SACSCOC University Accreditation

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters and doctorate degrees. Questions about the accreditation of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC's website (
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- SACSCOC Home Page
- UTC SACSCOC Information
- SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation 2024
- SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines
- UTC Compliance Certification Report (submitted 9/2022)
- UTC Focused Report (submitted 1/2023)
Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
Anthology - Outcomes Assessment Platform
Reaffirmation information
Additional Documentation and Information
UTC SACSCOC Liaison: Cindy Williamson
Log into Anthology - Planning to enter institutional effectiveness data. If you need access to Anthology - Planning, click the following link: request access.
- What every employee needs to know and do for SACSCOC...
- That SACSCOC is not just something that happens every 10 (or 5) years.
- The impact of SACSCOC requirements on curriculum and operation of the university and the implications of not being accredited.
- The Scope of the approved quality enhancement plan (QEP), and specifics on the QEP programs and goals.
- Submit official academic transcripts (upon hire and when updated, etc.)
- What every faculty member needs to know and do for SACSCOC...
- Submit accurate course syllabi for every course and section every semester, every year.
- Submit and maintain up-to-date CV (each year).
- Submit official academic transcripts (upon hire and when updated, etc.)
- Integrate curriculum revisions with student learning outcomes.
- How the quality enhancement plan (QEP) affects you, your teaching, your classes, etc.
- What every department head needs to know and do for SACSCOC…
- Facilitate and encourage regular discussions with all faculty about student learning outcomes and the assessment of those outcomes.
- Coordinate, collect and enter yearly data on program/learning outcomes.
- Ensure that catalog entries reflect student learning outcomes that match departmental input.
- Review curriculum revisions to maintain links and relationships to student learning outcomes.
- Maintain an up-to-date faculty roster. Submit faculty justification(s).
- Relationship of program level accreditation to SACSCOC accreditation.
- Need and process for substantive change.
- Review all syllabi for accurate course description (matched to current catalog), and delivery of that scope within the course.
- Ensure that all printed and web material matches the official documentation (mission, catalogs, program of study, etc.)
- Use the institutional process for curriculum revision and program changes (and include data for rationale for curriculum changes).
- Incorporate (and document) improvements based on institutional effectiveness data.
- How the quality enhancement plan (QEP) affects the department.
- What every academic administrative assistant needs to know and do for SACSCOC…
- Everything the department head needs to know and do (see above).
- Help enforce timelines and processes for the submission of SACSCOC-related documentation (yearly, semester, etc.)
- Maintain all accreditation documentation files (disciplinary accreditation/SACSCOC, etc.)
- What every dean needs to know and do for SACSCOC…
- Processes related to substantive change (when, how, who).
- Interpret and educate SACSCOC criteria for college.
- Advocate for and enforce policies and process that result in institutional improvement.
- Transmit all information related to reaffirmation in a timely manner.
- Hold department heads accountable for institutional/programmatic effectiveness.
- How the quality enhancement plan (QEP) affects the college.
- What every non-academic unit director/coordinator, etc. needs to know and do for SACSCOC…
- Ensure that all printed and web material matches the official documentation (mission, catalogs, program of study, services, etc.)
- Facilitate or encourage regular discussions with all staff about departmental goals/outcomes and the assessment of those outcomes.
- Coordinate, collect and enter yearly data on departmental/unit outcomes.
- Incorporate (and document) departmental improvements based on institutional effectiveness data.
- What every non-academic unit administrative assistant needs to know and do for SACSCOC…
- Everything the director needs to know and do (see above).
- Help enforce timelines and processes for the submission of SACSCOC-related documentation (yearly, semester, etc.)