Publishing and Documenting

This undergraduate journal is staffed with students from UTC!
Undergraduate Research Journals
- Allegheny Review
The Allegheny Review is one of America's few nationwide literary magazines dedicated exclusively to undergraduate works of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art. Published annually, the periodical showcases some of the best literature the nation's undergraduates have to offer.
- American Journal of Undergraduate Research
A refereed journal for undergraduate research in the pure and applied sciences, mathematics, engineering, technology, and related areas in education.
- Aporia
Aporia is an undergraduate journal of philosophy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. We welcome well-written, undergraduate papers on any philosophical topic.
- Archive
Archive focuses on the use and theory of archives and special collections in higher education.
- Discussions
Discussions is a peer reviewed research journal at Case Western Reserve University. It features research papers, review articles, and scholarly essays written by undergraduate students from any field. Its primary aims are to foster academic dialogue and to provide an opportunity for undergraduates to publish their scholarly work.
- The Dualist
The Dualist is a national undergraduate philosophy journal published by Stanford University undergraduates. Its purpose is to offer students from all universities an opportunity to participate in a normally inaccessible part of academic life — the production and publication of papers for general philosophical readership.
- History Matters
History Matters is an undergraduate history journal, published annually on this website by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board.
- The Honors Review
The Honors Review is a nationally competitive interdisciplinary journal seeking illuminating, insightful and contemporary research at the undergraduate level. Students need not be members of Honors Programs to submit papers.
- Issues in Political Economy
Issues in Political Economy is committed to supporting and encouraging quality undergraduate research in all areas of economics. the journal is edited and refereed by students at the University of Mary Washington and Elon University.
- Journal of Politics and Society
An undergraduate, interdisciplinary social science publication produced by students at Columbia University.
- Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence
JUR publishes extraordinary undergraduate work in an easily accessible and professional peer-reviewed journal. Our mission is to print outstanding undergraduate research, scholarly articles, and creative works in order to make them available to the public and connect the worldwide community of college undergraduates.
- Journal of Young Investigators
JYI is dedicated to presenting undergraduate research in science, mathematics, and engineering. We not only publish submissions from undergraduates but also allow students to experience the other side of the scientific publication: the editorial review process. Students editors working with their faculty advisors review submissions from their peers and determine whether that work is acceptable for publication in JYI.
- Papers and Pub(lications)
P P is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate research and creative works published by the University Press of North Georgia.
- Penn Bioethics Journal
The Penn Bioethics Journal is a peer-reviewed undergraduate bioethics journal published by students at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Pittsburg Undergraduate Review
The PUR aims to bring research to the forefront of undergraduate awareness. The PUR is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that accepts papers from around the world.
- Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research
The Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research is an international, fully reviewed, quarterly journal dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research. The twofold purpose of the journal is to foster and reward the scholarly efforts of undergraduate psychology students as well as to provide them with a valuable learning experience.
- Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal
Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) is an annual peer-reviewed publication of research articles written primarily by Stanford undergraduates, but also by well-qualified students at other institutions, from all academic fields.
- Undergraduate Economic Review
Created by the students at Illinois Wesleyan University's Economics Department, the UER is an online journal that promotes high quality original undergraduate economic research by publishing student authored research from around the world.
- Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences
The URC Undergraduate Research Journal is an annual online national, reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research. The twofold purpose of the journal is to foster and reward the scholarly efforts of undergraduate human sciences students as well as to provide a valuable learning experience. The articles represent primarily the work of the undergraduate student(s).
- Vanderbilt Historical Review
The Vanderbilt Historical Review was started in 2015 by a group of undergraduate students at Vanderbilt University. The Review strives to provide a forum that is dedicated to facilitating dialogue on topics relating to history and historiography.
- Young Scholars in Writing
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing research articles written by undergraduates in a wide variety of disciplines associated with rhetoric and writing.
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
The National Collegiate Honors Council Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (UReCA) fosters the exchange of intellectual and creative work between undergraduate students, providing a platform where students can engage with and contribute to the advancement of their individual fields.