Smoke-Free Campus
To promote a healthy and safe work, educational, and living environment, and to comply with applicable state laws regarding smoking, UTC is a smoke-free campus.
The use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaping devices, or any other illegal tobacco products by UTC employees, students, and visitors is not permitted on campus. Smoking is prohibited in and on all University-controlled property, including private vehicles when parked or operated on University-controlled property. Littering with tobacco products or the remains of any tobacco products on University-controlled property is also prohibited.
If you see someone smoking on University-controlled property, help us keep our campus healthy by respectfully reminding them of our smoke-free campus policy. Employee supervisors should also be notified of any recurring concerns with employees smoking on University-controlled property. Supervisors should contact the Office of Human Resources for assistance with handling persistent concerns with employees violation of UT Policy SA0900 - Smoking.
For more information, please refer to the UTC Smoke Free Campus Policy and UT Policy SA0900 - Smoking.
Assistance with smoking cessation for employees is available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Please refer to this campus map for help identifying smoke-free areas. Although smoking is permitted on roadways and sidewalks maintained by the City of Chattanooga (highlighted in gray), as well as public property surrounding the campus, roadways and sidewalks highlighted in gold are University-controlled and considered smoke-free zones. Please contact the Office of Safety & Risk Management with any questions regarding the campus map and location University-controlled property.