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Supervisor Checklist for Onboarding New Employees
Purpose: The Supervisor Checklist serves as a resource for successfully onboarding a regular staff new hire.
The checklist will walk you through recommended steps to successfully orient your new employee. It is meant to guide, rather than restrict. Some checklist items may not be applicable to your area or to a transferred employee.
- Pre-Arrival
- Send an internal announcement introducing the new employee.
- Provide new employee with start time, where to report on first day, and what to bring.
- Prepare the first day and first week agenda for new employee, including new employee orientation appointments with Human Resources.
- Schedule time to spend with new employee on the day of arrival.
- Prepare workspace for new employee, if applicable (consider including a welcome gift such as a small plant or card).
- Set up new employee’s computer with email, NetID, internet account privileges, and software applications, if applicable.
- Contact HR for any additional onboarding questions.
- Arrival (First Day/Week)
- Introduce new employee to staff and provide tour of facility.
- Discuss organizational chart and share culture and history of the university and department.
- Review New Employee Checklist and ensure completion of relevant tasks.
- Review position description and discuss role expectations and responsibilities.
- Discuss Policy HR0135 - Probationary Period and Probationary Period Performance Review
- Discuss departmental protocols for vacation, sick days, holidays, hours of work, flexible scheduling, requests for time off, dress code, etc.
- Explain general office operations (examples: mail pick up, copy machine, telephone, printer, timesheets, etc.).
- Provide a staff directory and employee handbook, and order office keys, building keycards, and business cards, if applicable.
- Ensure new employee has all materials necessary to perform the duties of their position, and order supplies, if needed.
- Schedule meetings with key contacts and departments.
- Review safety/emergency procedures and resources, including UTC-ALERT Text and Email Registration
- Schedule any required training (examples: leadership, IRIS, communications, university policies, emergency preparedness, occupational safety, etc.)
- Select an employee on your team to become a MOC Connector to the new hire:
- First 30-60 Days
- Continue to meet with the new hire regularly to discuss their experiences and answer any questions.
- Continue to clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations as needed, and provide ongoing coaching and feedback.
- Ensure employee has all necessary materials and is becoming familiar with campus.
- Model the kinds of behaviors you would like to instill in your new employee.
- First 90 Days
- Schedule first coaching session and discuss progress on performance goals and role expectations (mid-way through six-month probationary period).
- Share initial feedback, comments, and concerns, and ask for feedback on orientation, on-boarding process, and peer mentor.
- First 180 Days
- Conduct Probationary Period Performance Review * prior to end of six-month probationary period and submit to Human Resources at [email protected].
- Explain UTC’s performance management process.
* Note: New employees may require assistance in developing the competencies necessary to be successful in their new role and meeting performance expectations. Because the probationary period serves as an assessment period for all new hires, the process for addressing performance improvement varies from the progressive disciplinary process utilized for regular employees beyond their regular probationary period. A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) can be implemented at any time the supervisor observes or concludes that improvement in competencies and behaviors is necessary.
Addressing performance improvement in a constructive and timely manner best enables the new employee to understand expectations and pursue avenues for success. Please contact Human Resources with any questions related to the use of performance improvement plans, and documenting employee performance and performance discussions.
- First Year
- Evaluate progress on objectives, discuss performance, and develop goals for the following year.