Campus Compliance Training Curriculum
Core Compliance Programs
Understanding how to comply with and report violations of laws, policies and related procedures is critical in protecting our faculty, staff and those we serve as a demonstration of our University Values of Pursuing Excellence and living with Integrity and Civility. Our commitment to upholding these standards shapes the experiences of those around us and our ability to Build Community, Make Connections and Develop Careers.
Our new consolidated compliance training curriculum is comprised of Core Compliance Programs with one annual participation window to streamline compliance training requirements for our campus employees.
Who is eligible for annual compliance training requirements?
Employees will be assigned training completion requirements based on their eligibility for each compliance program, which may be based on employee type or areas of responsibility. You may view the “Who” information for each compliance program listed below for more details.
How will I learn about my requirements and access the curriculum?
To further enhance the employee experience, all curriculum courses will be accessed and completed within the K@TE learning management system. You may access K@TE with your NETID and password at any time to view and complete your assigned UTC Compliance Training and UTC Clery/Campus Security Authority courses. However, individual e-mail notifications will be sent to each employee when the assignments are made available in K@TE for completion. E-mail reminders will also be distributed on a recurring basis during the completion period until the requirement is met.
To access and complete assigned compliance training in K@TE:
- Open a web browser
- Go to
- Select UT Faculty and Staff button
- Login with your NETID and password
- Select the My Active Courses icon
- You will see your assigned Compliance curriculum
- Select Open Curriculum to get started
How Can members of campus leadership help us achieve 100% compliance?
Compliance is everyone's responsibility. Our campus leadership members are expected to assist with establishing a culture of accountability and fostering compliance to uphold our campus values. To do so, you may utilize the resources below to require employees to self-report completion or generate completion reports from IRIS to monitor compliance for your team(s).
Employees may generate reports of completed training for sharing with supervisors by visiting My IRIS Web Portal > Employee Self-Service > Personal Information > My HR128 Training History.
Most department IRIS users have access and ability to run the S_PH9_46000431 - Attendee's Training History report to view completed training records for an individual employee or multiple employees within an organizational unit. You may utilize the instructions linked here for generating these reports.
Final reporting of employees that met compliance requirements and those who did not complete them by the December 1 deadline will be distributed to the Chancellor and Executive Leadership Team each year.
Please refer all questions related to employee assignments for compliance programs to the Campus Compliance Lead identified as a Point of Contact on the Compliance Training Curriculum website.
All questions regarding access to K@TE and training report should be referred to Nicholle Harrison, Talent Management Specialist, at [email protected]
All compliance training programs will be open from August until December 1 for annual completion requirements.
Title IX
UTC’s Title IX annual training consists of two modules: (1) Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX and (2) Building Supportive Communities: Taking Action. The Clery Act and Title IX module takes a close look at the issue of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking, in higher education. Completion of this module satisfies the annual Title IX training requirement.
The Taking Action module supports ongoing education requirements on ways to prevent sexual harassment, maintain a safe campus community, and prepare faculty and staff to provide supportive and effective responses when someone may have experienced sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking. Completion of this module satisfies the annual mandatory reporter training requirement.
Both modules include interactive skill-building exercises, scenarios, and a final assessment.
- Who?
All regular faculty and staff, temporary adjunct faculty, temporary staff and graduate student workers are required to complete this training.
- When?
Upon hire and then annually thereafter. Employees are notified of required training in August with completion mandatory by December 1.
- Where?
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
The online modules are assigned as part of UTC’s ongoing effort to create a safer and more welcoming campus and in in order to comply with Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act.
- Contact
If you have any questions, please contact UTC’s Title IX Coordinator, Anitra Barrett, at (423) 425-4255 or [email protected].
Title VI
This course defines Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, explains UT’s Title VI obligations, presents examples of discriminatory practices, defines Limited English Proficiency, and explains complaint procedures and prohibition on retaliation.
- Who?
All regular faculty and staff.
- When?
Upon hire and then annually thereafter. Employees are notified of required training in August with completion mandatory by December 1.
- Where?
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
Impact of Non-Compliance to Employees/Institution: Title VI training is enforced by the Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC) for all state agencies, including UT. The annual Title VI training is part of the institution’s compliance protocol and serves to ensure that the institutional members remain knowledgeable and familiar with anti-discrimination laws and policies.
- Contact
If you have any questions, or to schedule in-person training sessions, please contact UTC’s Title VI Coordinator, Rosite Delgado, at (423) 425-5760 or [email protected]
IT Security Awareness
Security Awareness training will cover a variety of security topics including phishing, ransomware, and best practices. Training will educate users on the role they play in protecting data at UTC.
- Who?
All regular faculty and staff, temporary adjunct faculty and temporary staff, and graduate student workers, except non-computer users.
- When?
Upon hire and then annually thereafter. Employees are notified of required training in August with completion mandatory by December 1.
- Where?
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
Per System-wide Policy IT0123, each campus must have a program that follows the National Institute of Standards (NIST) 800 series guidelines for maintaining the security skills of the University’s workforce. After training is due, department heads will receive a list of employees who have not completed their assigned training and will be expected to follow up with those employees.
- Contact
- More Info
Email [email protected] for technical issues
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
- Who?
All regular faculty and staff, temporary adjunct faculty and graduate students requesting access to student information are required to complete FERPA Training.
- When?
Completion is required prior to granting access to student information. Training must be completed within 15 days of hire date and bi-annually thereafter between August and December 1.
- Where?
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students." (Dept of Education)
The training is to ensure that anyone accessing student education records understands the obligations under FERPA for proper use and protection of student records. A record of individuals who have completed FERPA training will be maintained by the Office of the University Registrar.
Access to the student information system will not be granted until training is completed.
- Contact
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires certain categories of crimes, arrests and referrals that occur in Clery-defined geographical locations to be reported in an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report that is published by October 1st each year and is made available to the campus community. Additionally, campus crimes are reported on the 60-Day Crime Log that is posted on the UTC Clery webpage. The Clery Act also requires the university to identify certain individuals as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who are responsible for reporting crimes on campus for recording on the 60-day Crime Log as well as the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Individuals are identified as CSAs based on job functions and responsibilities. Many new and continuing employees are required to complete Clery Act Basics accessed through K@TE’s direct link with Vector Solutions, formerly known as EverFi.
- Who?
Many new and continuing employees are required to complete Clery Act Basics. Campus Security Authorities are defined as: (1) Campus police, (2) security officers, (3) individuals specified in university policies as those to whom students and employees should report criminal offenses, and (4) officials of the university who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities.
- When?
Initial training, if required, is mandated to be completed within 60 days of hire date and is assigned upon completion of Orientation and receipt of CSA Questionnaire accessed during Orientation. Annual training is required thereafter. Employees are notified of required training in August with completion mandatory by December 1.
- Where?
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
Campus Security Authority (CSA) training is enforced through Department of Education 34 CFR Part 668. Fines of up to $62,689 per Clery Act Violation are possible for non-compliance with employee training and reporting of crimes per incident.
- Contact
Please contact UTC’s Clery Compliance Coordinator, Becky Epperson, at (423) 425-5961 or [email protected] with any questions.
Code of Conduct
This course discusses the importance of the Code of Conduct. The training ensures employees understand and strive to exemplify the Code’s expectations for behavior, while also serving the University through good faith reporting of any potential concerns.
- Who
All regular faculty and staff.
- When
Upon hire and then annually thereafter. Employees are notified of required training in August with completion mandatory by December 1.
- Where
Training is delivered online in the K@TE learning management system as a core course included in the Campus Compliance Training Curriculum. Employees may log in to K@TE using their NETID and Password.
- Why?
The UT HR0580-Code of Conduct policy defines community aspirations for workplace behavior, to provide guidance to employees about expectations for ethical and responsible conduct, and to articulate processes for enforcement of this policy.
This training is established to ensure employees understand expectations under University policy.
- Contact
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].