Got a minute? Every Monday for the last two years, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga graduate Hannah Huesman has distributed a one-minute motivational video via social media revolving around mental performance strategies such as breathing, mindfulness and imagery. Huesman, a mental skills coach for baseball’s Philadelphia Phillies, has designed these weekly affirmations—called #MentalSweatMonday—”to serve as a reminder that, just like you’re breaking a physical sweat every day, you ought… Read More
These new Fellows will expand the ability of the current Butterfield Fellowship to mentor and provide professional development to a wider range of teachers. We believe the new class will be strong addition to the current Butterfield Fellows. Read More
Dr. June E. Hanks, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, was recently named one of the five 2018 Harold Love Outstanding Community Service Award for Faculty/Staff. Honored by her un-selfish efforts to the people of Haiti in 2010 after earthquakes ravaged homes and health care facilities. Dr. Hanks temporarily left the United States, and her faculty position at UTC, to tend to thousands of Haitian citizens in… Read More
In November, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) approved a new Master’s in Public Health (MPH) program that will be offered by the Department of Health & Human Performance in the fall of 2018. The MPH program will be developed with a specific emphasis on chronic disease prevention and control and will begin enrolling students in January for the 2018 fall semester. To learn more about the MPH program… Read More
Fellows Will Be Working Close with UTC via Emphasis on Classroom Behavior On August 23rd six local teachers who have demonstrated effective, positive behavior management with students from diverse backgrounds were awarded a Butterfield Fellowship from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Here are the six Fellows honored, along with their respective school and grade level concentration: Jessica Blevins, Rivermont Elementary School, Pre-Kindergarten* Ranita Glenn, Hardy Elementary, Reading Specialist*…Read More
Inside the Mapp Building holds one of many rooms that has huge potential to help athletes and people everywhere. The UTC Motion Analysis Lab researches ways to prevent running injuries and improve running performance. Motion capture technology available collects data from both jumping and running movement. Dr. Jeremiah Tate, lab director and professor, recently updated the lab’s equipment, but is needing assistance in processing data more efficiently along with… Read More