UTC Campus Recreation Space Requests

Facility Rental Reservation Rates
ARC/Maclellan Gym ARC Pool UTC Sports Complex
Request Space Here Aquatic Rental Information Sports Complex Rental Information
Note: All external facility reservations are required two weeks in advance. University related facility rentals require a minimum of 72 hours prior notice.
- Rentals and Events with Minors
Due to safety and liability issues, waivers, insurance and increased supervision may apply for events that include minors. For more detailed information on Facility Rentals involving minors, please contact Campus Recreation at [email protected] or by calling (423) 425-4213.
- Certificate of Insurance (COI) Information
All Community Groups, vendors or third parties must provide a certification of insurance (COI) before date is confirmed.
A sample COI is below:
The organization must provide a certificate of insurance naming The University of Tennessee as additionally insured with the following format below and both ADDL INSR and SUBR.WVD columns checked. Your risk management office or insurance carrier can provide this documentation.
Required limits for specific events may vary.
In the notes section (description of operations/locations/vehicles) should read:
The University of Tennessee, its affiliates, subsidiaries and/or assigns are named as Additional Insureds as respects the General, Automobile, and Umbrella Liability policies listed on the Certificate of Liability. A Waiver of Subrogation is included in favor of the University of Tennessee, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or assigns on all insurance evidenced on this certificate of insurance as per contract requirements. All insurance is primary and non-contributory. 30-day notice of cancellation is required.
Certificate Holder should read:
The University of Tennessee
5723 Middlebrook Pike, Suite 218
Knoxville, TN 37996
- Additional Event Fees Information
- Custodial Fee: $45/hr
- Police/Security: $50/hr per Officer
- Additional Staffing: $20/hr
- Fitness Staff: $25/hr per person
- Reschedule within 48 hours: $50 flat rate added on to rental
- Facility Use Terms and Conditions
- All external facility reservations are required two weeks in advance. University related facility rentals require a minimum of 72 hours prior notice.
- Facility Rental Policies
- The Fitness Floor can not be reserved at any time
- No additional field lines can be laid without prior approval
- No Vehicles allowed on any grass surface
- Requests are received and approved on a first come, first serve basis after Campus Recreation and student programming needs are filled
- All participants must adhere to all Campus Recreation rules
- Events requesting participation and access for non-university related individuals must adhere to additional requirements and procedures per university regulations. All non-University organizations must name The University as co-insured on liability insurance.
- All reservations must adhere to the time/date set by the Operations Coordinator. No starting early or running over allotted times.
- Charges for facilities, set-up, clean-up, staffing and/or equipment may apply to each event and must be understood and agreed upon prior to the reservation confirmation being finalized
- Due to safety and liability issues waivers, insurance and increased supervision may apply for events that include minors. The need for chaperones will be required (due to age restrictions) for special events in Campus Recreation Facilities involving minors. No one under the age of 18 may enter the Aquatic and Recreation Center.
- Safety and Risk Management Statement
- In consideration for the permission of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to allow use of premises, the undersigned agrees to assume all responsibility and legal liability arising out and in the use of the aforementioned property. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and its employees from any liability arising out of the use of this property. Further, the undersigned agrees to abide by all the rules, standards, or reasonable requests made by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga relating to the use of these facilities and to adhere to all safety/fire code requirements as set forth by the University and to instruct participants to adhere to same. Depending on the type of liability exposure, I understand that I may be asked to provide proof of current liability insurance and a certificate of insurance evidencing the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as listed additional insured.
If you have any questions about our facilities or rentals, please contact UTC Campus Recreation:
Phone: (423) 425-4213
Email: [email protected]