From Alumni and Current Students
Why Asian Studies
"This minor is great if you love learning about other cultures and if you are interested in Asia. It has opened my eyes to misinformation and stereotypes."
- International Studies Major, Class of 2026
"Anyone who has a remote interest in Asia, wants to expand their global understanding, or wants to travel should minor in Asian Studies. It's so valuable!"
- International Studies Major, Class of 2025
Diego Rojas, Class of Spring 2022
I already had an interest in History and in some Asian pop culture, so Asian Studies felt very natural. We looked through many different sources and led many discussions on the topics at hand. It felt like we were a team trying to get to the bottom of important topics still being talked about today. For important context to some of the most pressing issues and concerns facing us today in the modern world, look no further than Asian Studies!
Giuliano Duva, Class of Summer 2023
Asian Studies is global studies. The art, aesthetics, economy, and historical connections of Asia are present in our lives every day, in one form or another. This is an incredibly interesting minor that provides perspectives on cultures we don’t encounter on a daily basis, which makes us better historians and more informed citizens.