Enrollment Reporting for Financial Aid Students
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga reports changes of enrollment status to federal student loan servicers through the National Student Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) – www.studentclearinghouse.org. Files containing enrollment verification data are generated through the Banner Student system by Registrar personnel and uploaded to the National Student Clearinghouse database. In turn, the Clearinghouse reports enrollment status and deferment information for financial aid students to the education finance industry and Department of Education.
UTC submits enrollment reports to the Clearinghouse at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters and at least once a month through the end of each semester. Changes in enrollment status throughout the semester are reported via this process with the Clearinghouse. Besides reporting when a student changes enrollment status or fails to return to UTC, a student’s graduation is also reported to the Clearinghouse. Enrollment verification for Summer occurs at the end of the Summer semester, as the Summer semester is not considered a required enrollment period.