Campus Recreation Student Employment

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Benefits of Working for UTC Campus Recreation:

Community and Mentorship:

Employment with UTC Campus Recreation is more than a simple part-time job opportunity.  Students often build life-long friendships, develop regional and national networking connections, and find community and belonging in their employment with Campus Recreation.

Training & Development:

UTC Campus Recreation assists our employees in developing knowledge and skill through workshops, staff trainings, conferences, and hands-on experience.  All of our employees are supported and encouraged to take initiative and seek out leadership opportunities during their time with UTC Campus Recreation. 

Enhancing Career Readiness Skills:

  • The ability to work with diverse communities 

  • Developing teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal skills

  • Improving written and verbal communication skills

  • Learning how to consider and apply sustainability practices when making decisions

  • Developing life-long time management skills

  • Learning critical thinking, problem-solving, and conflict management techniques

Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation