BSN Admission

Admission to BSN Program
To be eligible for the nursing program, students must have at least 45 semester hours (including general education and pre-requisite nursing coursework) completed. The following pre-requisite coursework must be completed with a C or better prior to starting in the School of Nursing: 6 hours of Communication and Writing (i.e. Composition 1 and 2, Public Speaking), Statistics, Psychology, Chemistry with lab, Human Anatomy/A&P1 with lab, Human Physiology/A&P2 with lab and Microbiology with lab. Incoming freshman do not apply to the nursing program until their sophomore year when the pre-requisite coursework is completed.
Prospective Students
Students desiring admission to the nursing major must complete the BSN Application online. Students must first be admitted to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as a degree-seeking student to apply to the nursing program. Transcripts for transfer applicants must be evaluated by the UTC Admissions office to be considered for nursing admission. Students who have not been admitted to UTC or transfer students that have not had their coursework transcribed by the nursing admission deadline will not be considered for admission.
The following are considered when evaluating candidates for admission:
- A minimum overall grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.0 point scale at UTC. The overall GPA will be pulled directly from the student’s Mocs Degree evaluation.
- Completion of the following prerequisite courses with no grade lower than a C and a minimum pre-requisite GPA of 3.0:
• Human Anatomy or A&P 1 with a lab
• Human Physiology or A&P 2 with a lab
• Microbiology with a lab
• Chemistry with a lab
• Writing and Communication (6 hours)
• Introduction/General Psychology
• Statistics
Only two of the pre-requisite courses listed above may be in progress at the time of application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure all pre-requisite coursework is listed on their MocsDegree Evaluation. Any outstanding coursework should be noted on the student’s application.
- Extra-curricular experiences completed within the past two years. Students will be required to submit a current resume detailing experiences in any of the following areas: work experience, campus activities (sports, band, student organizations), military service/ROTC, community service and/or healthcare related experience (work or volunteer).
- Completion of essay
- Physical and emotional characteristics appropriate for nursing practice.
The faculty in the School of Nursing reserve the right to make exceptions to the admission requirements. Admission to the Nursing major is limited. Admission to the University does not guarantee acceptance to the nursing major. The faculty in the School of Nursing reserve the right to make exceptions to the admission requirements.
Notification of Admission Status
Notification of admission status will be sent by email to the address on the nursing application approximately 4-6 weeks after the application deadline. Candidates who are accepted for admission to the nursing program must complete the following for final acceptance:
1. Any in progress pre-requisite coursework -- Students admitted with pre-requisite courses in progress must forfeit their position in the nursing program if a grade of less than a C is earned, or a pre-requisite course is not completed.
2. ATI Launch Readiness program certificate of completion
3. Criminal background check -- An admission offer can be rescinded based on the results of the criminal background check and/or unprofessional behavior.
4. Health requirements -- Students must meet specific physical examination and immunization requirements as specified by state law and by the rules and regulations set forth by the various clinical agencies. All students must have health insurance and must participate in the school’s liability insurance program. Specific information concerning these requirements will be provided to the students at appropriate times by the nursing faculty.
Transfer Students
Acceptance of transfer and substitute credits in nursing to meet requirements of the curriculum will be determined by the school. A student who transfers into the nursing program at UTC will be required to repeat any nursing or other required courses which are not considered comparable to the UTC curriculum or in which the grade earned is lower than a C. Transfer students must meet the same standards as other students in the program.
Email [email protected] or phone 423-425-4670