Physical Therapy

We received our initial accreditation by CAPTE in 1992, and have been continuously accredited since that time. UTC has been awarding the DPT since 2003.
Welcome UTC DPT Class of 2027!
The DPT fall 2025 application cycle is now closed.
The fall 2026 cycle will open in June 2025.

Ranked the Best Value DPT Program in
Tennessee by
"The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s DPT is proof positive that you
don’t need to sacrifice quality for affordability."
Student Outcomes
98.5% DPT Graduation Rate
Average graduation rate of 98.5% for the last two graduating classes ( 2023- 100%, 2024- 97%).
96.9% First-Time Pass Rate
Average first time pass rate of 96.9% on the National Physical Therapy Exam for the last two graduating classes (2023- 96.9%, 2024- 96.9%).
100% ultimate pass rate for the classes of 2023 & 2024.
100% Employment Rate
100% of those who graduated in 2022 and 2023 and sought employment are employed in physical therapy (full-time or part-time) within one year of graduation.
News Updates
The Physical Therapy Program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).
- 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085
- Phone: 703-706-3245
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
If you need to contact UTC's program directly, call 423-425-4747 or email [email protected]
Federal code 668.43 (a)(5)(v) -
The UTC DPT Program has determined that its curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification in all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands secondary to its accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, based on the following:
CAPTE accreditation of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant program satisfies state educational requirements in all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Thus, students graduating from CAPTE-accredited physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs are eligible to take the National Physical Therapy Examination and apply for licensure in all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For more information regarding state qualifications and licensure requirements, refer to the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy website at
Contact Information
If you have a concern about the accreditation status of the program or wish to express a concern about the accreditation process and/or have a complaint about the UTC DPT Program, you are encouraged to contact CAPTE at .
For Complaints Falling Outside of Due Process Procedures
Complaints that fall outside of due process procedures and that are not subject to a specific University grievance procedure should be directed to Dr. Nancy Fell, Department Head, Physical Therapy, at [email protected] or Dr. Valerie Rutledge, Dean of the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies, at [email protected]. Retaliation for filing a complaint is prohibited.