Advising FAQs
After reviewing this page and the related sections of our website, if you have additional questions please contact the program coordinator at [email protected].
- I am a high school student who wants to come to UTC for Physical Therapy. Who should I contact?
High School students should contact undergraduate admissions for a campus tour. This is the best source of information for students who have not yet enrolled in UTC or another university. Students may also contact the Pre-Health Advisor. Information is available at the Current High School Students link.
- Can I get an undergraduate degree in PT?
No. There is no undergraduate degree in physical therapy.
- Is there a desired major for my undergraduate degree?
Certain majors give background support for a career in health sciences. At UTC the majority of our applicants pursue degrees in exercise science or kinesiology. Assuming you meet all DPT application requirements, however, an applicant may hold an undergraduate degree in any major. Former students have held degrees in a variety of fields including English, math, engineering, education, foreign languages, and public relations.
- Can I major in Pre-PT?
A Pre-PT may be a track offered by some institutions, but is not a major offered at UTC. There is no specific major required as long as you can complete the 12 prerequisites.
- Do I have to attend UTC for my bachelor’s degree to apply for UTC DPT’s program?
No. We accept students from colleges and universities from all over the country.
- Is there an advantage of attending UTC for my undergraduate degree?
There is no preference given to UTC students for admission over students who completed their undergraduate degree elsewhere.
- Can I visit your school and talk with someone about the program?
Yes. The Department of Physical Therapy offers regularly scheduled tours of the Mapp Building. These tours are open to current undergraduate students as well as those with a previously earned bachelor's degree who are considering applying to the program. Tours are open to students from all schools. Information is available at the Visit Us link.
- Do I have to make an appointment to see the advisor in PT?
Yes. We do not do drop-in advisement. Advisement begins with an online evaluation of your academic components (GPAs and GRE scores). Please review the applicant data for the last three entering classes. If you fall within the ranges of accepted students, you can request a transcript evaluation to determine your competitiveness.
- I am an undergrad at UTC who wants to enter the PT program. Who do I see for advising?
You must see your major advisor to plan your schedule. If you want to discuss applying to the program, prerequisites, etc. please complete the transcript evaluation request and contact the admissions/ program coordinator at [email protected]. We also recommend that you reach out to the Pre-Health Professions Advisor.
- Do I need to have completed my degree by the time I apply?
No. It must be completed before you begin the program.
- Would it be to my advantage to complete a PTA program prior to PT school?
A PTA’s education and job description are very different from that of a PT. If you are considering physical therapy as a profession, and you are not already a PTA, it is best to take the steps to apply directly to a physical therapy program.