Deadlines and processes for Spring 2020
Deadlines and processes for Spring 2020
Below is a summary list of processes and deadlines for the current semester. While some things have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, other deadlines remain unchanged. If you have questions about a date, deadline, or process not included below, please email [email protected]
Faculty Grade Reporting Deadlines
- Midterm Grades for part-of-term 2 are due Friday April 3, 2020 at 5 P.M.
- Final grades for Fall 2019 Incomplete grades are due Thursday May 7, 2020 at 9 A.M.
- Students please submit work to instructor before May 7 to provide time for grading.
- Final grades for Spring 2020 for full-term and part-of-term 2 are due Thursday May 7, 2020 at 9 A.M.
Registration Dates
Spring 2020 Withdrawal Deadline extended to April 24, 2020
Students may choose to withdraw from one or more full-term and part-of-term 2 courses through April 24, 2020.
- Instructions for withdrawing through MyMocsNet
- Advising holds for Fall 2020 registration have been added to student records. These holds will prevent students from withdrawing in MyMocsNet until the hold is removed.
- Please consult with your advisor well ahead of the withdrawal deadline if you have questions.
- Monetary holds will be applied the morning of Thursday April 2, 2020. If you have a hold for an outstanding balance, you will need to submit a Withdrawal Approval Request Form that will be published on the Registrar Forms Page.
- All forms will be routed to the bursar’s office for approval and the withdrawal will be processed by the Registrar
Fall 2020 Registration dates are unchanged.
Information about registration is available here.
Satisfactory/No Credit Grade option for Spring 2020
Undergraduate students
- Undergraduate students wishing to change from standard letter grades to satisfactory/no credit grades for one or more courses must submit the Satisfaction/No Credit Grade Request form. The form must be submitted on or before Friday, April 24, 2020 at 11:59pm.
Graduate students
Graduate students wanting to choose Satisfactory/No Credit grading will have to petition their graduate programs on or before April 24, 2020 to do so.