HR0128 Policy

UT Policy HR0128 strongly encouraging every employee at the University of Tennessee to complete a minimum of 32 hours of job and career-related training per calendar year. HRO128 applies to all regular employees, however, the number of training hours for part-time employees may be prorated.
Training should relate to your present position or enhance your skills for future job growth. With supervisor's approval, classes both within and outside the university, conferences, and seminars will count toward your 32 hours.
Employees will notify their supervisor that they intend to submit an external training for credit through K@TE (pronounced "Kate"), the University of Tennessee’s new learning management system. Training credits in K@TE are automatically transferred into DASH, which is the official record of training for University employees.
- How do I submit training for my record?
When a training is launched via K@TE or you have attended a training which required you to register in K@TE, your training credit will automatically be recorded and will be transferred into your official record in DASH without you having to do anything further.
For trainings taken outside of K@TE or registration in K@TE was not required, you will need to submit for External Training Credit.
- How do I access my training history?
Employees may generate reports of completed training for sharing with supervisors by visiting the DASH Web Portal, click on "Employee Self-Service, Finance, and Human Resources" then click on "Company Single Sign-on" if prompted. NOTE: This area is currently under construction as we transition to DASH. Please submit a DASH inquiry here with questions regarding our new processes.
- How can departments access training record of their employees?
Most department DASH users have access and ability to run the S_PH9_46000431 - Attendee's Training History report to view completed training records for an individual employee or multiple employees within an organizational unit. You may utilize the instructions linked here for generating these reports. NOTE: This area is currently under construction as we transition to DASH. Please submit a DASH inquiry here with questions regarding our new processes. To visit the new Employee Self-Service in DASH, please go here and click on "Employee Self-Service, Finance, and Human Resources" then click on "Company Single Sign-on" if prompted.
- Frequently Asked Questions in K@TE