Credit Awarded for CLEP Exams at UTC

UTC Table
CLEP Test Title Minimum CLEP Score Required in Order to Receive UTC Credit UTC Course Equivalencies UTC Credit Hours Earned General Education Credit Category (if applicable)
American Government 50 PSPS 1010 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences; 23GE Behavioral & Social Science or 23GE Individual & Global Citizenship
American Literature 50 ENGL 2130 3
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 50 ENGL 1330 3 Literature; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
Biology 50 BIOL 1110/1110L & BIOL1120/1120L 8 Lab Science; 23GE Natural Science Lecture/Lab
Calculus 50 MATH 1950 4 Mathematics; 23GE Quantitative Reasoning
Chemistry 50 CHEM1110/1110L & CHEM1120/1120L 8 Lab Science; 23GE Natural Science Lecture/Lab
College Algebra 50 MATH 1130 3 Mathematics; 23GE Quantitative Reasoning
College Composition 50 ENGL 1010 & ENGL 1020 6 Rhetoric & Writing I/ Rhetoric & Writing II; 23GE Writing & Communication
College Composition Modular 50 ENGL 1020 3 Rhetoric & Writing I/ Rhetoric & Writing II; 23GE Writing & Communication (1 course)
College Mathematics 50 MATH 1010 3 Mathematics; 23GE Quantitative Reasoning
English Literature 50 ENGL2230 3
Financial Accounting 50 ACC 1XXX 3
French Language Level 1 50 FREN 1010 & FREN 1020 8 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
French Language Level 2 59 FREN 2110 & FREN 2120 6 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
German Language Level 1 50 GER 1010 & GER 1020 8
German Language Level 2 60 GER 2110 & GER 2120 6
History of the United States I 50 HIST 2010 3 Historical Understanding; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts or 23GE Individual & Global Citizenship
History of the United States II 50 HIST 2020 3 Historical Understanding; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts or 23GE Individual & Global Citizenship
Human Growth & Development 50 PSY 2220 3
Humanities 50 ENGL 1150 3 Literature or Thoughts, Values, and Beliefs; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
Information Systems & Computer Applications 50 MGT 1XXX 3
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 EDUC 2XXX 3
Introductory Business Law 50 BUS 1XXX 3
Introductory Psychology 50 PSY 1010 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences; 23GE Behavioral & Social Science
Introductory Sociology 50 SOC 1510 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences; 23GE Behavioral & Social Science
Natural Sciences 50 GNSC 1110/1110L 4 Lab Science; 23GE Natural Science Lecture/Lab
Precalculus 50 MATH 1720 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECON 1010 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences; 23GE Behavioral & Social Science
Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECON 1020 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences; 23GE Behavioral & Social Science
Principles of Management 50 MGT 1XXX 3
Principles of Marketing 50 MKT 1XXX 3
Social Sciences & History 50 No Credit -
Spanish Language Level 1 50 SPAN 1010 & SPAN 1020 8 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
Spanish Language Level 2 63 SPAN 2110 & SPAN 2120 6 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts
Western Civilization I 50 HIST 1110 3 Historical Understanding or Thoughts, Values, and Beliefs or Non-Western Cultures; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts or 23GE Individual & Global Citizenship
Western Civilization II 50 HIST 1120 3 Historical Understanding or Non-Western Cultures; 23GE Humanities & Fine Arts or 23GE Individual & Global Citizenship

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