Arts and Sciences Committees
Executive Committee
Tenure and Promotion Committee
CAS Curriculum Committee
Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee
Post-Tenure Review Subcommittees
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is an advisory body to the Dean.
- Charge: The Executive Committee provides advice and counsel to the Dean on matters of strategic planning and governance. It reviews these bylaws during the spring term of each odd-numbered year and may propose changes which are then subject to approval by the full faculty of the College.
- Membership and Meetings: An Associate Dean chairs the Executive Committee. Regular membership consists of two separate representatives from each division of the College. The Dean consults with the Department Heads in each division and then appoints committee members from that division. Members will serve for staggered 3-year terms and at least one academic year must elapse between terms of service.
(2 from each CAS division, staggered 3-year terms)
Arts | Ron Buffington Ali Allerton | Art Music | 2024-2027 2023-2026 |
Humanities | Sarah Einstein John Swanson | English History | 2023-2026 2022-2025 |
Natural Sciences & Math | John Graef Loren Hayes | Mathematics BGE | 2023-2026 2022-2025 |
Behavioral & Social Sciences | Morgan Smith David Ross | SCJS Psychology | 2023-2026 2024-2027 |
Chair: Associate Dean Amanda Clark Ex-Officio: College Budget Manager Terry Sanford |
Tenure and Promotion (T&P) Committee
The College Tenure and Promotion (T&P) Committee is advisory to the Dean.
- Charge: The College T&P Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Dean regarding candidates for tenure and promotion within the College. The College T&P Committee uses the UTC Faculty Handbook, these College bylaws, and bylaws from the relevant Department to review recommendations for faculty tenure and promotion forwarded by departmental RTP committees within the College and thereby recommended to the Dean by the relevant Department Head. The College T&P Committee’s purview extends to the areas of fairness and high standards.
- Membership and Meetings: An Associate Dean chairs the College T&P Committee and serves as a non-voting member of this group. Regular membership consists of two representatives from each division of the College. The Dean consults with the Department Heads in a division and then appoints the committee members from that division. Excepting the chair, who may serve as often as appointed by the Dean, a term of an appointment to the College T&P Committee is two academic years.
(2 from each CAS division, 2-year terms)
Arts | Christina Vogel Johnathan McNair | Art Music | 2024-2026 2023-2025 |
Humanities | Jose Luis Gastañaga Annie Tracy Samuel | MCLL History | 2023-2025 2024-2026 |
Natural Sciences & Math | Lani Gao Joey Shaw | Math BGE | 2024-2026 2024-2026 |
Behavioral & Social Sciences | Michelle Deardorff Karen McGuffee | PSPS SCJS | 2024-2026 2024-2026 |
Chair: Associate Dean Amanda Clark |
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee reviews curriculum proposals originating from departments within the College.
- Charge: The Curriculum Committee reviews all curriculum proposals from departments within the College, upholds high academic standards, and ensures coherence amongst disciplines.
- Membership and Meetings: An Associate Dean chairs the Curriculum Committee, and the regular membership consists of two representatives from each division of the College. Excepting the chair, who may serve as often as appointed by the Dean, a term of an appointment to the Curriculum Committee is two academic years.
(2 from each CAS division, 2-year terms)
Arts | Becky Nasadowski Perry Ward | Art Music | 2023-2025 2024-2026 |
Humanities | Susan Eckelmann Joseph Jordan | History English | 2024-2026 2024-2026 |
Natural Sciences & Math | Jose Barbosa Lingju Kong | BGE Math | 2024-2026 2024-2026 |
Behavioral & Social Sciences | Katelyn Hancock Pratibha Deepak | SCJS Psychology | 2024-2026 2024-2026 |
Chair: Associate Dean Nikolasa Tejero |
Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee
The CAS Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee assists the Dean and departments with the development and review of access, engagement, and inclusive excellence goals and strategies of the College and the University.
- Charge: The CAS Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee assists the Dean and departments with the development and review of the access, engagement, and inclusive excellence goals and strategies by 1) reviewing and making recommendations related to the College’s strategic plan and our commitment to creating and sustaining “a campus culture that respects the inherent worth of every person and that is enriched by our diverse backgrounds”; 2) identifying ways in which the College may increase and sustain (viz. through both recruitment, retention, and mentoring) a diverse and inclusive body of faculty, staff, and students; and 3) coordinating programming (g., speakers, workshops, and social gatherings) and efforts (e.g., fundraising, promotion/marketing, sponsorships, and collaborations) in the College with campus-wide and regional access and engagement groups, organizations, and committees.
- Membership and Meetings: The chair of the CAS Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee is elected from among the committee’s membership. The committee consists of eight members, with representatives from each of the four divisions of the College—i.e., the humanities, the fine and performing arts, the behavioral and social sciences, the natural sciences and mathematics. Members may be nominated by their Department Head and shall be selected by the Dean (or her or his designee). Both faculty and staff are eligible for membership. Members shall serve terms of two years and membership shall be staggered to ensure rotation amongst the membership. No member of the Committee may serve more than four consecutive years. An Associate or Assistant Dean designated by the Dean may serve as an ex officio member of the Committee. The CAS Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee will meet at least once each semester.
Access and Inclusive Excellence (2 from each CAS division, staggered 2-year terms, chair to be elected from committee’s membership)
Arts | Gaye Jeffers Angie To | Theatre Art | 2023-2025 2024-2026 |
Humanities | Edwin Murillo Nagwan Zahry | MCLL Communication | 2022-2026 2023-2025 |
Natural Sciences & Math | Deborah Barr Luis Sanchez Diaz | Math Chemistry & Physics | 2024-2026 2023-2025 |
Behavioral & Social Sciences | Gale Iles Jill Shelton | SCJS Psychology | 2023-2025 2024-2026 |
Co-Chairs: To be elected Ex-Officio: Associate Dean Nikolasa Tejero Ex-Officio: College Budget Manager Terry Sanford |
The Dean may designate an associate or assistant dean as an ex officio member.
Post-Tenure Review Subcommittees
The Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Subcommittees conduct post-tenure review of tenured faculty in the College.
- Charge: The PTR Subcommittees are charged to review the faculty member's performance during the review period and to conclude whether the faculty member's performance satisfies the expectations for the faculty member's discipline and academic rank. The subcommittees must report their conclusions and recommendations in writing using a standard form to the faculty member, department head, dean, and Provost. Additional details are contained in section 3.4.8 of the UTC Faculty Handbook.
- Membership and Meetings: The dean appoints four PTR Subcommittees, representing the four divisions of the College, no later than May 1 of the preceding academic year. Each PTR Subcommittee shall include a minimum of three (3) members, provided the number is odd. Committee members may not have any conflict of interest with any faculty member undergoing review. One, and only one, PTR Committee member must hold an appointment in the same department as the faculty member being reviewed, unless there is no such faculty member eligible to serve. Each PTR Subcommittee member must be a tenured full-time faculty member who is at the same or higher academic rank. The chair of each Subcommittee is elected from among the committee’s membership. Additional details are contained in section of the UTC Faculty Handbook .
Post-Tenure Review (4 subcommittees based on the four divisions in CAS, chairs to be elected from committee’s membership)
(2 from each CAS division, staggered 2-year terms, chair to be elected from committee’s membership)
Arts | Matt Greenwell Rebecca St. Goar Gaye Jeffers | Art Music Theatre | |
Humanities | Michael Williams José Luis Gastañaga Gregory O'Dea | History MCLL English | |
Natural Sciences & Math | Hill Craddock Tatiana Allen Aniekan Ebiefung | BGE Chemistry & Physics Math | |
Behavioral & Social Sciences |
The Dean may designate an associate or assistant dean as an ex-officio member.