Contractors, Vendors, Guests of the University
Per University of Tennessee System-Wide Policies on Safety and Health, UTC Environmental Health and Safety will be advised of any contractors, vendors, visitors or guests whose presence or activity on campus could possibly create a hazard or risk to the safety and health of the University community.
Contractors and Vendors
In any instance where contract labor or services are to be utilized by the University and the labor or service has the potential of creating a health and/or safety risk to University employees, students or guests, it is the responsibility of the department initiating the work request to notify, in writing, the UTC Department of Safety and Risk Management at least one week prior to the commencement of work.
If notification of work is not received in sufficient time for review or the University Safety Officer perceives any operation as potentially hazardous to the University community, Environmental Health and Safety reserves the right to stop work on any projects.
Examples of services requiring notification would include but not be limited to:
- New construction
- Building renovation
- Building demolition
- Structural or physical modifications (bridges, walkways, etc.)
- Modification of existing electrical, mechanical or HVAC systems
- Any additions or modifications to existing fire suppression or fire notification systems
- Any operations involving excavations or open trenches
- Any environmental abatement or remediation (asbestos, lead, underground storage tanks, etc.)
- Hazardous or radioactive waste removal
UTC Business Services
For purposes of design review, specification review, etc. UTC Business Services will notify the Department of Safety and Risk Management of any pre-bid conferences or pre-construction bid opening prior to meeting dates so the Safety Officer or his designee may attend, should it be deemed necessary.
Contract Services Requiring Compliance with University OSHA Policies
Per the Tennessee Occupational Safety Health Administration, various contract projects on University property require the vendor/contractor to comply with existing University TOSHA compliance policies. These policies include the following:
- Control of Hazardous Energy/Lock-out/Tag-out - Any vendor who is required to work on electrical circuits, hydraulic lines, compressed air lines or steam lines are required to comply with the University's "Policy on the Control of Hazardous Energy".
- Hazards Communication/ Employee Right-To-Know - Any vendor introducing hazardous materials to any University workplace will be required to comply with the University's "Policy on Hazards Communication". Specifically, any material used by vendors which may pose a health hazard to the University community will be communicated to the Department of Safety Risk Management so that an assessment of potential hazards may be made.
- Confined Space Entry - Any vendor entering any of the University's designated "permit required confined space" will be required to be familiar with and comply with University entry procedures. UTC's confined spaces are currently identified as all manhole accessed steam tunnel and telecommunication vaults.
It is the responsibility of the department initiating contractor/vendor services to ensure that any effected party is made aware of the above mentioned policy requirements. Vendors falling under these requirements will be required to notify their respective employees and ensure compliance.
Visitors and Guests
Any visitor or guest of the University that might present special or unique safety and health considerations should be reported to Environmental Health and Safety as soon as possible for the Safety Officer's recommendations and assessment of potential risks to the University community.
Examples of events requiring notification would include but not limited to:
- Group usage of a university facility or room, which may exceed room or building occupant load capacity.
- Group usage of university grounds, which may pose a potential hazard to students, faculty or staff.