Business Management Training Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
The Office of Human Resources has collaborated with campus partners to identify a comprehensive list of resources important to the success of our campus Supervisors, Academic Department Heads, and Administrative Support/Business Managers. These critical roles are essential to the mission of our university, and we are hopeful that this resource guide will help support your success.
The goal of each role-specific track is to introduce critical University policies and procedures, access to systems you will need to utilize throughout your work and provide access to a variety of recommended competency development opportunities. We encourage you to discuss these resources with your manager to better understand how they may directly relate to your role and responsibilities.
You will note that we have suggested certain online K@TE competency development offerings that are available, but we encourage you to look for campus announcements regarding additional opportunities and resources in various competency areas.
Have a suggestion for something to add to these resource guides? Please contact Nicholle Harrison at [email protected].
The consolidated online compliance training curriculum in K@TE (UTC learning management system) is comprised of eight compliance programs with one annual participation window to streamline compliance training requirements for our campus employees.
- Who should complete?
Employees will be assigned training completion requirements based on their eligibility for each compliance program, which may be based on employee type or areas of responsibility.
- When should it be completed?
Except for new hires, the training curriculum must be completed between October 1 and December 31.
- What are the training topics?
ADA, Clery, Code of Conduct, FERPA, IT Security, Sexual Harassment, Title IV, Title IX
Business Operation
Business operation training courses are designed to familiarize faculty and staff, particularly managers, with day-to-day functions that range from HR policies and procedures to systems that are accessed by faculty, staff, and students.
- Who should complete?
Employees in supervisory positions and administrative/business capacities
- When should it be completed?
Completing these courses within 90 days is encouraged. Please talk with your manager to help identify courses that would be helpful for you to complete sooner.
- What are the training topics?
Topics include Worker’s Compensation, Recruitment and Hiring, Banner Canvas, Office 365 (Please see the Business Operation track for the complete list)
Fiscal Operation
Fiscal operation training courses are designed to familiarize faculty and staff with day-to-day functions that involve accounting and financial policies and procedures.
- Who should complete?
Employees in supervisory positions and administrative/business capacities
- When should it be completed?
Completing these courses within 90 days is encouraged. Please talk with your manager to help identify courses that would be helpful for you to complete sooner.
- What are the training topics?
Topics include Procurement, Contracts, Travel, Budget, Accounts Payable (Please see the Fiscal Operation track for the complete list)
Management training courses are specifically designed to help UTC staff who manage performance learn new techniques and refine basic management skills.
- Who should complete?
Employees with supervisory roles
- When should it be completed?
Many offerings are in K@TE are self-paced, with no deadline and HR0128 credit is given upon completion. Others are offered in-person on campus and are available to Faculty/Staff who manage the performance of others or who will be taking that role. Monthly opportunities are sent out by HR via email to a Manager ListServ and are listed on the HR training calendar. All courses are free of charge unless otherwise specified.
- What are the training topics?
Performance Management, Strategic Management, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making (Advanced), Onboarding New Hires, Being a New Manager
Equipping employees of UTC to meet the challenges of today’s workspace requires development and training in not only “hard” tangible skills, but also in the more elusive, but critical, “soft” skills.
Here at UTC, we value soft skills training, particularly training in the art of communication, Emotional Intelligence, conflict navigation and leadership. In fact, our ongoing mission is to develop leaders and employees that engage in more effective conversations and productive conflict and communication. Thereby creating a healthy and engaged culture and an institution capable of successfully accomplishing its mission.
- Who should complete?
Employees interested in personal and/or professional growth.
- When should it be completed?
Many offerings are in K@TE are self-paced, with no deadline and HR0128 credit is given upon completion. Others are offered in-person on-campus and are available to all UTC employees. Monthly opportunities are sent out by HR and listed on the HR training calendar. All courses are free of charge unless otherwise specified.
- What are the training topics?
Topics include, but are not limited to: Communication, Conflict, Leadership, Team-Building, Decision Making, and Emotional Intelligence.
- Compliance
- Business Operation
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Workers' Compensation - Maintaining accurate and up-to-date staff position descriptions is an important management function to establish clarity regarding employee responsibilities, enable mission-driven goal setting, accurately evaluate performance and ensure proper position classification and compensation analyses. It is recommended for supervisors to review the accuracy of position descriptions with staff members annually. HR's Total Compensation Team is here to help you. You can contact them at [email protected]
- Recruitment and Hiring - Search Committee Training/Taleo - coming soon
- Recruitment and Hiring - Writing an Effective Staff Position Description
- IRIS (Approvals, Payroll, Unit Reporting, etc.) - IRIS (Integrated Resources Information System) is the enterprise resource planning system that provides financial, human resources, payroll, procurement, and budgeting functionality.
- Org Chart Manager - Supervisors receive a monthly e-mail notification from Org Chart Manager that provides a summary of the positions that report to them. If the information is correct, no action is required. If the information is incorrect, supervisors may log in to Org Chart Manager or use the IRIS Position Change E-Form to update the reporting structure appropriately.
- Anthology - Anthology planning is the platform used to collect outcomes assessment information. All offices, departments, and programs are required to follow the Outcomes Assessment timeline and process in order to be sure the great work happening across campus is captured. This process includes the development and assessment of at least three outcomes each cycle, with specific information required to document continuous improvement efforts.
- Time Keeping and Payroll - A large percentage of the University’s financial resources is expended on employees’ pay, so maintaining adequate control of the payroll function is important. Properly managing this function is also necessary to ensure the accurate and timely payment of salaries and wages.
- Onboarding :Successfully Onboarding Employees - This engaging virtual session, offered quarterly, will give you six tips to create an engaging onboarding plan of action for your new hires.
- Office 365 - UTC uses a shared (statewide) Microsoft Office 365 environment, which includes Outlook (email), SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams and other Microsoft 365 applications.
- Fiscal Operation
- Procurement/Purchasing Cards and Contracts - Procurement and purchasing cards (P-Cards) are tools that can help you streamline your purchasing process at UTC. Visit the Procurement landing page where comprehensive information about procurement and the card program may be found.
- Records Management - The Records Management policy for all UT-System entities is our organization’s process for creating, maintaining, storing, and removal of university records. This policy also describes how and when to properly dispose of university records while complying with applicable laws and regulations adhered to by each university institution under UT-System. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- Travel Policies & Procedures/Concur Travel System - Accounting Services handles all accounting functions of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. This includes: accounts payable, travel, accounting for grants and contracts, and transfer voucher processing. Accounting Services is also responsible for campus training of all accounting functions and travel. Concur is an online system that allows UT employees to access discounts and book work and personal travel all from one, central location. You can find all this information located on our webpage.
- Managing Resources - Departmental Budget - The Office of Budget and Finance is here to assist you in your departmental budget planning process. We have developed a Budget Process website Budget Process for you to review previous year’s budget process, see future budgeting information as it is available for the upcoming year. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- UTC Contract Services - The Office of Procurement and Contract Services assists departments and units throughout the UTC community with the contracting of goods and services
- UTC Surplus Services - The Office of Procurement and Contract Services assists departments and units throughout the UTC community with the management of university surplus property inventory.
- Management
- Welcoming Diversity - coming soon
- Strategic Planning - coming soon
- Transitioning from Colleague to Leader - "Becoming the Boss" - This course will help you transition seamlessly from employee to manager. First, you’ll learn about your new responsibilities and key differences between employee and manager roles. You’ll then explore the first steps every new manager should take, followed by some top tips to help you thrive. Finally, you’ll examine a few common challenges new managers face and how to overcome them.
- Performance Management - Crucial Conversations/Crucial Accountability
- Performance Management - Evaluating Staff
- Performance Management - Disciplinary Action and Related Policies and Procedures - All regular staff employees, including those hired pursuant to a Limited Duration Appointment, serve on an at will basis, meaning that either the University or the employee may end the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice, unless the University and employee have executed a written contract in accordance with Fiscal Policy FI0420, Contracts.
- Decision-Making - Making high-impact decisions are foundational skills in supervision. This course will explore types of decisions, decision-making styles, how supervision styles impact decision-making, and methods to enhance decision-making ability. Participants will gain an understanding of what is expected of supervisors in terms of decision-making and ways to develop confidence in decision-making.
- Problem-Solving - "Problem-Solving Fundamentals" - In this course, you’ll start with a five-step problem-solving process anyone can use.
- Problem-Solving - "Advanced Problem-Solving" - In this course, we’ll focus on sharpening problem-solving skills to help you deal with challenges big and small. Whether you’re new to problem-solving or just want to improve your skills, this course is packed with valuable information and proven strategies that will set you up for success. We’ll cover topics like divergent and convergent thinking, the benefits and risks of using heuristics in problem-solving, how to reframe problems to find creative solutions, and how to use design thinking to take a human-centered approach to solving complicated problems.
- Succession Planning - coming soon
- Delegating - In this K@TE course, you’ll learn why you should delegate, how to do it, how to select the right people for the job, and how to get out of the way so they can complete their assignments. (coming soon)
- Project Management - "Getting Started with Project Management" - In this K@TE course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of project management, including what a project manager does, what skills are necessary to the role, and how to optimize a team’s potential. You’ll also learn how to develop plans for a successful project and what you should do once the project is complete. By the end of the course, you’ll understand how to get manage your projects.
- Meeting Facilitation - "A Guide to Effective Meetings" - This course provides a guide to effective meetings—from both the meeting facilitators and participants perspective.
- Change Management - "Communicating Change" - coming soon
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication - "5 Languages of Appreciation for Managers" - This session will assist supervisors and managers in effectively communicating appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout for staff.
- Communication - "Workplace Communication Basics"
- Team Building - "True Colors for Managers" - This 2-hour interactive class will explore personality styles in relation to team dynamics, communication and conflict management. Highly visual and experiential, participants walk away with a better understanding of themselves and how they relate to their team and staff at UTC.
- Emotional Intelligence - In this course, you’ll first unpack what emotional intelligence is. Then you’ll learn to boost your emotional intelligence skills by strengthening your personal and social competence.
- Time Management - "Time Management Essentials" - This course will give you core strategies to tackle that problem. First, you’ll learn the basic principles of time management, along with some symptoms that could uncover poor uses of time. Then, you’ll discover how to track and analyze your time to boost productivity. Finally, you’ll get seven tips to start managing your time more effectively.
- Time Management - "Scheduling 101" - In this K@TE course, you’ll learn why scheduling is such a valuable skill set and how to create a schedule that works for you—not the other way around. You’ll also take away tips for prioritizing tasks and learn how to minimize procrastination so that you can actually stick to your schedule.
- Leadership - "Leading from Where You Are"
- Conflict Management - "Resolving Conflict"
- Conflict Management - "How to Have a Difficult Conversation" - coming soon
- Conflict Management - "A Manager's Guide to Resolving Team Conflict" - coming soon
- Customer Service - "Do You Have These 4 Customer Service Skills?" - In this course, you will uncover four essential customer service skills as well as tips, food for thought, and resources for developing these skills.
Academic Department Heads
- Compliance
- Business Operation
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Workers' Compensation - Maintaining accurate and up-to-date staff position descriptions is an important management function to establish clarity regarding employee responsibilities, enable mission-driven goal setting, accurately evaluate performance and ensure proper position classification and compensation analyses. It is recommended for supervisors to review the accuracy of position descriptions with staff members annually. HR's Total Compensation Team is here to help you. You can contact them at [email protected]
- Recruitment and Hiring - Search Committee Training/Taleo - coming soon
- Recruitment and Hiring - Writing an Effective Staff Position Description
- Banner - is the student information system for UTC and houses information about Financial Aid, Registration/Class Schedule, Tuition and Fees, and Academic History. There are two components to Banner: Self-Service Banner and INB. Access is granted to faculty and staff based on role and information needed. For more information on requesting access visit
- Canvas - Canvas is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows professors to post grades, information, and assignments online.Canvas is used at UTC to create online courses, to replace some of the normal time spent in the traditional classroom (“hybrid” or “blended”) or to supplement traditional classes (“web-enhanced”).
- IRIS (Approvals, Payroll, Unit Reporting, etc.) - IRIS (Integrated Resources Information System) is the enterprise resource planning system that provides financial, human resources, payroll, procurement, and budgeting functionality.
- Org Chart Manager - Supervisors receive a monthly e-mail notification from Org Chart Manager that provides a summary of the positions that report to them. If the information is correct, no action is required. If the information is incorrect, supervisors may log in to Org Chart Manager or use the IRIS Position Change E-Form to update the reporting structure appropriately.
- Anthology - Anthology planning is the platform used to collect outcomes assessment information. All offices, departments, and programs are required to follow the Outcomes Assessment timeline and process in order to be sure the great work happening across campus is captured. This process includes the development and assessment of at least three outcomes each cycle, with specific information required to document continuous improvement efforts.
- Time Keeping and Payroll - A large percentage of the University’s financial resources is expended on employees’ pay, so maintaining adequate control of the payroll function is important. Properly managing this function is also necessary to ensure the accurate and timely payment of salaries and wages.
- Onboarding: "Successfully Onboarding Employees" - This engaging virtual session, offered quarterly, will give you six tips to create an engaging onboarding plan of action for your new hires.
- Internet Native Banner
- Argos - is a reporting tool used by departments to pull information from the student information system in easy to access reports. Access is granted to faculty and staff based on department need and approval. For more information on requesting access visit
- Navigate - Navigate is a Student Success Platform that brings together faculty, advisors, administrators, staff, and students in a coordinated care network to proactively manage and promote student retention and success. UTC utilizes this platform to schedule advisement and student support, identify and perform outreach for at-risk students, and collect data about the efficacy of our current student support programs.
- Curriculog - Curriculog is UTCs curriculum review workflow system. Faculty and departments proposing new or modified programs and courses will use the system to submit information that will be routed through all of the necessary approvals. The system integrates with the online catalog which allows users to import information and make edits to the existing information rather than retyping all of the current details. Members of department, college or university committees responsible to review and approve curriculum proposals will access the system using UTCs CAS single sign-on. Resources are available in MyMocsNet by searching ‘Curriculum.’ The fall curriculum proposal cycle requires department head approval by October 15 followed by college committee approval by November 15 each year. Spring curriculum proposals should be approved by department heads by February 15 each year. Approved proposals are published in the catalog for the following academic year.
- Reach - Reach is the university’s CRM (Customer Relationship Database) or prospect and application database. This is used for student to apply to UTC for admission, communicate with prospective students and other various applications needed across campus for programs, events and scholarships. Graduate program coordinators will need access to review Graduate applications to UTC. Other departments/ individuals may also need access depending on individual duties and responsibilities. To request access, FERPA training must be completed first, then a request may be made to [email protected].
- University/Faculty Governance - coming soon
- Office 365 - UTC uses a shared (statewide) Microsoft Office 365 environment, which includes Outlook (email), SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams and other Microsoft 365 applications.
- Handshake - If you are charged with the responsibility of hiring an individual or a team, here is a platform to know. Outside of UT Taleo, likely the system you interacted with during your recruitment/job search process platform, the other one is Handshake. Handshake is the Career Management System that our students and alumni use to explore industries and organizations, search for internships and job opportunities, participate in virtual information sessions, and register for UTC-sponsored career programming. As a supervisor of students or recent graduates, you can request access to an employer account on the UTC Handshake portal and recruit for your open roles. For more information about accessing Handshake to recruit current students and recent graduates for your open roles, please contact Rob Liddell at [email protected].
- Fiscal Operation
- Procurement Card Training Curriculum K@TE
- Records Management - The Records Management policy for all UT-System entities is our organization’s process for creating, maintaining, storing, and removal of university records. This policy also describes how and when to properly dispose of university records while complying with applicable laws and regulations adhered to by each university institution under UT-System. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- Travel Policies & Procedures/Concur Travel System - Accounting Services handles all accounting functions of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. This includes: accounts payable, travel, accounting for grants and contracts, and transfer voucher processing. Accounting Services is also responsible for campus training of all accounting functions and travel. Concur is an online system that allows UT employees to access discounts and book work and personal travel all from one, central location. You can find all this information located on our webpage.
- Managing Resources - Departmental Budget - The Office of Budget and Finance is here to assist you in your departmental budget planning process. We have developed a Budget Process website Budget Process for you to review previous year’s budget process, see future budgeting information as it is available for the upcoming year. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- Sponsored Programs/CAYUSE - The UTC Office of Research & Sponsored Programs is the central administrative office for submission of sponsored programs proposals and receipt of sponsored grants and contracts. ORSP’s Pre-Award Services team offers support for research development, proposal and budget preparation, proposal submission to sponsors, and just-in-time requests. ORSP is the designated office on campus to intake sponsored funding. ORSP’s Post-Award Services team negotiates incoming research-related agreements (award contracts, non-disclosure agreements, data use agreements, memoranda of understanding, etc.) and originates subawards to external entities from sponsored funding. Cayuse is the University of Tennessee’s system of record for all sponsored projects. Cayuse is a web-based information platform that supports research and sponsored program administration. This application, implemented on all UT campuses, is the UT system of record for all grant applications and award documents, and facilitates internal review of proposal submissions as well as grant award and research-related contracts. Cayuse enables increased automation for processes such as internal routing, document retrieval, and account set-up and provides PIs and unit-level approvers access to sponsored program documents via a web portal.
- UTC Contract Services - The Office of Procurement and Contract Services assists departments and units throughout the UTC community with the contracting of goods and services.
- UTC Surplus Services - The Office of Procurement and Contract Services assists departments and units throughout the UTC community with the management of university surplus property inventory.
- Management
- Welcoming Diversity - coming soon Strategic Planning - coming soon
- Transitioning from Colleague to Leader - "Becoming the Boss" - This course will help you transition seamlessly from employee to manager. First, you’ll learn about your new responsibilities and key differences between employee and manager roles. You’ll then explore the first steps every new manager should take, followed by some top tips to help you thrive. Finally, you’ll examine a few common challenges new managers face and how to overcome them.
- Performance Management - Crucial Conversations/Crucial Accountability
- Performance Management - Evaluating Staff
- Performance Management - Disciplinary Action and Related Policies and Procedures
- Project Management - "Getting Started with Project Management" - In this course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of project management, including what a project manager does, what skills are necessary to the role, and how to optimize a team’s potential. You’ll also learn how to develop plans for a successful project and what you should do once the project is complete. By the end of the course, you’ll understand how to get manage your projects.
- Meeting Facilitation - "A Guide to Effective Meetings" - This course provides a guide to effective meetings—from both the meeting facilitators and participants perspective.
- Change Management - "Communicating Change" - coming soon
- Decision-Making - Making high-impact decisions are foundational skills in supervision. This course will explore types of decisions, decision-making styles, how supervision styles impact decision-making, and methods to enhance decision-making ability. Participants will gain an understanding of what is expected of supervisors in terms of decision-making and ways to develop confidence in decision-making.
- Problem-Solving - "Problem-Solving Fundamentals" - In this course, you’ll start with a five-step problem-solving process anyone can use.
- Problem-Solving - "Advanced Problem-Solving" - In this course, we’ll focus on sharpening problem-solving skills to help you deal with challenges big and small. Whether you’re new to problem-solving or just want to improve your skills, this course is packed with valuable information and proven strategies that will set you up for success. We’ll cover topics like divergent and convergent thinking, the benefits and risks of using heuristics in problem-solving, how to reframe problems to find creative solutions, and how to use design thinking to take a human-centered approach to solving complicated problems.
- Succession Planning - coming soon
- Delegating - In this K@TE course, you’ll learn why you should delegate, how to do it, how to select the right people for the job, and how to get out of the way so they can complete their assignments. (coming soon)
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication - "5 Languages of Appreciation for Managers" - This session will assist supervisors and managers in effectively communicating appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout for staff.
- Conflict Management - "How to Have a Difficult Conversation" - coming soon
- Conflict Management - "A Manager's Guide to Resolving Team Conflict" - coming soon
- Communication - "Workplace Communication Basics" - What do most successful employees at UTC have in common? Stellar communication skills. In this course, you'll learn why having excellent communication skills is so important in the workplace, and how you can improve yours.
- Customer Service - "Do You Have These 4 Customer Service Skills?" - In this K@TE course, you will uncover four essential customer service skills as well as tips, food for thought, and resources for developing these skills.
- Team Building - "True Colors for Managers" - This 2-hour interactive class will explore personality styles in relation to team dynamics, communication and conflict management. Highly visual and experiential, participants walk away with a better understanding of themselves and how they relate to their team and staff at UTC.
- Emotional Intelligence - "Leading with Emotional Intelligence" - In this course, you’ll first unpack what emotional intelligence is. Then you’ll learn to boost your emotional intelligence skills by strengthening your personal and social competence.
- Time Management - "Time Management Essentials" - This course will give you core strategies to tackle that problem. First, you’ll learn the basic principles of time management, along with some symptoms that could uncover poor uses of time. Then, you’ll discover how to track and analyze your time to boost productivity. Finally, you’ll get seven tips to start managing your time more effectively.
- Time Management - "Scheduling 101" - In this course, you’ll learn why scheduling is such a valuable skill set and how to create a schedule that works for you—not the other way around. You’ll also take away tips for prioritizing tasks and learn how to minimize procrastination so that you can actually stick to your schedule.
- Conflict Management - "Resolving Conflict"
Administrative Support/Business Managers
- Compliance
- Business Operation
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Workers' Compensation - Maintaining accurate and up-to-date staff position descriptions is an important management function to establish clarity regarding employee responsibilities, enable mission-driven goal setting, accurately evaluate performance and ensure proper position classification and compensation analyses. It is recommended for supervisors to review the accuracy of position descriptions with staff members annually. HR's Total Compensation Team is here to help you. You can contact them at [email protected]
- Recruitment and Hiring - Search Committee Training/Taleo
- IRIS (Approvals, Payroll, Unit Reporting, etc.) - IRIS (Integrated Resources Information System) is the enterprise resource planning system that provides financial, human resources, payroll, procurement, and budgeting functionality.
- Org Chart Manager - Supervisors receive a monthly e-mail notification from Org Chart Manager that provides a summary of the positions that report to them. If the information is correct, no action is required. If the information is incorrect, supervisors may log in to Org Chart Manager or use the IRIS Position Change E-Form to update the reporting structure appropriately.
- Time Keeping and Payroll - A large percentage of the University’s financial resources is expended on employees’ pay, so maintaining adequate control of the payroll function is important. Properly managing this function is also necessary to ensure the accurate and timely payment of salaries and wages.
- Office 365 - UTC uses a shared (statewide) Microsoft Office 365 environment, which includes Outlook (email), SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams and other Microsoft 365 applications.
- Fiscal Operation
- Procurement/Purchasing Cards and Contracts - Procurement and purchasing cards (P-Cards) are tools that can help you streamline your purchasing process at UTC. Visit the Procurement landing page where comprehensive information about procurement and the card program may be found.
- Records Management - The Records Management policy for all UT-System entities is our organization’s process for creating, maintaining, storing, and removal of university records. This policy also describes how and when to properly dispose of university records while complying with applicable laws and regulations adhered to by each university institution under UT-System. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- Travel Policies & Procedures/Concur Travel System - Accounting Services handles all accounting functions of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. This includes: accounts payable, travel, accounting for grants and contracts, and transfer voucher processing. Accounting Services is also responsible for campus training of all accounting functions and travel. Concur is an online system that allows UT employees to access discounts and book work and personal travel all from one, central location. You can find all this information located on our webpage.
- Managing Resources - Departmental Budget - The Office of Budget and Finance is here to assist you in your departmental budget planning process. We have developed a Budget Process website Budget Process for you to review previous year’s budget process, see future budgeting information as it is available for the upcoming year. Please contact the Office of Budget and Finance here at UTC if you have questions regarding Fiscal Policy.
- Accounts Payable/Receivable - The university’s Accounting Services website contains helpful information to get you started with commonly used forms and UTC processes. Colleges/Units may also have additional resources available, so please be sure to check! Accounts Payable touches every department across campus. For example, reconciling ledgers, processing invoices, miscellaneous reimbursements, contract invoices, transfer vouchers, request for special payment forms, GL accounts, and more. It is important that each department has a working knowledge of our Accounts Payable fiscal policy and all related policies. IRIS is the HR and financial platform used by the university.
- Petty Cash - Petty Cash is a less commonly used and needed function. Please see fiscal policy for more information concerning petty cash. A petty cash request may be made by departments who need to have cash readily available for appropriate university functions.
- Equipment - This is helpful for employees who are responsible for recording moveable capital equipment assets and safeguarding both movable equipment assets and “sensitive” non-capital equipment items [See FI0600 – Equipment – Sensitive Minor ].
- Receiving/Depositing Money - This website is to help to provide guidelines and procedures on receiving and depositing money.
- Management
- Welcoming Diversity - coming soon
- Project Management - "Getting Started with Project Management" - In this K@TE course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of project management, including what a project manager does, what skills are necessary to the role, and how to optimize a team’s potential. You’ll also learn how to develop plans for a successful project and what you should do once the project is complete. By the end of the course, you’ll understand how to get manage your projects.
- Meeting Facilitation - "A Guide to Effective Meetings" - This course provides a guide to effective meetings—from both the meeting facilitators and participants perspective.
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication - "5 Languages of Appreciation for managers" - This in-personsession will assist supervisors and managers in effectively communicating appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout for staff.
- Communication - "Workplace Communication Basics" - What do most successful employees at UTC have in common? Stellar communication skills. In this course, you'll learn why having excellent communication skills is so important in the workplace, and how you can improve yours.
- Team Building - "True Colors" - The True Colors® Personal Success Workshop is a hands-on and interactive personality workshop that guides participants through the foundational concepts of the True Colors personality system as it applies to our personal and professional lives. Come and experience a lively, informative and engaging class that will give you tools to better understand yourself and those around you at UTC! Managers can also request this training for their staff.
- Emotional Intelligence - In this course, you’ll first unpack what emotional intelligence is. Then you’ll learn to boost your emotional intelligence skills by strengthening your personal and social competence.
- Time Management - "Time Management Essentials" - This course will give you core strategies to tackle that problem. First, you’ll learn the basic principles of time management, along with some symptoms that could uncover poor uses of time. Then, you’ll discover how to track and analyze your time to boost productivity. Finally, you’ll get seven tips to start managing your time more effectively.
- Time Management - "Scheduling 101" - In this course, you’ll learn why scheduling is such a valuable skill set and how to create a schedule that works for you—not the other way around. You’ll also take away tips for prioritizing tasks and learn how to minimize procrastination so that you can actually stick to your schedule.
- Leadership - "Leading from Where You Are" - “Leading from Where You Are” is a certificate program designed for the professional development of all employees regardless of status, classification, or title. The program is the preliminary learning opportunity that anchors the overall leadership development focus of UT System HR Employee and Organizational Development. The program is recommended for all employees and its inclusion is suggested as part of the onboarding plan for all new hires.
- Conflict Management - "Resolving Conflict"
- Conflict Management - "How to Have a Difficult Conversation" - coming soon
- Customer Service - "Do You Have These 4 Customer Service Skills?" - In this course, you will uncover four essential customer service skills as well as tips, food for thought, and resources for developing these skills.