Music Therapy Equivalency Program
Music Therapy Equivalency Program
UTC offers a music therapy equivalency program for post-baccalaureate students seeking board certification in the field of music therapy. This track allows as student who holds a degree in a complementary field, to earn an equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in music therapy, in preparation for the board certification exam. Therefore, students are taking courses in music foundations, clinical foundation and music therapy foundations. Students eligible to complete the music therapy equivalency program that hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a complementary field from an accredited institution with a degree in the area of:
- Music
- Psychology
- Education
- Nursing
- Social Work
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Communication Science and Disorders
- Mental Health Counseling
Please note, students who hold a bachelor’s degree outside of the listed complementary fields will be required to complete the Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Music Therapy track.
Music therapy equivalency students are required to complete the following outlined music therapy equivalency coursework. UTC will honor previously completed course work that meets the program requirements and is documented on an official transcript.
Music Foundations
- MUS 1110 – Introduction to Music
- MUS 1710 – Musicianship I
- MUS 1720 – Musicianship II
- MUS 1750 – Musicianship Lab I
- MUS 1760 – Musicianship Lab II
- MUS 2050r – Fundamentals of Music Composition
- MUS 3030 – Basic Conducting
- MUS 3160 – Music History II
- 4 semesters (3 hours) of 2000-level primary applied study
- 1 semester (1 hour) of ensemble
Clinical Foundations
- PSY 1010 – Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 2210 – The Psychology of Child Development
- PSY 2220 – The Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood
- PSY 3080 – Principles of Abnormal Psychology
- BIOL 2060 – Functional Human Anatomy
- EDUC 2200 – Survey of Exceptional Learners
- HHP 0021 – Concepts of Wellness
- HHP 0052 – Beginning Modern Dance
Music Therapy Concentration
- 2 semesters (2 hours) Guitar Class or Guitar Instruction
- MUS 1810 – Introduction to Music Therapy
- MUS 2810 – Music Therapy Clinical Skills
- MUS 3810 – Music Therapy Principles and Foundations
- MUS 3820 – Music Therapy Applications
- MUS 3830r – Music Therapy Practicum (4 hours/semesters)
- MUS 4210 – Psychology of Music
- MUS 4820 – Music Therapy Measurement and Research
- MUS 4830 – Music Therapy Internship
Additional Requirements for all music therapy equivalency students:
Students are required to complete a formal audition on their primary instrument for acceptance into the music division.
All course work must be completed with appropriate grade requirements, prior to enrolling in MUS 4830 Music Therapy Internship.
2.75 average cumulative, including 2.75 average at UTC and 2.75 average in content area course work with no grade lower than C.
Clear Path for Advising
Please see the Courses section of this catalog for complete course descriptions.
If you are interested in learning more about the music therapy equivalency program,
please contact Professor Katherine Goforth Elverd directly.
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