be used as a quick reference for recommended action. Please bookmark this guide so you will have quick access to it in the event of an emergency.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
The Clery Act requires us to communicate campus safety information and has requirements for handling incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations.
Critical Incidents
The UTC Police Department trains consistently for critical incidents and other emergency situations. We feel that equipping you with this information is vital, should an incident ever occur.