UTC Campus Recreation

Enriching Life Through Play
Mission Statement:
Foster an inclusive environment for the UTC Community to connect, play and pursue holistic well-being.
Core Values:
Inclusion - Developing a community that is equitable, inclusive, and respectful of all people
Sustainability - Actively seeking excellence through social, economic, and environmental sustainability practices
Holistic Health - Providing a dynamic environment where the UTC Community can pursue and learn life-long health practices
Growth - Consistently striving to inspire growth within individuals, UTC, and our Global Community
Play - Utilizing recreation and play as a platform to uplift the UTC Community
Community - Building healthy and supportive relationships through play and community engagement
Belong Campaign:
UTC Campus Recreation's Belong Campaign centers around our firm belief that all people deserve the right to play, recreate, connect with others, and pursue holistic wellness. Our intent is to use the Belong Campaign to assist in breaking down physical and social barriers to access, help celebrate the diversity of our Mocs Community, create unity and respect, and encourage people to find their place to belong within UTC Campus Recreation.
The Belong Logo speaks to each of the different program areas of Campus Recreation including Aquatics, Fitness, UTC Outdoors, Intramurals, Club Sports, Rowing, and Diversity & Inclusion. Each of these elements is a fundamental pillar of Campus Recreation, working in tandem to provide an equitable, inclusive, and diverse program for our Mocs Community.
You belong with UTC Campus Recreation!
UTC Campus Recreation Milestones:
- 1931 - The first organized Intramural Sports programs started between UTC Greek organizations
- 1961 - Maclellan Gym Opened
- May 25th, 1976 - The DeSales Harrison Racquet Center opened. At the time of opening, the racquet center had the largest seating capacity of any racquetball facility in the country.
- October, 1977 - UTC Outdoor Club was founded
- 1983 - UTC Rowing Club was founded
- 1996 - SGA President Marty Bell introduced the concept of the Aquatic and Recreation Center
- 1999 - UTC transitioned from individual clubs to a formal Campus Recreation program
- April 30th, 2007 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Aquatic and Recreation Center
- August 19th, 2009 - Phase 1 of the Aquatic and Recreation Center was completed
- August 19th, 2011 - Phase 2 (the natatorium) of the Aquatic and Recreation Center was completed
- November 9th, 2018 - UTC Sports Complex Opened
- December 2018 - UTC Tennis Complex Opened
- January 2019 - UTC Campus Recreation's Belong Campaign launched
If you have any questions about Campus Recreation
please contact UTC Campus Recreation:
Phone: (423) 425-4213
Email: [email protected]

Explore the Value of
Campus Recreation:
Academic Success: Campus Recreation is an integral component of the student experience that develops and reinforces the personal characteristics which lead to academic success.
Professional & Leadership Development: Participation and employment in Campus Recreation serves as a potent vehicle through which transferable jobs skills are developed and prepares students for success in the Campus Rec profession and other fields.
Diversity & Inclusion: Campus Recreation provides inclusive spaces and programs that facilitate exposure to people of different backgrounds and the building of connections within and between underrepresented populations.
Recruitment & Retention: Participation in Campus Recreation as well as the availability of recreation programs and facilities are factors that influence student matriculation and graduation.
Engagement & Belonging: Campus Recreation provides individuals with the opportunity to build and belong to a community and engage with others.
Physical Health: Campus Recreation participation leads to the development of lifelong, physically active habits and improved health outcomes for participants.