2024 Culturally Inclusive Care Conference Archive

Culturally Inclusive Care: Rural Health
Tuesday March 5, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE to attend (CEUs are $25)
Location: Virtual
Please register for the conference for free here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/utc-culturally-inclusive-care-conference-2024-tickets-799005495947
Conference Goal
Share successful methods of increasing healthcare access in order to reduce health disparities, disseminate research, and exchange information on best practices for vulnerable populations, especially in rural areas.
Conference Objectives
- Increase an understanding of issues related to healthcare access for vulnerable populations in rural areas.
- Share interdisciplinary knowledge of how to reduce regional health disparities through providing culturally sensitive care in rural areas.
- Provide knowledge for potential curriculum integration across health disciplines on components that address health disparities with an emphasis on rural populations.
Who can attend?
University faculty across multiple institutions and healthcare disciplines. Health care practitioners and/or interested community agencies including, Primary Care Providers, Nurses, Social Workers, Public Health Professionals, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, Nutritionists, Educators, Researchers, Non-Profit Community Based Agencies, and Graduate Students.
Lunch: There will be a break for lunch from 12:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Zoom link: Information will be provided for all who register to attend.
CEU Information
Continuing Education Credits are available for $25. In order to attain CEUs for the conference, you must first register for the conference at the free link above. Then follow the steps below.
Step 1: Click here to Register for CEUS.
Step 2: Create a log-in account.
Step 3: Add Culturally Inclusive Care Conference: Rural Health - UTC School of Nursing to your cart.
Step 4: Checkout and pay.
Additional CEU information: Six contact hours (or 0.6 CEUs) are SACS accredited. The number of contact hours will be listed on the CEU certificate. Institutions such as the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Certification Board will approve CEUs, because UT Chattanooga is SACS accredited. Many professions count CEUs as contact hours - so the six contact hours would be interpreted as 6 CEUs for your professional board. In order to attain CEUs you MUST complete the post-conference evaluation at the conclusion of the conference. It will be posted in the conference and sent to email directly following the conference.
CEU certificates will be emailed to you within a week of attending the conference.

Sponsored by the HRSA-funded CANDL grant (Clinical-Academic Network for Developing Leaders).