Division Jury
Division Jury Responsibilities and Authority
The purposes of the faculty Division Jury are:
- To evaluate the qualifications of students seeking admission to 4000 level (upper level) or 5000 level (graduate) applied study; to approve or deny such applications
- To evaluate the preparedness of all junior, senior, and graduate recitals; to authorize the presentation of such recitals as scheduled.
- To consider applications for primary applied credit by students who have completed secondary applied study (with Semester End Jury): to determine how much credit, if any, will be awarded.
Division Jury Membership
The Division Jury is comprised of Dr. Rebecca St. Goar (chair), Dr. Jonathan McNair, Dr. Erika Schafer, and Dr. Perry Ward.
Division Jury Procedures
A student planning a Division Jury hearing should sign up for a jury time on the bulletin board across from the computer lab on the third floor of the FAC. Deadline for sign up is one week before the jury date. A new sign-up sheet is posted when a jury is complete. Students are required to prepare the following materials:
- Digital files of sheet music. For solo repertoire, only the solo part is needed. For ensemble repertoire, scores should be provided.
- Digital repertoire list (4000-level juries only); use page 1 of this document as your template
- Digital recital program (recital juries only); use page 2 of this document as your template
- Digital copy of a completed Division Jury Assessment Form for the appropriate instrument, can be found here. Must be typed.
All items are due by email to the Division Jury chair 48 hours before the Division Jury. If these items are not received by this deadline, the jury will not hear the audition. If items are submitted but have errors or access issues, the student will be notified and will have 24 hours to fix the issues. If the issues are not fixed in 24 hours, the jury will not hear the audition.
Students should bring 5 hard copies of the Division Jury Assessment Form to their audition.
Students should dress professionally for their Division Jury.
Entry to 4000 Level Study
Students may apply for 4000 level status in the semester during which they registered for their eighth hour of 2000 level Music Performance applied instruction (i.e. MUSP2XXX).
Transfer students (or UTC students who have changed majors) who have not completed eight hours of applied instruction, but who have completed four semesters of study, may apply for 4000 level status. The Jury may grant credit by examination for all or part of the credit hours necessary to total eight hours of Music Performance applied instruction (i.e. MUSP2XXX).
Click on your area for your Division Jury requirements: Brass, Guitar, Percussion, Piano, String, Voice, Woodwind.
Students must arrange for a suitable accompanist. In cases where providing an accompanist is impractical, the student must inform the Division Jury Chair at least three weeks prior to the jury.
Normally, students appearing before the Division Jury are represented at the audition by their applied instructor. Applicants seeking admission to 4000 level status are urged to consult with UTC faculty regarding their audition program.
Students applying for advancement to 4000 level status must include a comprehensive repertoire list to accompany the completed Division Jury form.
Pre-Recital Hearing
Click on your area for your Division Jury requirements: Brass, Guitar, Percussion, Piano, String, Voice, Woodwind.
Pre-Recital Hearings must occur no fewer than three weeks prior to the reserved recital date.
Students should be prepared to perform their recital programs in their entirety. All collaborative musicians must be present. The Division Jury will select works to be performed for the audition.
If the recital is not approved, the Jury may make recommendations to the student concerning programming, the performance date, or a second hearing.
Programming changes made after a Division Jury audition would require a new hearing.
The Jury may consider applications for 4000 level status and Junior pre-recital hearings simultaneously, provided that the student is registered for the eighth hour of 2000 level Music Performance applied instruction and the proposed recital program is submitted at the time of the audition.
A pre-recital hearing will not be approved if the student has not been admitted to the appropriate applied level: 3000-level for Music Education and Theory/Composition majors; 4000-level for Performance majors (Senior Recital).
Division Jury Schedule
The schedule is posted on the department web site under Current Students and Prospective Students/Audition Requirements. A hard copy is also posted on the bulletin board across from the computer lab on the 3rd floor of the FAC.