- Technical Requirements
Recommended Operating Systems (OS) to access the Taleo Job Portal include:
Windows Vista and above Mac OS X 10.9 and above Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, may not meet the requirements to view and apply for job openings in the Taleo Job Portal. It is highly recommended to use a desktop or laptop computer.
Note: JavaScript is required to view Taleo job openings and access the Taleo application portal.
Internet Explorer (IE) version 7 through 11 Google Chrome version 37 and above Mozilla Firefox version 32 and above Safari 7 and above
- How to Create an Applicant Profile
The Taleo Job Portal provides you with the ability to create a main profile to house all your application information. You can use this profile to apply for multiple job positions if you wish. You will see links to either log in with an existing username and password, or to create a "New User" profile when you click the "apply" button associated with any job opening.
Creating your username
Many employees already have Taleo profiles created with their UTCID number (abc123). However, please keep in mind that the Taleo Job Portal is separate from our internal personnel system, called DASH.
For new users, choose a username that is easy to remember but unique, and does not have spaces.
Creating your password
Creating a password in Taleo allows you to securely store your application information for future use. Your password does not expire. It must be between 6 and 32 characters in length, contain at least one letter and one number, and must be different from your username.
If you forgot your username and/or your password, please click the Forgot Your Password/Forgot Your Username link found on the login page to reset your password or to retrieve your username. Note: You will need to enter a valid email address to receive an email that will reset your password.
Entering your email address
If you do not have an email address, you can create one through many web sites, such as Google (Gmail), Yahoo! (Yahoo Mail), etc. Some best practice tips when creating and using email addresses for job applications include:
Enter a personal email address, rather than an email address associated with business, as your Taleo profile email. This way, you will always be able to access your email regardless of your current or future workplace. Do not use email addresses that contain highly personal, inflammatory or otherwise unprofessional words and/or number sequences. Generally, it is suggested to use a variation of your name for your email address, such as "[email protected]".
- How to Apply for Open Job Positions
Filling out your job application
On the left-hand column of this page, you may choose which job openings to view under the "Work at UTC" drop-down column.
Prospective Staff may apply for positions listed on either the External or Internal Career Site, via the link provided on the Staff Job Openings page. Temporary positions are listed on the right-hand side of the Staff Job Openings page, with unique instructions to apply indicated.
Prospective Faculty/Adjunct Faculty may apply for jobs listed on the Faculty Career Site, via the link provided on the Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Job Openings page. For all positions except temporary job openings, click on the respective link depending the type of job to apply, and find the open job position from the list provided within our site housed in Taleo, our job applicant tracking system (ATS). Click on the title of the job position to see additional details, including job description and qualifications. Click “Apply Online”. You will redirect to a Login page. If you are a new user, enter in a username, password, and email address. You will then be redirected to a “Registration Confirmation” screen, and click OK. You will then be directed to a Welcome screen to start navigation through the application process for the job you chose. If you wish to save your information as you navigate through the application process and continue with the next step in the application, click “Save and Continue”. If you wish to save your progress and return back to the application at a later time, click “Save as Draft”. When you log back into the Taleo application program, you will see a pencil beside the job opening you are applying for, as well as an option to “Finish Draft Submission”. You may click on “Finish Draft Submission” to finish and submit your application. You may also access your draft submissions by clicking on the “My Jobpage” tab at the top of the screen. Some tips during navigation:
- If you live in the United States, your phone number will start with “01”, and will follow the format “01-xxx-xxx-xxxx”. For example, the UTC HR office would be listed as: 01-423-425-4221
- To be considered for the position to which you are applying, it is strongly suggested to enter all relevant information, including number of years of work experience, as indicated within the Taleo application program. If you are asked to list work experience, enter in the appropriate amount of work experience within the actual “Work Experience” fields, as opposed to simply uploading your resume/CV.
- Make sure that all attached files you wish to submit are marked as “Relevant Files”. NOTE: Only files checked as “relevant files” will be considered for inclusion with your application.
- If you wish to withdraw your application at any time, click “Quit” at the bottom of your screen. You will be asked if you wish to withdraw your application, and click “Yes”.
- At the end of the application process, you will be asked to electronically sign your application. Follow the prompts to adequately sign your name electronically to be considered for the position to which you are applying.
Are you an adjunct instructor?Please keep the following in mind: Some of our incumbent adjunct faculty profiles were imported into Taleo, but Taleo does not communicate with DASH or any other UTC-based software program (email, etc.). Therefore, you may notice that you have a UTC-based login profile name that is the same as your UTCID, but your password does not match your current UTC email password. To successfully get your password reset, click on "forgot password" at the login screen, and enter in you email address in this fashion: [email protected]. This will reset your password and send the link to your UTC email address ([email protected]), but will recognize your DASH-based profile information by using the "@tennessee.edu" email name.
- How to Edit an Existing Job Application
If you need to edit or update the information provided in your original job submission:
- On the left-hand column of this page, you may choose which job openings to view under the "Work at UTC" drop-down column. Prospective Staff may apply for positions listed on either the External or Internal Career Site, via the link provided on the Staff Job Openings page. Temporary positions are listed on the right-hand side of the Staff Job Openings page, with unique instructions to apply indicated. Prospective Faculty/Adjunct Faculty may apply for jobs listed on the Faculty Career Site, via the link provided on the Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Job Openings page.
- For all positions except temporary job openings, click on the respective link depending the type of job to apply, and find the open job position from the list provided within our site housed in Taleo, our job applicant tracking system (ATS).
- Click on the “Sign In” link found at the top right-hand corner of the job list.
- Enter your username and password used when you created your profile in Taleo. (If you do not remember your username and/or your password, you may click the “Forgot…?” links below the sign-in fields to receive a reminder of your username or to generate a new password via email.)
- You will now be brought to a screen that includes the job posting list, but also shows that you are signed in at the top left. Click on the “My Jobpage” tab under your name.
- Within the “My Jobpage” tab, you will see any draft (unfinished) job submissions, as well as completed submissions by name. Under each name, look for options to “finish draft” or to “view/edit”. Note: If you are only given the option to “View” a job submission, the position opening is now closed for review or consideration and you will not be able to edit your submission.
- If you are able to do so, click either “finish draft” or “view/edit” submission, and you will be brought to either the last page you completed if it is for a draft submission, or to the summary “Review and Submit” page for those you completed but wish to edit.
- Under the “Review and Submit” page at the end of your job application, click on the “Edit” button beside any information you wish to update.
- Pay special attention to the “Attachments” field. NOTE: Only attachments checked as "relevant files" will be considered for inclusion with your application. If your attached files are not marked as "relevant", please modify your application. In the attachments section, click the edit button beside the Attachments field and check the "Relevant Files" box next to those files you wish for us to consider with your application. If they are not checked as "relevant" then the hiring manager will not be able to see the attachment. Then, click "Save."
- When you are finished, click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the “Review and Submit” page.
- Checking on the Status of Your Application
After you apply successfully to an open position, or if you still have draft submissions remaining:
View these by logging into your account through the UTC HR website, then clicking on the “My Jobpage” tab. From there, you will see the status of your completed submissions, as well as be able to access your draft submissions and complete or withdraw the application as desired.
- Logging in as a Search Committee Member
If you are a search committee member, you can log into Taleo directly at ut.taleo.net.
Additional assistance can be provided by contacting the Recruitment Specialist assigned to your Division.
- Student Employment Through The Career Connections Office
The Career Connections Office provides access to part-time jobs, internships, and career positions. These are divided into two areas: Help Wanted and Handshake. Help Wanted is the place to find short-term positions such as yardwork, tutoring and babysitting. Handshake is a dynamic career management platform with a multitude of resources, including a jobs board for internships and career positions. Click here to make your way to The Career Connections Office.
- Regular Faculty Applicants Using Interfolio/Dossier Services For Letters of Recommendation
Using a Dossier Service (e.g. Interfolio) to Provide Confidential Letters of Recommendation (Regular Faculty Searches Only)
Please review the following steps to ensure successful delivery of your letters from Interfolio:
- Log into your dossier service to request email addresses that will link to your recommendation letters. For example, within your Interfolio account, you will need to click on the “Start a Delivery” option and then “Add Delivery.”
- You will be provided with a link to generate an email address for an online-based application.
- Generate a unique email for each reference by uploading each letter of recommendation you wish to submit separately within the “Create an Online Application Delivery” webpage.
- Within UTC’s online application system (Taleo), copy and paste each unique email address provided to you by the proxy service into the respective references in the “References” section within your application. You will need to repeat steps 3 and 4 for each reference provided.
- You will receive an email from Interfolio within one business day stating that the delivery of your recommendation letter to Taleo was created. Review the "How to Edit an Existing Job Application" section on this page for instructions on how to update or add a reference to your application to reflect the Interfolio-based email address.
- Email [email protected] to inform HR that you have updated your references so we may send out an email invitation to Interfolio for you. This process will take 1-2 business days.
- IMPORTANT: You will need to log back into your Interfolio account after you receive an email from Interfolio and navigate to your “Pending Deliveries” page. You will need to confirm each letter and click “Check Out” to successfully upload your letter of recommendation to your application.;
- Questions About Letters of Recommendation for Regular Faculty Searches
The UTC Faculty Career Site has the capability to collect and store confidential letters of recommendation written on behalf of candidates for regular faculty positions. Below are frequently asked questions regarding letters of recommendation.
1. How does the UTC Faculty Career Site collect letters of recommendation?
Upon request of the search committee, letters of recommendation invitations are sent from;[email protected] to the email addresses provided by the faculty candidate. The invitation includes a link that allows references to upload or copy/paste a confidential letter of recommendation within the application.
An initial recommendation invitation is sent to the requested reference, with an email reminder after seven days. After 14 days, a final email is sent to both the reference and the candidate to advise that the requested letter of recommendation has not been received; and provide additional instructions for providing alternate references, if needed.
2. Why did I receive more than one recommendation request for the same person?
Letters of recommendation are appended to INDIVIDUAL positions. Therefore, references may be contacted multiple times to solicit a letter of recommendation if the candidate has applied for multiple positions. Search committee members may differ between positions and therefore letters of recommendation may not be seen from one committee to another.
3. Can I send a letter of recommendation directly to UTC?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept any recommendations sent to us via email for consideration or to append to a job posting submission. However, instructions on how to upload letters provided by a dossier service or proxy are indicated below.
4. Who can see/read my letter of recommendation?
Only search committee members who are assigned to the position the candidate applied for, as well as Human Resources and the Office of Equity and Inclusion, can see letters of recommendation for candidates. Candidates themselves cannot view letters submitted by references.
5. When are letters of recommendation due?
Letters of recommendation are encouraged to be submitted as soon as possible to provide search committee members with as much information as possible within an application.
6. Can a proxy/administrative assistant provide letters of recommendation on references’ behalf for candidates?
It is best to use references’ individual email addresses. However, if reference(s) insist on using a proxy, please instruct the candidate to provide the proxy’s email address within their application in the “References” section, and have them contact [email protected] for alternate steps.
7. Why didn’t my reference receive a request to submit a letter of recommendation?
If a candidate receives an email from our application system stating that a reference was unable to be contacted, the following troubleshooting points may be helpful:
There may be accidental errors, typos, or special accents/characters in the contact information provided by the candidate. Note that our application system (Taleo) cannot send emails to email addresses which contain accents or special characters.
If there are typos, please review the “What if I need to Change/Update my List of References” section of this webpage.
If there are no special characters/typos in email addresses provided, please request references to check SPAM folders. Email invitations for recommendation letters are sent from [email protected]. If a proxy or dossier service is listed as a contact, this may create additional issues in receiving letters of recommendation. Please see please review the “What if I am Using a Dossier Service” section below for further instructions. The file size of your letter of recommendation may be too large to be uploaded successfully into the application. Letters must be less than 5MB or they may not be automatically uploaded to Taleo. References can use compression methods to decrease their file size if needed. The search committee attributed to the position may not yet have requested letters of recommendation to be solicited.
If issues are still occurring, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
8. How do I change/update my list of references?
If the position is still posted, the candidate can update reference information as well as review their application by logging into the UTC faculty career site and clicking on “my job page.”
Once updated, please email [email protected] to notify us of this change. We can then request new email invitations to be sent to references. This process can take up to 1-2 business days for new or updated references to receive an email invitation.
If the position is no longer posted, please email [email protected] for further assistance.
9. Can I use a dossier service (e.g. Interfolio) to provide letters of recommendation?
Candidates may use a dossier service to provide letters of recommendation. Please review the following steps to ensure successful delivery of recommendation letters from a dossier service:
- Log into your dossier service to request email addresses that will link to your letters of recommendation. For example, within your Interfolio account, you will need to click on the “Start a Delivery” option and then “Add Delivery.”
- You will be provided with a link to generate an email address for an online-based application.
- Generate a unique email for each reference by uploading each letter of recommendation you wish to submit separately within the “Create an Online Application Delivery” webpage.
- Within UTC’s online application system (Taleo), copy and paste each unique email address provided to you by the proxy service into the respective references in the “References” section within your application. You will need to repeat steps 3 and 4 for each reference provided.
- You will receive an email from Interfolio within one business day stating that the delivery of your letter of recommendation to Taleo was created. Click here for instructions on how to update or add a reference to your application to reflect the Interfolio-based email address.
- Email [email protected]to inform HR that you have updated your references so we may send out an email invitation to Interfolio for you. This process will take 1-2 business days.
- IMPORTANT: You will need to log back into your Interfolio account after you receive an email from Interfolio and navigate to your “Pending Deliveries” page. You will need to confirm each letter and click “Check Out” to successfully upload your letter of recommendation to your application.