Strategic Plan Information
The CAS Strategic Plan Committee includes faculty, staff, and students from across the college.
Prior to the committee's first meeting, the co-chairs facilitated discussion in 15 "open meetings" and visited numerous departments (by invitation) in the college. The purpose of these meetings was to invite input and to identify strengths, weakness, opportunities and obstacles as we collectively think about the future of the College of Arts and Sciences. A summary of findings from these "open meetings" is available here (PDF).
At these open meetings, it became clear that all stakeholders wanted a completely open process. The CAS Strategic Plan Committee meetings, therefore, are open to non-committee members. That is, on the agenda for each meeting will be time for non-committee members to pose questions and hold discussions with committee members. At least 15 minutes will be put aside at each committee meeting for such interaction. Non-committee members are then welcome to stay and to observe the committee as it works through the agenda. Summer meetings will be held on the following dates/times.
Wednesday, April 22nd (2:00-3:30), Signal Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
Wednesday, May 13th (12:00-2:00), Lookout Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
Wednesday, May 20th (12:00-2:00), Lookout Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
Wednesday, June 24th (12:00-2:00), Lookout Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
Wednesday, July 8th (12:00-2:00), Lookout Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
Wednesday, July 15th (12:00-2:00), Lookout Mountain Room ( agenda | minutes )
- Joe Wilferth and Manuel Santiago, Co-Chairs
- Pam Ashmore, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography
- Jessica Auchter, Political Science
- Amy Brock-Hon, Geology
- Paul Clark, Development
- Josh Davies, MCLL
- Michael Friedman, Communication
- Tammy Garland, Criminal Justice
- Heather Grothe, Admin. Assistants Representative
- Katie Hargrave, Art
- Rebecca Jones, Chair of Gen Ed Committee
- Hope Klug, Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences
- Matt Matthews, Mathematics
- Marcus Mauldin, Part-time Asst. Dean for Graduate Studies
- Tiffany Mitchell, Contingent Faculty Representative
- Steve Ray, Theatre
- Terry Sanford, Budget Manager for CAS
- Manuel Santiago, Chemistry
- Jill Shelton, Psychology
- Chris Stuart, English
- Perry Ward, Music
- Talia Welsh, Philosophy and Religion
- Michelle White, History
Relevant Resources and Focus for Future Conversations
Liberal Education (because it's at the heart of what we do):
- The AAC&U's Statement on 21st Century Liberal Education
- Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences' "Statement on Liberal Education" (PDF)
- Liberal Education America's Promise (LEAP) "AAC&Uâs 2015 Centennial Video"
- Cited in the above video: Hart Research Associates' "Falling Short? College Learning and Career Success Selected Findings from Online Surveys of Employers and College Students" (January 2015) (PDF)
Celebrating Diversity:
- University of Tennessee System Statement on Diversity