Professional Development
UTC’s Office of Human Resources is committed to providing ongoing quality development opportunities for our employees.
UTC is invested in the professional success and enrichment of our employees. The Office of Human Resources offers training in a variety of formats ranging from instructor led to online modules as well as customized training workshops for departments on campus. Our training programs are designed to align with UTC’s Strategic Plan. We also strive to leverage industry best practices and design to meet the overall goals and objectives of the University to foster continual professional growth in a truly supportive learning environment.
Employees are encouraged to speak with their supervisors about taking advantage of available resources for professional development. We also encourage supervisors to collaborate with Human Resources staff to help identify training opportunities that may address a skill or performance gap. For more information about how Human Resources can assist with your professional development needs, contact Nicholle Harrison, Talent Management Specialist, at [email protected].
In addition to the Office of Human Resources, below are other UTC professional development resources for faculty and staff:
- K@TE: UT Learning Management System offers over 300 e-learning courses.
- Walker Center for Teaching and Learning: Offers faculty training and support for teaching.
- UTC Library: Offers workshops to support faculty, staff, and students.
- Center for Professional Education: Offers programs that help obtain skills or credentials.