Financial Aid Disbursements
How will you receive your financial aid funds?
Your financial aid awards reduce the amount due on your bill and is applied as listed below for each type of aid. Any financial aid awarded after the initial billing is applied toward your UTC student account. All aid, with the exception of fee waivers and outside scholarships will disburse to the student's account the second week of classes. Up until aid is disbursed,
- Grants and Scholarships will appear as a credit on your bill.
- Institutional Scholarships will appear as a credit on your bill (your signed scholarship contract must be received by the Scholarship Office)
- Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan requires the student to accept loan offers using the "Financial Aid" tool in their MyMocsNet account and will appear as a temporary credit (memoed aid) until the loan(s) is(are) disbursed. A Master Promissory Note (MPN) and completion of Entrance Loan Counseling are also required if you are a first time loan borrower at UTC.
- Parent PLUS Loan and Grad PLUS Loan both require completion of the FAFSA, credit approval and a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The Parent PLUS Loan also requires the completion of a UTC PLUS Information Form. Once these requirements are met, a temporary credit (memoed aid) will appear until loan is disbursed.
- Alternative Loans will appear as memoed aid if the loan has been approved and a UTC Private Loan Request Form is completed.
- Work Study does NOT reduce the amount due on your bill. Work Study placement begins during the first week of school and instructions are sent to the student via your UTC e-mail once you have accepted the award using the "Financial Aid" tool in your MyMocsNet account.
When do I Have to Pay Tuition and Fees
By accepting financial aid, you are acknowledging acceptance of tuition and fee charges assessed upon registration in UTC classes. If you decide not to enroll at UTC, you must withdraw from ALL courses before the first day of classes to avoid any fee-related charges. If your financial aid does not cover your entire UTC bill, you are responsible for either paying the balance or making arrangements for payment (UTC installment plan) through the "Payments and Refunds" tool in your MyMocsNet account prior to the fee payment deadline published in the academic calendar. Your classes will be canceled if you have not paid in full or have not made arrangements to pay by the fee payment deadline.
Can I pay for books and other charges with my financial aid?
Some students may receive total financial aid that exceed tuition, meal plan, and campus housing cost. In order to have the remaining funds pay towards UTC book purchase, fees, fines or other charges that might incur, you must complete the Financial Aid Authorization Survey once financial aid has been awarded. To complete the Financial Aid Authorization Survey, you must log into the MyMocsNet account and use the "Financial Aid" tool. The link for the Financial Aid Authorization Survey will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Will I get a refund?
When your total disbursed aid exceed your UTC charges, you will receive a refund of the excess amount. The first refund checks for each fall and spring semester are available the second Wednesday of classes and Wednesdays and Fridays each week unless there is a holiday. Refunds can be direct deposited into your bank account by entering your bank information in the "Payments and Refunds" tool in your MyMocsNet account or, you may pick your check up in the Bursar's Office with a picture ID. Check our Important Dates website for availability of summer refunds.
Will my financial aid be adjusted if I receive additional aid from other sources?
Total financial aid awarded cannot exceed you total Cost of Attendance (COA). If additional aid is received and changes need to be made to your financial aid package, it may be necessary to reduce or cancel any or all of state aid, work study and/or student loans.
How does a change in enrollment affect my financial aid?
Financial aid is awarded based on full time enrollment and is adjusted on the first day of classes according to your actual charges. Any change in enrollment during the first two weeks of classes will result in financial aid adjustments. If there is a change in enrollment after the second week of classes but you have not totally withdrawn from the University, your financial aid will not be adjusted; however, you may be billed by the University for that class time. If you fully withdraw from the University, you may be billed for a portion or all of your financial aid. The amount calculated is based on the effective date of withdrawal, the amount of aid received and the percentage of institutional refund. Please refer to our refund process here.
I have received funds from student loans, but now I do not need them?
You can reduce or cancel your Direct or PLUS loan even after the loan funds have been disbursed to you. To do so, you must return the specific amount you want returned to the Bursar's Office with a written request to reapply it to your account; then, you must notify the Financial Aid Office by completing the UTC Request for Loan Adjustment Form.