Alumni Association Bylaws
Physical Therapy Alumni Association of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Article 1. Name and Mission
Section 1. Name.
This organization shall be known as the Physical Therapy Alumni Association of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, (referred to as the "PTAA" in these bylaws).
Section 2. Mission.
The mission of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga PTAA is to enhance the opportunities for, and elevate the standards of, the study and practice of physical therapy by developing and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between the department and its publics.
Article 2. Membership
Section 1. Eligibility. The following persons shall be eligible for membership in the PTAA.
- Graduated physical therapy majors from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
- Honorary membership may be conferred upon those friends and benefactors of the Association or the Physical Therapy Department whose services the Association may desire to recognize. Such membership shall be awarded only upon the approval of two-thirds of the PTAA Board of Directors.
- All members of the faculty and administrative staff and emeritus members of the faculty of the Physical Therapy Department shall be considered Associate Members.
- The Physical Therapy office will maintain a roster of Members, Honorary Members and Associate Members.
Section 2. Elected and Appointed Members.
The PTAA shall be organized in the following manner:
- The PTAA is composed of a four-member Board of Directors and a general membership. The PTAA maintains contact with the UTC Physical Therapy Department through a designated Faculty Liaison.
- The PTAA will be governed by the Board of Directors. The Board consists of four alumni. One Board member serves as Secretary, one Board member serves as Treasurer; and one Board member assumes the role of UTC Alumni Association Liaison (see Article 4, Section 4). The Board of Directors includes an ex-officio Faculty Liaison designated by the Physical Therapy Department. The Faculty Liaison appoints a current physical therapy graduate student each year to facilitate student representation.
- At the August business meeting of the PTAA, a new Board of Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the members present. The same voting practice will occur at the August business meeting each year.
- Board members may not be appointed for more than two consecutive years.
Section 3. Vacancies.
Any vacancy occurring among the elected members of the Board of Directors shall be filled by the remaining Board members with the assistance of the Faculty Liaison. The appointed Board member will serve the duration of that term, and can then serve two regular terms if elected to do so.
Section 4. Constituent Alumni Membership.
- A Constituent Alumni Organization is defined as an approved academic, athletic department or school.
- An appointed Board Member of the PTAA shall serve as a member of the UTC Alumni Council during their tenure on the Board of the organization.
- Any PTAA vacancy occurring among the Constituent members of the Alumni Council will be filled by the PTAA Alumni Chair-elect.
Article 3. Meetings and Attendance
Section 1. Business Meetings.
Two regular business meetings shall be held each year, one each in August and January.
Section 2. Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the PTAA may be called at the request of at least two of the four members of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Quorum.
At any regular or special business meeting of the PTAA properly called, at least nine (9) members must be present to constitute a quorum.
Section 4. Minutes.
Regular minutes of proceedings are to be submitted by the Secretary within 14 days of the meeting to the Faculty Liaison, who maintains records at the Physical Therapy office.
Article 4. Officers
Section 1. Officers.
The PTAA will be governed by the Board of Directors. The Board consists of four alumni with emphasis areas (students, faculty, alumni and community). One Board member serves as Secretary, one serves as Treasurer; and one Board member assumes the role of UTC Alumni Association Liaison (see Article 4, Section 4). The Board of Directors includes an ex-officio Faculty Liaison designated by the Physical Therapy. The Faculty Liaison appoints a current physical therapy major each year to facilitate student involvement in the PTAA.
Section 2. Election of Officers.
The Board of Directors shall be elected by majority vote from the membership of the PTAA on an annual basis at the August business meeting of the PTAA. Their term of office will begin immediately on September 1. If a member of the PTAA shall decline to serve upon election to the Board, the member receiving the next highest number of votes for the position shall automatically succeed to the position.
Section 3. Terms of Office.
The Board members each shall hold those positions for the operational year for which they have been elected. Board members may not be appointed for more than two consecutive years.
Section 4. Duties.
- The Board of Directors shall perform the usual duties of such officers and have general charge of the affairs of the PTAA.
- The chairman of the PTAA shall preside at the business meetings of the PTAA, and shall prepare the agenda with the assistance of the Secretary. One Board member will assume the role of UTC Alumni Association Liaison.
- The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all action taken by the PTAA. The Secretary shall distribute, or have distributed, copies of the minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall oversee publicity efforts on behalf of the PTAA.
- The Treasurer shall have auditing control over the checking account for the PTAA. The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial affairs of the PTAA at each regular Business meeting.
Article 5. Elections
Section 1. Elections. Members of the PTAA Board of Directors shall be elected by the PTAA members on an annual basis. The annual election for new members to the PTAA shall be held each August so that the new Board members may be qualified to assume their positions in October.
Section 2. Nominations.
Nominations for new PTAA Board members will be sought from the members of the PTAA. Those selected as nominees for the PTAA Board shall be placed on the official election ballot but only after having first signified their understanding of the responsibilities of service on the Board and their willingness to give their time and effort in such service. Nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected.
Section 3. Officers.
The Board of Directors shall be elected by the PTAA membership. They shall serve for the operational year to which they have been elected.
Section 4. Nomination of Officers.
Nominations from the floor may be made at the August meeting. The new officers shall be elected by the plurality of those members of the PTAA present and voting in person.
Article 6. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the members present at any meeting of the PTAA held after at least 10 days written notice of the proposed amendment change, provided that such vote shall thereafter be ratified by a quorum of the present membership of the PTAA at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.
Article 7. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees.
Standing Committees of the PTAA shall include:
- Students: The purpose of this committee's work is to enhance the long-term benefits of the physical therapy program for students.
- Faculty: The purpose of this committee's work is to enhance the long-term benefits of the physical therapy program for faculty.
- Alumni: The purpose of this committee's work is to enhance the long-term benefits of the physical therapy program for alumni.
- Community: The purpose of this committee's work is to enhance the long-term benefits of the physical therapy program for the community.
Section 2. Special Committees.
The Board of Directors shall appoint such committees and committee chairpersons as deemed necessary.
Article 8. Procedure
Section 1. Operational Year.
The PTAA shall have an operational year from September 1 to August 31.
Section 2. Fiscal Year.
The PTAA shall have a fiscal year from January 1 to December 31.
Section 3. Procedure.
Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern all meetings of the PTAA and its committees.