Music Facilities and Equipment
University Facilities
Music Library
Scores, books, and recordings are housed in the UTC Library. Recordings are available for limited circulation. Contact the Library for hours of operation.
Music Technology Center
The Technology Center is housed in Fine Arts 327. It includes eleven (11) stations, each equipped with a Macintosh or PC computer and MIDI keyboard. All stations are networked with a laser printer. Students are required to supply their own headphones when working in the Lab. Students must supply their own flash drives for storing their work. Work may not be saved on the hard drives in the Lab.
Hours of operation for the Computer Lab are posted on the door of FAC 327. Student assistance will be available on a limited basis. Any software or hardware problems should be reported to Dr. McNair or to the Music Office as soon as possible.
Recital Hall Use
Student use of the recital halls must be approved by the Department Head, and requires written endorsement of the applied instructor or other faculty member. Students are not permitted to use the recital hall without authorization. Visit the Department Office, FAC 330, for information.
Practice Facilities
Practice rooms should be reserved for student use via the weekly schedule posted on each door. Percussion students should contact Prof. McDaniel to arrange for practice facilities. Students who have difficulty securing adequate practice time should consult with the Music Department Head. Piano majors and students approved by Dr. Worcester may obtain a practice room key from the Music Office.
The Fine Arts Center hours are 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM on weekdays, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM on weekends. When the University is in session, music majors desiring to use practice facilities during times when the Fine Arts Center is normally closed should contact Campus Police for access. Only students on the approved Music Department access list will be admitted. Students are not permitted to teach private lessons in the practice rooms.
University Equipment
Students using University-owned instruments in ensembles, methods, or applied study are responsible for their maintenance and safe return. Instruments are assigned by faculty members of appropriate ensembles/classes:
MUS 2220, 2230, 2240 (Instrumental methods), 0030 (Marching Band), MUS 2210 (String Methods) - contact Prof. Truan.
If an instrument or other equipment checked out to a student is lost or damaged, the student is responsible for its replacement or repair and his/her UTC account will have a hold placed on it for the required amount. This includes sheet music, parts, scores and choral octavos and uniforms issued to students as part of the course.
Piano, computer, or audio equipment maintenance requests should be submitted to the Department Office.
Instrument Lockers
A limited number of instrument lockers are available for student use. Students in need of a locker may obtain an application in the Department Office. Assignments will be made each fall by the Department Head. Students will be notified of their locker assignments no later than the end of the first full week of classes. If a locker becomes available during the year, the Department Head will assign the locker to a new occupant based upon applications already received.
Locks are provided by the Department. Locks and contents of lockers must be removed no later than the Friday prior to Commencement (Graduation). Students graduating in December must vacate their lockers before the Monday following Commencement. After these deadlines, lockers will be opened and contents disposed.
Bulletin Boards
Information concerning Division Juries, Seminars, and general notices will be posted outside the Department Office, FAC 330. Bulletin boards on the first floor of the Fine Arts Center provide space for student and faculty announcements and notices of upcoming concerts and recitals. Students wishing to post notices on these boards should obtain permission from the Department Office. Posting of notices is not permitted on walls, windows, or doors in the Department Office or in the halls.