Resources for GEAR UP Staff
Here you can find information pertinent to your job on Planet GEAR UP. Please find different documents and resources below:
In-School Activity Report (download)
After School Activity Report (download)
Classroom Evaluations (TAs) (download)
GEAR UP permission slip for independent field trips (download)
GEAR UP Dress Code
Your dress code as a teaching assistant or after-school counselor should reflect your role. You are a teacher and you want to dress in a way that will encourage the students to see you that way. If youâre a teaching assistant, youâre working alongside a teaching professional & your dress reflects on your teacher as well as on GEAR UP. When you get dressed, remember youâre going to work, and you work with middle school students â a far cry from going to class with other college students. Choose your attire accordingly.
Below are some guidelines:
Pants- Your pants should fit loosely and should not accent your body. Jeans are acceptable; however, fitted jeans, distressed jeans, tattered jeans or worn jeans are not acceptable. You are there to assist the students with school work, not to draw attention to yourself. Dress pants and khakis are always acceptable and highly encouraged, and your students will respond to this more professional way of dressing.
Shorts are not acceptable for men or women. Skirts should be at least knee length. Leggings, tights, and sweatpants are not acceptable. Low rise and sagging jeans are not acceptable.
Avoid clothing that accents your body in any way.
Shirts- T-shirts are not acceptable unless the shirt is a GEAR UP shirt or college related. Spaghetti strapped and sleeveless shirts are not acceptable. V neck t-shirts are not acceptable.
Low-cut or plunging necklines are not acceptable and your midriff should not be visible.
Button down and collar shirts are highly recommended.
Shoes- Flip flops are not acceptable.
Accessories- Do not wear or bring excessively large purses, distracting jewelry, elaborate hairstyles, or any other item that may cause a distraction to students or teachers.
Excessive piercings, nose rings, tongue rings and other unusual piercings are not acceptable.
**Lanyard name badge â You will be given a lanyard name badge which must be worn every time you come to work. This is essential for security purposes so that all school staff members can identify you and your purpose for being in the school on sight. This is also important for GEAR UP by helping students & school staff understand that you are part of our project.
Always wear your lanyard to work and contact your coordinator for a replacement if your original is lost.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather is a reality during the winter months. In the case of inclement weather, you can find out about school closings here. It is your responsibility to know if the school is closed or will be closing early. Your coordinators or Dr. Huckabay will contact you about alternative programming dates if weather so greatly impacts programming such that it must be postponed.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any activity of a sexual nature that is unwanted or unwelcome, including but not limited to, unwanted touching, pinching, patting, verbal comments of a sexual nature, sexual name-calling, pressure to engage in sexual activity, repeated propositions, and unwanted body contact. An employee who engages in sexual harassment of another staff member or student will be subject to appropriate discipline, including termination of employment. Concerns about sexual harassment should be reported to the GEAR UP Director, a coordinator or another supervisor.
Besides reporting suspected harassment to a GEAR UP staff member, you can receive help in a situation like this by working with an advocate, which the Transformation Project at UTC will provide to you. In situations like this, we strongly urge you to work with an advocate. For confidential help, contact Ms. Sara Peters, primary victim advocate, at 423-425-5605 or [email protected]. Advocates are available 24/7 by contacting the UTC Police Department (423-425-4357) and asking to speak with the advocate on call.
What to do when you suspect a student may be suffering from abuse
Every person in the University of Tennessee community â faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and contractors â has a legal responsibility to report child abuse and child sexual abuse.
If you suspect a child is being abused, you are required by law to report it to an enforcement agency outside of the university and you must report it to the university.
Hereâs who you can report suspected abuse to outside of the university:
- In the event of a life threatening emergency, a report of child abuse or child sexual abuse should be made immediately by calling 911.
- In other cases, a report of child abuse or child sexual abuse must be made immediately to one of the following authorities outside the university:
- Tennessee Department of Childrenâs Services (DCS), by calling the 24-hour Central Intake Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-54ABUSE (1-877-542-2873) or 1-877-237-0004 â you may report without giving your name
- The sheriff of the county where the child resides
- The chief law enforcement official of the city where the child resides
- A judge having juvenile jurisdiction over the child
Reporting to University police, a supervisor, or any other University official or employee does not satisfy an individualâs legal duty to report child abuse or child sexual abuse to an external authority.
- Step Two requires you to report suspected abuse to the university. After reporting child abuse or child sexual abuse to one of the appropriate authorities outside of the University, a University employee shall also provide notice of the report to:
- his/her supervisor;
- University police; or
- the Office of the General Counsel.
GEAR UP recommends this process: if you ever suspect a student could be suffering abuse, discuss it with any GEAR UP coordinator or director. We will then report it to an external agency together and we will ensure the report is forwarded to the university.