Forms and Processes

All forms below are for online submission.
Have you already submitted an online form?
- Academic Credit by Special Examination
Academic Credit by Special Examination:
- Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
- Exams are administered in the relevant academic department and must be arranged by the student. To complete this form you need to identify the department head and the chair of the examination committee (may be the same person) to route the form for approval. The student must pay fees before any credit is awarded.
- Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
- Application for Academic Forgiveness
Application for Academic Forgiveness:
- Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. The University maintains an academic forgiveness policy for courses taken at any institution, including UTC. The policy allows for the removal of coursework completed more than 4 calendar years before the date of application from the calculation of the student’s grade point averages and from consideration for fulfillment of all University requirements.
- Graduation and Diploma Forms
Commencement Participation Request: Students with extenuating circumstances may submit this form to request to participate in a graduation ceremony other than the semester in which degree requirements are completed. Students will receive a confirmation or rejection email in their UTC email account. Students receiving degrees in August may walk in May or December. Students participating in the graduation ceremonies will not receive the degree until all degree requirements are fulfilled. Students who subsequently finish all graduation requirements after the degree conferral date will be awarded their degree at the following degree conferral date. The request form along with specific participation guidelines are found here.
Undergraduate and graduate students must apply for graduation online in MyMocsNet under the Academics Tab.
Diploma Mailing Request: For previous UTC graduates who have not yet received their diplomas, please complete this electronic form.
- Diplomas will be delivered to graduates at the address listed on their graduation application a few weeks after graduation. If this address changes after the application is submitted, please notify the Office of the University Registrar at [email protected]. Diploma orders for students with holds on their account will be processed for printing and mailing after the hold is cleared (More information on holds is available here).
- Enrollment Verification and Letter of Academic Standing
Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. This form is used until the first week of the semester. After the first week, enrollment is verified by the National Student Clearinghouse.
Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. Also known as a "transient letter.” Some institutions will require a transient letter to admit and enroll UTC students in a summer class.
- MyMocsPASS
- Set up your account to allow parents/guardians access to your FERPA protected student information. Instructions and FAQ are published on our website.
- FERPA Request to Withhold Directory Information
Request to Withhold Directory Information:
- Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. Directory Information is student info that can be disclosed without a student's consent. If you would like to withhold access (or reinstate access) to your Directory Information please fill out this form. PLEASE NOTE: Withholding of Directory Information includes Enrollment and Degree Verification.
- Information Update
- Please use this form if you are a current or previously enrolled student of UTC. If you have been admitted to UTC for a future term and haven't attended orientation, contact admissions to update your information.
- Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. Name changes, date of birth corrections, and social security number corrections require supporting documentation. Address and phone number changes must be made via your MyMocsNet account.
*You may now request to use a preferred first name. A preferred first name is a name that you wish to be known by on campus. Click here to verify and update your preferred first name. Preferred first names are limited to alphabetical characters, apostrophes, periods and hyphens.
- Please use this form if you are a current or previously enrolled student of UTC. If you have been admitted to UTC for a future term and haven't attended orientation, contact admissions to update your information.
- Program/Minor/Catalog Year Change Request
Program/Minor/Catalog Year Change Request:
- Select the category that reflects your status and follow the steps outlined. Processing of submissions may take up to five business days before the change will show in the student's MyMocsNet and MyMocsDegree accounts.
- Registration Forms and Processes
This form must be processed and submitted to the Mocs One Center by the registration drop/add deadline of each term. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
- Students with departmentally approved thesis proposals may email [email protected] to request a 4995R contract.
2nd Week Late Add Request Form:
- During the second week of the term, currently enrolled seniors (undergraduates with 90+ earned hours) and currently enrolled graduate level students may register for additional courses with instructor approval. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
- All other students attempting to add classes in the 2nd week must submit this form to request institutional and instructor approval to add a class after the deadline to add.
- All closed classes, prerequisites and corequisites require online department head approval prior to registration.
- Requests may be denied. Students will receive a notification email confirming the status of the request.
Registration Approval Form
- Monetary holds are applied by the Bursar's Office. If you have a hold for an outstanding balance and would like to register for classes, you will need to contact the Bursar's Office at 423-425-4781 or [email protected].
- Petitions and Appeals
Please consult your academic advisor before submitting any petition or appeal.
Appeal From Suspension or Dismissal:
Students who are suspended or dismissed for academic reasons may use the Appeal form at the above link to request an earlier return to UTC. This appeal must be submitted no later than one week prior to the beginning of classes for each term for the requested return term. Documentation supporting your appeal is required. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
Course Substitutions (MyMocsDegree Petitions)
- Undergraduate major and minor course substitution petitions are entered by advisors or department representatives via MyMocsDegree. Students seeking to have a specific course apply to their major or minor should consult their advisor.
Undergraduate General Education Petitions are submitted by advisors. Students may work with their advisor to request that coursework from another institution satisfy a General Education requirement at UTC. Documentation supporting your petition is required. Click the link above and contact your advisor for additional information.
Undergraduate Student Petition:
Undergraduate students who seek an exception to specific University requirements may submit this petition for review by the Undergraduate Petitions Committee. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. Possible exceptions are listed below. Documentation supporting your petition is required.
Course Waivers (Note: An approved waiver removes the course requirement from your degree requirements; to request that a course substitute for a requirement in your major or minor please consult your advisor about a course substitution.)
Exception to 24 hour residency requirement
Excess hours registration approval (students seeking to register for more than 20 credit hours in a semester)
- Special Letter Request
For all verification requests that cannot be provided through standard UTC forms. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form.
- Withdrawal Forms and Process
Late Semester Withdrawal Form:
- Students who want to complete a university withdrawal after the course withdrawal deadline can no longer withdraw in MyMocsNet. See the academic calendar for the official withdrawal deadline. Students withdrawing after the course withdrawal deadline submit the Late Semester Withdrawal Form. Forms will be processed within 2 business days. Any future registrations will be cancelled when a Late Semester Withdrawal Form is processed.
Request for an Exception to the Withdrawal Deadline:
- This form must be accompanied by a personal statement by the student and detailed supporting documentation. This form requires a valid UTC ID login. Log in when prompted and continue to the electronic form. If you no longer have an active UTC account, please email [email protected] for further information. For standard withdrawals (NOT exceptions), refer to the Withdrawal Process.
Withdrawal Approval Form
- Monetary holds are applied by the Bursar's Office. If you have a hold for an outstanding balance and would like to drop a course, you will need to submit a Withdrawal Approval Request Form. Please contact the Bursar's Office at 423-425-4781 or [email protected] to start this process.