Student Employment

You don’t have to go far if you’re looking for work.
Federal Work-Study, Academic Service Scholarship and On-Campus Employment programs provide jobs on campus.
Job Location and Development program assists students in finding off-campus, part-time jobs.
Federal Work-Study Program
Federal Work-Study is awarded on a first-come first-served basis to undergraduate students with financial need.
Good to know:
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Students must accept their work study award online within 30 days of the award to be eligible for placement.
- Students must be admitted to and in regular attendance at the University and in good standing for financial aid.
- Eligible students work 10-15 hours a week.
- Federal Work-Study funds are not posted to student accounts as a credit. Instead, these funds are paid bi-weekly through automatic deposit to help the student with living expenses.
- Students awarded Federal Work-Study will need to pay outstanding fee balances by other means.
- Placement for Federal Work-Study starts on the first day of classes and continues through the first week of classes Fall and Spring semesters.
- Students in the program choose the job in which they are interested and must interview for the position with the hiring department.
- The hiring process is completed online.
- Students awarded Federal Work-Study will receive detailed instructions about the placement process in August preceding Fall classes and in December preceding Spring classes.
- Federal Work-Study funds are expended quickly, therefore, a wait list is kept of students not initially awarded but still interested in the program. If work study is not a part of your award package and you are interested in being a part of the program, e-mail a request to be added to the Federal Work-Study wait list. Although awards from the list are dependent on funds becoming available, several students each year are normally awarded from it. The list is kept in order of the date of the completed Financial Aid File.
- The IRS considers funds earned from the Federal Work-Study Program to be taxable income. In January, you will receive an IRS Form W-2 which should be filed with your income tax return.
Students interested in research can read about FWS research opportunities here. The Office for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor has partnered with Financial Aid & Scholarships to offer research opportunities to students awarded Federal Work Study.
Job Location and Development Program
Job Location and Development Page
Part-time employment is also available in the Chattanooga area through the Job Location and Development Program located in the Financial Aid Office.
Good to know:
- To be eligible for this part-time employment, you must meet the requirements established by the employing agency. Financial need is not a factor.
- The IRS considers funds earned from student employment to be taxable income. In January, you will receive an IRS Form W-2 which should be filed with your income tax return.
Academic Service Scholarship Program
Students under this scholarship program receive an award valued at $5,450 per year.
Good to know:
- The award is split into two parts—a scholarship portion ($1,100/semester) and a work portion ($1,625/semester).
- Students must provide 125 hours of service per semester. Your service position is chosen through the same group of approved positions as Federal Work-Study.
- Your GPA coming into UTC must be a minimum 3.0 and you must have a record of service to your school or your community.
- To apply, submit a letter of interest, a resume outlining your previous service commitments and two (2) letters of recommendation. These documents can all be attached to your UTC Online Scholarship Application.
- Apply early. This is a competitive scholarship program. Priority is given to first-time undergraduate students who begin at UTC in the fall semester.
- Selection begins as early as March.
- Recipients will receive a W-2 for the work portion of the scholarship whereas the scholarship portion will appear on their 1098-T. This should clarify what needs to be claimed as income and what does not.
Students interested in research can read about ASSP research opportunities here. The Office for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor has partnered with Financial Aid & Scholarships to offer research opportunities to students awarded Academic Service Scholarships.
Learn more about the application process →
On-Campus Employment
Departments also hire students through their departmental budget.
Campus Recreation Student Employment
University Center Student Employment
Information Technology Student Employment
Gear Up Student Employment
Student Success Programs
Orientation Leaders Employment
UTC Library Student Enrollment
Good to know:
- Students seeking employment on campus should check with the departments in which they would like to work. The Library, University Center, Bookstore and Parking Services typically hire a large number of students.
- Departments are not required to post their jobs, but both Financial Aid and Student Placement will post campus positions as they are notified of need.