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Tue, Feb 18 2025

2023 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibitions

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2023 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition
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2023 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition
Show 1: March 29-April 8, 2023 (opening night: Friday, Mar 31, 5pm artist talks, Benwood Auditorium)
Show 2: April 13-22, 2023 ((opening night: Friday, April 14, 5pm artist talks, Benwood Auditorium)

The annual BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition is the capstone achievement of graduating BFA studio majors, comprising a public exhibition and artist lecture series, which represents the culmination of two years of intensive artistic and intellectual development for the department’s Bachelor of Fine Arts candidates. This year’s class is a cohort of 24 artists from four BFA studio concentrations— graphic design, painting & drawing, photography & media art, and sculpture.

“This year’s senior class are a cohort of very strong individuals and ideators who are thinking about issues such as environmentalism and social responsibility, community building and skill sharing, the impacts and implications of the proliferation of social media and digital identities, to personal artistic responses driven by experiences, intuitions, inspirations, and philosophies,” says Rachel Waldrop, director and curator of the ICA.


2023 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibiting Artists: 

Show 1 artists:
Kip Alexander
Dahlia Bowser
Jared Cizowski
Zoe Cothron
O'Len Quinn Davis
Cooper Haston
Callie High
Haison Hopkins
Sophie Johnson
Laurel Kuyrkendall
Aderryus Mitchell 
Rudy Paxtor-Gomez

Show 2 artists:
Erica Benton
Callie Billman
Cass Dickenson
KateLynn Fronabarger
John Everett Helm
Savannah Hodges
Hao Luong
Manuel Greaves
Sadie Montague
Alex Murphy
Aisy Nix
Dylan Sanchez

ICA Chattanooga

ICA Chattanooga

Department Hours
Monday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Thursday - Friday: 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm-6:00 pmUTC parking free after 5pm on weekdays, and all weekend