Safety Resources

Areas of Refuge
If you cannot leave or access an escape route, you can safely wait for emergency personnel in these locations. These areas have a phone or device that should be used to alert emergency responders of needed assistance.
Automated External Defibrillators
UTC has automated external defibrillator (AED) units located across campus for public use. Campus police patrol vehicles are also equipped with AEDs. All AEDs have accompanying instructions for use. In addition, UTC police officers are trained in their use.
Bleeding Control Kit
UTC has many of these kits on campus for public use. They are located near AED units and are available to help stop life-threatening bleeding after a traumatic injury. The kit includes a tourniquet, gauze, and instructions. All UTC police officers are trained in the use of these kits.
Emergency Phones
Blue light phones are strategically located throughout the exterior areas of the campus, parking garages, and parking lots.
Red phones are placed throughout interior areas of campus buildings of the campus, offices, hallways, labs, and lobbies.
All elevators across campus have emergency buttons for occupants to use in emergency situations.