Music Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Music offers the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Music and the Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degrees. The B.M. degree provides five concentrations: vocal music education, instrumental music education, vocal music performance, instrumental music performance, and theory/composition.
The B.A. degree is offered for students who desire a strong liberal arts background with a major in music. Approximately one third of the four year B.A. program is in music, and numerous elective hours outside the department permit study in other academic areas. The B.M. degree is a more concentrated course of study in the major area. Approximately two thirds of the four-year program is in music. The B.M. degree in music education is appropriate for students who plan to teach music in elementary, middle, or high schools. It combines general education with music content and teaching methodology in a highly structured course of study. Students who successfully complete the program are awarded teaching certification upon graduation. All music degree programs represent appropriate preparation for graduate study.
The Department also offers music minors in one of three areas: music performance,theory, or composition. These minors are designed for students who have an avocational interest in music or they may assist in development of competencies required for another course of study.
Typical Programs
Each degree program requires courses in general education as follows:
- Rhetoric and Composition (6 hours)
- Mathematics and Statistics (6 hours)
- Natural Sciences (7-8 hours)
- Humanities and Fine Arts (6 hours)
- Cultures and Civilizations (9 hours)
- Behavioral and Social Sciences (6 hours)
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- Minimum total hours= 41 hours
Additional Requirements (other than music):
- B.A. degrees also require 2 years of foreign language and a minimum of 18 hours in a minor.
- B.M. in Music Education concentrations require six hours in Psychology or Early Childhood, and 21 hours in the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies.
- Music courses comprise the remainder of the minimum 120 hours required for completion of a Bachelors degree program. For full details of course requirements, see the UTC Catalog.
Applicants must:
- Perform a live audition on their primary applied instrument or voice
- Complete a Music Theory Diagnostic or Proficiency Exam
Students will be placed in the appropriate level of applied study based upon the audition performance. Students who do not achieve the required minimum score on the Diagnostic Exam are required one to complete a music fundamentals course with a grade of C or better. Students whose performance on the audition and the exam indicates no real potential for success in the major will be counseled to seek other majors.
- Pre-Music
Dr. Lee Harris - Bachelor of Arts in Music
Dr. Erika Schafer - Bachelor of Music: Instrumental Performance:
Dr. Jocelyn Sanders - Bachelor of Music: Composition
Dr. Jonathan McNair - Bachelor of Music: Vocal Performance
Dr. Rebecca St. Goar - Bachelor of Music: Instrumental Music Education
Dr. Lee Harris - Bachelor of Music: Vocal Music Education
Dr. Lee Harris - Bachelor of Music: Music Therapy
Dr. Stuart Benkert - Music Minor
Dr. Lee Harris