Welcome to the UTC Application Portal
If you are starting a new application, please select “Start Application” to create an account. If you have previously started an application but did not submit or are checking your application status, please select “Sign In”.
*School affiliated email addresses will often block UTC emails, please use a personal account (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) iCloud accounts are also not recommended due to their limited storage.
Need more information? Our admissions offices are here to help you!

Undergraduate Admissions

Graduate School Admissions

International and ESL Admissions
For technical or log in issues, please contact the Strategic Enrollment Technology (SET) Office by emailing [email protected] or calling 423-425-1776.
For all other questions, please contact the appropriate admissions office.
- What type of application should I submit?
- Undergraduate Application: I want to pursue a four-year degree (U.S. citizens and permanent residents).
- Post Baccalaureate Application: I already have a bachelor’s degree but want to take undergraduate classes.
- Graduate Application: I have or am almost finished with a four-year college degree. (U.S. citizens and permanent residents)
- International Application: I am a non-U.S. citizen wanting to pursue a degree at UTC.
- What kind of student am I?
- Dual Enrollment: I am still in high school, but I will also be taking college courses for credit before I graduate.
- ESL (English as Second Language): I want to take ESL courses at UTC.
- International Student: a non-U.S. citizen wanting to pursue a degree at UTC.
- First-time College Student: I will have my high school diploma (or GED) and will be taking college courses for the first time since high school graduation.
- Readmit: I have attended UTC in the past and will be returning to finish my degree.
- Transfer Student: I have taken college courses at another institution since graduating high school.
- Undergraduate Transient: I am currently enrolled at another college or university but wish to take courses at UTC for a semester.
- Non-Degree: I would like to take classes at UTC, but I am enrolled in another college or university and do not wish to transfer to UTC, or I just want to take classes with no degree credit.
- Graduate Student: I will have my bachelor’s degree and will be taking graduate level courses for the first time.
- Graduate Transient: I am currently enrolled at another college or university in a graduate program but wish to take courses at UTC for a semester.
- When does each semester begin?
There are three semesters in an academic year. The Fall semester begins in August, the Spring semester begins January, and the Summer semester begins in May. For the exact start date, please refer to the academic calendar.
- I submitted an application to UTC through the Common App. How do I access that through the UTC portal?
You will receive an email from us when the application has been loaded into our system, then you can continue with the following steps:
- Go to the UTC Application Portal.
- Click on Start Account.
- You must use the same first name, last name and email address that you used to fill out the Common App. Click Register.
- Then log into your email account and look for the account verification email from the UTC Application Portal. You must click the Verify Account link in that email to access the portal.
- Once this is done, you may return to the UTC Application Portal and Log into your account by clicking the "Login" button.
- When you log into the application system you will see three buttons, please click on the Review Application button. If you do not see the Review Application button, please email [email protected] immediately for additional support, so we can check on your submitted application.
- Once in Review Application, you should see your UTC application in the Application Dashboard. Click the Application Summary button next to your application to check on the documents or other requirements needed to complete your submission.
- Do you have a "How-to" Guide to apply for Dual Enrollment?
The process to apply as a Dual Enrollment student is similar to a standard application with only a few differences. Use this "How-To" guide to help walk you through the process.
Admissions Application Refund Policy
Generally, application fees are non-refundable. Applicants may request a refund by submitting a written statement explaining any extenuating circumstances (e.g., readmission applicant, duplicate debit charges, fee waiver). Graduate students should submit the appeal to the Graduate School and undergraduate students should direct the appeal to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Title IX Statement
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga does not discriminate on the basis of sex in our education programs or activities, including admissions and employment. The University is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. The University has a Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking which may be accessed at utc.edu/sexual-misconduct.
- Title IX Grievance Procedures and University Response
Any inquiries about the application of Title IX should be made to the University's Title IX Coordinator or to the Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights:
- Title IX Coordinator, 206 Hooper Hall, 615 McCallie Avenue Dept. 5675, Chattanooga, TN 37403; Phone: (423) 425-4255; Email: [email protected].
- Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100; Phone: 1-800-421-3481; FAX: 202-453-6012; TDD: 1-800-877-8339; Email: [email protected]
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga utilizes grievance procedures to address complaints and formal reports of sexual harassment. Those procedures are contained within the University’s Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking. Individuals may file a complaint or formal report of discrimination based on sex including sexual harassment by contacting the University’s Title IX Coordinator by phone at (423) 425-4255, by email at [email protected], or by mail to Title IX Coordinator, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 206 Hooper Hall Dept. 5675, 615 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours). In response, the University will offer supportive measures and discuss resolution processes with Complainants. For a detailed explanation of the University’s response, please refer to the University’s Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking.