Translational Project

The Translational Project is an in-depth and integrative experience that results in a practice-related written project that exemplifies how evidence can be used to change or improve practice or outcomes for patients, families, populations, and/or health care systems. This project is a translation of current research into a final product. The student is required to develop a brief prospectus with the Chair of the project. A prospectus is the first step in producing the project and is meant to demonstrate the topic and the beginning approach are adequate to proceed with the project proposal.
The second step is fully developing the project proposal for review by the student’s Translational Project Committee. Coursework within the DNP program supports the various Translational Project components. The student will complete the project based on AACN Essentials for Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (2006). At the completion of the DNP Program, the student will defend an evidence-based Translational Project that he/she has designed, implemented and evaluated during the program of study.
The project Chair will be assigned to the student and will also serve as the student’s advisor. The faculty member must hold Graduate Faculty Status as approved by the Graduate School Dean. The student should meet with the Chair to constitute a project committee, which will consist of the Chair and one community member. Additional members of the committee are considered non-voting members.
The DNP Qualifying Examination will be the student’s successful defense of the DNP Translational Project Proposal. The faculty will determine if a student is prepared and competent to implement the proposed project. To be eligible to defend the project proposal, a student must have completed the first two semesters of the DNP program. The student’s DNP Translational Project Committee and the Graduate Academic Coordinator or DNP Coordinator will evaluate the student’s defense of the project proposal. The student must receive a majority approval or conditional approval at the time of the DNP Qualifying Examinations in order to progress in the program.
Cohort 1 Translational Projects
- Implementation of Motivational Interviewing Methodologies with Primary Care Providers for Patient Education - Candace J Bishop, DNP, FNP-BC
- Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema - Lee A. Brown DNP, APRN, ACNP, FNP
- A Collaborative Approach To Improve Communication During Transition Of Care - Julie Humble Horton, DNP, MSN
- A Focused Care Program to Translate Care on an Observation Unit – Jan Keys, DNP, RN, BC
- Using Social Norms Media Strategies to Affect Perceived Norms of High Risk Sexual Behaviors in College Students – Yasmine Kangles Key, DNP, FNP-BC
- Open Access Endoscopy System – Rebekah Corey, DNP, FNP-BC
- Improving Nursing Satisfaction in the Emergency Department - Nancy Stevens, DNP
- Improving Nursing Retention Through A Formal New Graduate Preceptor Program – Lynda K. Ridley, DNP, ACNS-BC
- Development of an Education Program to Improve Nurse Practitioner Knowledge Regarding the Preceptor Role and Evaluation of Care for Patients with Diabetes in a Medically Underserved Primary Care Clinic – Amber Roache, DNP, FNP-BC
- Integration of the Homeostasis Model Assessment Among Advanced Nurse Practitioners as a Tool for Identifying Insulin Resistance - Kim Taylor, DNP, FNP-BC
Cohort 2 Translational Projects
- Chronic Stress in the Neonatal Intensive Care - Alisha Armstrong, DNP, PNP-BC
- Implementing Skin-to-Skin Contact at Deliver - Lynn Blackburn, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC
- Motivational Interviewing Education of Healthcare Providers: An Evaluation of Effect of Assessment and Referral of Pregnant Women with Substance Abuse - Sharon Davis, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC
- Menopause: Clinical Assessment Considerations - Wanda Hunt, DNP, FNP-BC
- Text Messaging Intervention: Implicit and Explicit Effects on Medication Adherence in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease - Teresa Lyle, DNP, APRN, CPNP
- Implementation of a Comprehensive Foot Care Model in Urban Inner City Dialysis Centers: A Quality Improvement Program - Stephanie Sheridan, DNP, FNP-BC
- Utilizing Best Practices for Providers Who Treat Chronic Pain Patients - Dawn Trundle, DNP, FNP-BC
- A Clinician’s Guide to Elder Abuse Management - Susan Wall, DNP, FNP-BC
- Teen Dating Violence: A Multidisciplinary Care Provider Approach - Chris Walls, DNP, FNP-BC
Cohort 3 Translational Projects
- Emotional Intelligence Training for Leadership Development in Advanced Practice Nurse Managers - Melissa Bogle, MSN, FNP-BC
- Implementation of Propofol Accountability in an Operating Suite - Donnie Carter, MSN, CRNA
- Chlorhexidine Bathing in the ICU to Decrease Hospital Acquired Infections - Bernadette DePrez, MSN, MBA
- Shared Governance - Morella Herington, RN, MSN
- Improving the Work Environment with Magnet Education - Miriam Knight, RN, MSN
- Implementation of an Evidence-Based Parturient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (PCEA) Program in a Labor & Delivery Unit - Scott Monterde, MSN, CRNA
- A Multifaceted Infection Control Program for Medical and Dental Trainees - Marian Morgan, MSN, FNP-BC
- Professional Quality of Life in New Graduate Pediatric Oncology Nurses Enrolled in a Nurse Residency Program - Stephanie Nikbakht, MSN, PPCNP-BC
- Bowel Elimination: A TEAM Approach (Evidence-Based Management of Constipation) - Robin Zachary, Ed.S., MSN, RN
DNP Cohort 4 – graduated Dec 2015
- Emily Lee – Breast is BEST: Increasing Healthcare Provide Knowledge and Confidence
- Melissa Humfleet – Putting Your Best Foot Forward
- Virginia Massey-Holt – Change Talk and Choice: Options for Tobacco Cessation in Primary Care
- Jamey Morrison – Utilizing a Formalized Provider Education Program and a Standardized Evidence-Based Ketamine Administration Protocol to Decrease Postoperative Opioid Consumption
- Stephanie Jones – Community Acquired Pneumonia: Implementation of the CURB-65 Risk Assessment Score and Education Program
DNP Cohort 5 – graduated Dec 2016
- Angela Snyder - Compassion Fatigue Prevention Program in a Pediatric Oncology ICU
- Gianna Owens - Peers educating peers: A Hepatitis C prevention intervention for women in rural Appalachia
- Heather Havens - A Comprehensive QI Program to Reduce Pressure Ulcers in Children
- Janice Floyd – Implementation of a Dedicated Education Unit
- Kat Compton - Standardizing an Orientation Program for Non-Physician Providers Working in the Hospital Setting
- Kim Holland – Implementing A Standardized, Blended Bedside Shift Report
- Kelly Nunn - Palliative Care Nursing Education
- Matthew Dane – Application of Lean Methodology and Training Within Industry Methods in Surgery
- Megan Sticher - Motivational Interviewing in Allergy Immunotherapy
- Shante Washington - Soldiers Who Return from Iraq and Afghanistan with New-Onset Respiratory Disorders
- Judy Woodward – Motivational Interviewing to Improve Outcomes for Diabetes
- Priscilla Simms-Roberson - An Evidence-Based Practice Protocol for Victims of Sexual Assault
- Kristin Vollrath - Increasing Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Rates in Pediatric Private Practice
- Judy Johnson - Implementing Menopause Standards of Care Guidelines
DNP Cohort 6 – graduated Dec 2017
- Stephanie Abbu - Peer to Peer Mentoring
- Christy Blount - An HPV Vaccine Protocol to Increase Education and Compliance
- Penne Drake - Improving Surgical Wound Classification Accuracy
- Mary Eva Dye - L.E.A.N. – Lean Efficiency Among NNPs
- Angela Heatherly - Translational Care to Decrease 30-Day Hospital Readmissions for Patients Diagnosed with Heart Failure
- Kristeen Hillier - Incubating Post-Partum Education Through Technology
- Leslie Hughes - Got Sadness? Diagnosis & Treatment of Depression
- Gary Johnson - Bridging Emotional Leadership and Transformational Leadership Components to Enhance the Job Satisfaction of Both Nurse Managers and Their Direct Reports
- Jill Nielsen - Bolusing Insulin: A Tool for the Clinician, Simplified!
- Jason Sasser - Facilitating Hypertension Management in a Retail Health Setting
- Cynthia Shaffer - Increasing Access to Fresh Produce in Food Deserts in Chattanooga
- Angela Stevens - Improving Care Transitions: Strategies for Reducing Avoidable 30-Day Hospital Readmissions in Patients with Heart Failure
- Sarah Treat - An Evidence-Based Sexual History Intervention
- Stacy Whitehead - Implementing an Evidence Based Program to School Nurses on Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children
DNP Cohort 7 – graduated Dec 2018
- Culeta Armstrong: Use of Stepsforward Team-Based Model and RN Outreach Program to Decrease Hemoglobin AICS in Patients with Diabetes
- Kim Brown: Graduate Nurse Job Satisfaction
- Pamela Damron - Medication Reconciliation: A Phenomenological Qualitative Project
- Sheana Fox - Peripheral Artery Disease Educational Intervention for Primary Care Staff: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Patients with Diabetes
- Brittany Haskell: Standard Patient Facilitated Simulation for Behavioral Health Nurse Residents
- Resha Howard - Improving Inventory of surgical supplies in the Methodist University hospital operating room
- Tammy Lewis: Novice Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurses, Mock Codes, and Simulation
- Jamie Russell - Sexual Assault Education On A College Campus: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach
- Melan Smith-Francis - Group Prenatal Care: Implementing Change to Reduce Adverse Outcomes
- Rebecca Thomas - Increasing Awareness of the Second Victim Phenomenon
- Laura Tyndall - Implementation of an Anesthesia Specific Infection Prevention Protocol
- Danielle Vandergriff - Tobacco Dependence: Screening and Treatment as Chronic Medical Condition
DNP Cohort 8
Graduated Dec 2019
- Elizabeth Dyer - A Preventative Health Screening Tool
- Sandra French - Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women caused by Pelvic Venous Disease
- Joy Goins - Post Cesarean Multimodal Analgesia Guidelines
- Susan Hammond - Pressure Injury Prevention in the Surgical ICU
- Lauren Manzo - Increasing Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referrals Improves Outcomes of Care in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe COPD
- Colleen Moss - Mentoring New Graduate Neonatal Nurse Practitioners
- Kayla Norman - Alcohol Abuse Among College Students
- Monique Rivers - A Handoff Tool to Improve Patient Safety in Dialysis Care
- Kristina Wick - Reducing Burden for Caregivers of Persons Living with Dementia
Graduated May 2020
- Adria Bautista - Expanding Utilization for End of Life Services in the Latino Community
- Brooke Epperson - STIGMA Stopping Traumatic Incidence Through Governed Mental Health Awareness
- Ken Grubbs - IMAGINE An Evidence Based Approach for Improving Employee Engagement
- Lynsey Hughston - Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection Prevention and Management
- Amy Jo Perry - The Role of Safety Coaches in a Culture of Safety
- Christy Stubblefield - Improving Joy to Increase Job Satisfaction and Workgroup Cohesion