Academic Affairs
Message from the Provost
I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s website. As Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, I serve as the chief academic officer for UTC and I am responsible for all academic programs at the university.
UTC serves its students and the community through academic programs available in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate majors. The university enhances the educational experiences of its students through learning opportunities outside the classroom. The outstanding UTC faculty forms a creative and prestigious community of scholars. Students are afforded the opportunity to work side-by-side with our faculty and community partners to obtain more than a degree. In addition to the degree, our students participate in solving real-world problems for businesses, industries, health care and education that positively impacts their employability.
UTC is truly an exceptional place to receive a premier yet affordable education, and Chattanooga offers an exciting setting to pursue your educational and career interests.
All of us in the Division of Academic Affairs are here to assist you to reach your educational goals. I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities available here at UTC.
Find Out More About Us:
Digital Measures
An online information management system designed to eliminate the process of gathering the same information year after year.
Digital Measures makes it easy to capture essential faculty activity data in a granular and flexible manner for a variety of reporting needs. It provides a pathway for capturing teaching, research and services for annual reports and other purposes.
General Education
General education curriculum can expand students' fundamental knowledge, abilities, and aesthetic sensibilities, leading to more enriched lives and a more comprehensive view of our global world.
Through study in rhetoric and composition, the natural sciences, mathematics, statistics, the behavioral and social sciences, non-Western culture, the humanities, and the fine arts, graduates of UTC will be able to:
- Express a broad knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world;
- Think critically, analytically, and reflectively;
- Employ qualitative and quantitative information to define and defend viewpoints, solve problems, and to make informed decisions;
- Communicate effectively, especially in speech and in writing; and collaborate on common tasks; and
- Synthesize information and concepts across general and specific disciplinary studies, demonstrated through the application of knowledge, skills and responsibilities to new settings and situations.
Academic Affairs is the center of a variety of activities and processes related to faculty, departments, and colleges. Below we offer the most commonly used forms for our functions.
- Curriculum Development
- Digital Signature Instructions
- Justification Form-Documentation of Qualifications
Each of our academic departments are governed by their own set of departmental bylaws, which layout academic and scholarly standards. The bedrock for faculty governance is the Faculty Handbook.
Faculty Engagement
Faculty at UTC have many opportunities for support and to become further ingrained in our campus community.