Schedule Build Information
UTC no longer uses CPI to construct the class schedule.
Prior to the start of each Schedule Build cycle, schedule editors will receive a Schedule Sheet excel template for their use in submitting class schedule information to the Office of the University Registrar.
Campus Room Availability (EMS) | Schedule Build Training & Reference | Schedule Procedure and Exceptions |
View room availability in real time | Schedule Build training materials | Schedule Procedure Document |
Instructions for Viewing Room availability | Weekly Chart of Approved Meeting Times | Course Meeting Time Exception Request |
Summer Chart of Approved Meeting Times | ||
Section Letters Explanation | ||
Required Approvals after schedule publication |
Summer 2025 Important Dates: | Fall 2025 Important Dates: |
Phase 1: Monday, January 6 - Wednesday, January 22 | Phase 1: Monday, January 6 - Monday, February 3 |
Phase 2: Monday, February 3 - Wednesday, February 12 | Phase 2: Monday, February 17 - Tuesday, March 4 |
Schedule Live: Friday, February 21 | Schedule Live: Monday, March 24 |
Summer registration begins: Monday, February 24 | Advisement Holds assigned: Wednesday, April 2 |
Pre-Priority registration begins: Monday, April 7 | |
Currently-Enrolled Student registration begins: Wednesday, April 9 |
Schedule Build Frequently Asked Questions
- Where does the data in my Schedule Sheet come from?
Each Schedule Build cycle we 'roll' classes forward to the upcoming term. The prior spring rolls to the upcoming spring, while prior fall rolls to upcoming fall, etc.
- How does the schedule information get entered in the Banner system?
All class schedule information is entered manually by staff in the Office of the University Registrar. The Schedule Sheet templates provide clearer information about the requested edits which will make the process more efficient and less prone to errors.
- What information do I enter in the "Additional Information" column?
Any of the following should be included in "Additional Information"
- Identify online/internet sections that require in person exams
- List meeting dates for Hybrid sections
- Information regarding instructor accessibility needs
- Class Time exceptions that have been approved by the provost
- What details do NOT belong in the "Additional Information" column?
- During Phase 1, do not include room details
- Do not use this column to identify cross listed sections.
- Do not list Hybrid dates as TBD
- Do I need to enter the full title for new courses?
If you are scheduling a Special Topics or Group Studies section, please enter a title for that section. All other section titles will default from the course so there is no need to enter titles for standard courses.
- Why can't I change the section number?
Changing section numbers to sort multi-section offerings requires a significant amount of work for OUR staff due to the way Banner updates must be entered. There is no need for sections to be in a specific order when they are presented in the class schedule.
- Why is the credit hours column blank?
Variable credit hour sections where students can select the number of credit hours will default to a blank field in the Schedule Sheet. If you wish to set a specific credit value applicable to everyone who registers for that section, you may enter that in the column.
- I have a section that is cross listed with another department. How do I indicate that on the Schedule Sheet?
There is a column for cross listed sections where you can identify the subject and number of the other section. If you know the CRN you may also enter that in the cross listed column.
- I have two sections that meet in the same space. How do I indicate that on the Schedule Sheet?
Use the cross listed column to identify sections that share space. This helps ensure room assignments are accurate and efficient.
- I know there will be additional instructor(s), but those details have not been finalized. What do I enter?
Enter the instructor information that is known and as more details are confirmed you may submit those in Phase II or through [email protected]
- None of the Approved Standard Meeting times will work for some of the sections I'm scheduling. What do I do?
Departments are expected to follow the Approved Standard Meeting times whenever possible. If an exception is needed, the Department Head will present the details to the Dean. If the Dean approves, they will present the exception request to the provost or designee. If the provost's office approves, the details will be communicated to the department and the Registrar, and the approved time can be submitted in the Schedule Sheet (Additional Information column)
- I'm trying to edit a field and it is locked. Why can't I change everything in the Schedule Sheet?
Some items, like the CRN, are generated by Banner and if they are edited in the Schedule Sheet, it will delay the updates completed by Registrar staff.
- I'm scheduling a section that does not require a room. What do I enter in the Schedule Sheet?
If no meeting space is required (lecture, lab, etc.) leave both the Building and Room columns blank.
- I'm scheduling a section with a building preference but no room preference. What do I enter in the Schedule Sheet?
You may enter a Building code without a room and we will do our best to meet that location preference.
- How do I let you know an instructor is teaching back-to-back?
If an instructor is teaching classes that meet one right after the other, use the Back-to-Back column next to the instructor's name to indicate that. If the Back-to-Back column is blank, this will not be factored into room assignments and instructors may end up in separate buildings.
- Why do some sections have letters in addition to numbers?
The Section Letters Explanation linked above explains the function of section letters.
- There are no standard meeting times listed for studio or lab classes. When can those meetings be scheduled?
The start time for lab and studio classes should match one of the standard start times published for lecture classes. Lab sections should be scheduled beginning at 8 AM and throughout the day and into the evening.
- I need to schedule an undergraduate honors thesis section. How do I submit those?
The Honors College schedules all sections for students completing an honors thesis. Contact the Associate Dean of the Honors College for more information.
- I submitted for the phase but I need to make changes. Can I submit update Schedule Sheets?
Once you submit your Schedule Sheet, you'll need to collect additional edits and submit them as part of Phase II or after the schedule is published.
- The schedule is published and I discovered an error. Who needs to approve changes to the published schedule?
The Required Approvals after schedule publication linked above outlines the types of changes that require approval and the process to follow. The College of Arts and Sciences has a more details process but some changes across all colleges require approval.