Professional Licensure Programs
State Authorization and Professional Licensure Programs
The College of Health Education and Professional Studies (CHEPS) provides professional licensure information for current and prospective students who are interested or enrolled in University programs that may lead to professional licensure in the following program areas:
- Athletic Training
- Counseling
- Education
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- School Psychology
- Social Work
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is a member of NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) and is approved by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements which allows UTC to provide distance learning programs (both online and in the form of supervised field experiences) and coursework to residents of states other than Tennessee. NC-SARA provides national leadership over the reciprocity agreements regulation among U.S. member states. In collaboration with four regional compacts and a broad array of higher education stakeholders, NC-SARA helps ensure alignment on core elements and requirements of SARA, supports quality assurance and consumer protections for students, and increases the value of credits earned through education programs.
NC-SARA membership, however, does not grant reciprocity or exempt students from state professional licensing requirements. Each state/territory defines its own requirements for licensing and certification in professional fields. As a result, licensing requirements in Tennessee may not be recognized as sufficient to obtain a license in another state.
Before enrolling in an online/distance education program intended to satisfy a state’s educational requirements for the practice of a particular occupation, students should investigate whether that the program meets the requirements of the state in which he or she intends to practice. To assist students with this research, NC-SARA has created and maintains a Professional Licensure Directory which provides contact information for the 50 United States in the following programs that lead to professional license. While not a comprehensive list, it is intended to provide a starting place for searching and verifying licensure requirements.
The following tables provide an overview of the licensure programs offered at UTC, the accrediting agencies and professional agencies associated with each, the license/certification examinations required, and state requirements and reciprocity, if known.
Please note that the information provided does not guarantee that a state’s licensure or certification officials will approve or deny a candidate’s application. These disclosures do not take into consideration changes in state law or regulations that may impact a candidate’s application for licensure that occur after this disclosure has been made. If you are considering a program that leads to licensure or certification it is strongly recommended that you contact the State’s licensure office or professional agency to review all requirements imposed by the chosen state.
You should also contact the department and/or program director who oversees the academic program you are interested in for additional information about licensure and certification requirements.
Athletic Training Program:
Athletic Training: Professional, MS
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)
License/Certification Exam
State Requirements
Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the BOC exam. Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia regulate the practice of athletic training. Individuals must be legally recognized by the appropriate state regulatory agency prior to practicing athletic training. The BOC exam is recognized by all Athletic Trainer state regulatory requirements is mandatory and the only avenue to legal athletic training practice. The BOC provides a state regulation search for any additional state regulatory requirements.
Counselor Education Programs:
Counselor Education: Clinical Mental Health, M.Ed.
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP)
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
License/Certification Exam
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE)
State Requirements
Upon completion of the program, students in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program will have obtained the educational requirements for Tennessee licensure as a Professional Counselor. The TN Board for Board of Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists and Licensed Pastoral Therapists is authorized to issue licenses to qualified applicants who have completed appropriate education and successfully completed required examinations.
The American Counseling Association publishes Licensure Requirements for Professional Counselors in a state-by-state report which lists licensing requirements in each state as well as contact information for the state board:
Counselor Education: School Counseling, M.Ed.
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP)
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
License/Certification Exam
- Praxis Exam: Professional School Counselor test (5421)
State Requirements
Upon graduation, students in the School Counseling program will have fulfilled the education requirements for Tennessee licensure as a School Counselor. Every state has different requirements. However, all states require that you first obtain an initial license from the state in which you received your education.
Occupational Therapy Program:
Occupational Therapy Doctorate, O.T.D.
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE)
- American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
License/Certification Exam
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)
State Requirements
Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination. All states require licensure in order to practice; Initial certification from NBCOT is a requirement for licensure in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Physical Therapy Program:
Physical Therapy, D.P.T
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
- American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT)
License/Certification Exam
State Requirements
Graduates will be eligible to take the National Physical Therapy Examination and apply for licensure in all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The NPTE is only one part of the evaluation process used by licensing authorities to assess competence. Contact your jurisdiction to learn about additional requirements.
TN Department of Education’s Licensure & Preparation department issues licenses to Tennessee educators in accordance with legislative codes and state board rules and regulations and policies. The Office of Educator Licensure and Preparation is responsible for the issuance of all Tennessee educator licenses, and approval of educator preparation programs. The passage of Section 2 of Chapter 125 of the Public Acts of 2021, amends TCA 49-5-108(c)(5)(C) to create additional flexibility for the renewal/advancement of Practitioner 1st Issuance licenses issued on the basis of the educator holding a professional-level license in a state other than Tennessee at the time of initial issuance of the Practitioner 1st Issuance license.
School of Education Programs:
Initial Licensure: Bachelors Degree
Initial Licensure: Post-Baccalaureate
Initial Licensure: M.Ed.
- Elementary Education, M.Ed
- Secondary Education, M.Ed.
- Special Education, M.Ed.
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
License/Certification Exam
- Pedagogical Knowledge (5621,5622,5623,OR 5624), AND
- Content Knowledge for Specific Endorsement Areas
State Requirements
Program graduates meet all TN requirements for obtaining an Practitioner Teacher License. Graduates’ Praxis scores are transferable for licensure in all states. Every state has its own licensure requirements. TN is a member of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement for teacher certification. The agreement provides a general framework for reciprocity. The agreement outlines which types of educator certificates will be accepted. This agreement specifies that the "receiving" state will authorize the inbound certificate holder to legally teach in the receiving state, provided the license issued by the "sending" state is valid. However, states might ask for additional certification requirements.
Advanced Educational Practice: Principal Licensure, Ed.S.
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
License/Certification Exam
State Requirements
Program graduates meet all TN requirements for obtaining an Instructional Leaders License and are eligible to sit for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA). Graduates’ SLLA scores are transferable for licensure in all states. Every state has its own licensure requirements. TN is a member of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement for School Leader certification. The agreement provides a general framework for reciprocity. The agreement outlines which types of educator certificates will be accepted. This agreement specifies that the "receiving" state will authorize the inbound certificate holder to legally teach in the receiving state, provided the license issued by the "sending" state is valid. However, states might ask for additional certification requirements which do not include those related to education.
In the U.S., a nurse must be authorized to practice by a board of nursing. Practice is where the patient is, and that includes the direct care of patients, telehealth, care via telephone, and distance education of nursing students. Licensure requirements can vary by state, however national certification exams meet the educational requirements in all states and territories.
Nursing Regulatory Bodies (NRBs) are the jurisdictional governmental agencies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and four US territories that are responsible for the regulation of nursing practice. Each jurisdiction has a law called the Nurse Practice Act, which is enforced by each NRB. Nurses must comply with the law and related rules in order to maintain their licenses. The law describes: Qualifications for licensure; Nursing titles that are allowed to be used; Scope of practice; Actions that can or will happen if the nurse does not follow the nursing law
School of Nursing Programs:
Nursing: BSN/RN-BSN
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
License/Certification Exam
- National Council Licensure Examination - NCLEX
State Requirements
Graduates of the program are prepared to sit for the registered nurse licensure exam. Under the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), qualified nurses can apply for a multistate license, which allows for practice in other compact states without having to obtain additional licenses. This map illustrates current NLC status.
Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, MSN:FNP
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)
License/Certification Exam
National Certification Exam (select one)
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
State Requirements
Graduates of the program are prepared to sit for either national certification exam.
Nursing: Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, MSN:ACAG
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
License/Certification Exam
- National Certification Exam: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP-AG)
State Requirements
Graduates of the program are prepared to sit for their degree specific the national certification exam.
Nursing: Certified Register Nurse Anesthetist, MSN:CRNA
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
- Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Education Programs (COA)
License/Certification Exam
- National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA)
- National Certification Exam: (NCE)
State Requirements
Graduates of the program are prepared to sit for their degree specific national certification exam.
School Psychology Program:
Advanced Educational Practice: School Psychology, Ed.S
Accreditation Agency Professional Agency
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
License/Certification Exam
- Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential
- Praxis Exam: School Psychologist pre-K–12 (5402)
State Requirements
Graduates are eligible to apply for licensure to practice in educational settings through individual state departments & are eligible to apply for the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential. In TN, graduates are eligible to apply for the Licensed Psychological Assistant credential that allows for practice in non-school settings under the supervision of a Licensed Psychologist.
Social Work Programs:
Bachelors of Social Work, BSW
Social Work, MSW
Professional Agency Accreditation Agency
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
State Requirements
Graduates have the option of sitting for licensure in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Licensure is regulated by each state and provincial regulatory authority. Requirements vary by state or province. At a minimum, a completed social work degree and a passing score on the appropriate social work licensing exam is required. If seeking a clinical social work license or a license to practice independently, completion of supervised practice is required.