Graduate Checkpoints
Checkpoints and Requirements
Checkpoint 1
- Maximum 9 hours graduate coursework (Including EDUC 5200 w/C or higher)
You must apply to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) prior to completing 9 credit hours at the graduate level. If you have any questions concerning this step, please see your faculty advisor.
Documentation of Field Experience (10 hours or Exemption)
Students must complete 10 hours of field placement during EDUC 5200. The students can work in any educational setting as deemed appropriate by their Education 5200 professors (if a student needs help finding a placement, the students can contact the field placement coordinator in Hunter 312). Students must fill out a time sheet to be signed by their supervisors in the field as well as ensure that the supervisor completes a final evaluation. Both of those documents must be submitted to the EDUC 5200 professor before the last day of class. The professor will submit those to the School of Education office, where those documents will be placed in the students' permanent files. Students who are taking EDUC 5200 and are already working in an educational setting such as a school, private school, afterschool program, etc. may apply for an exemption from the 10 hours of field placement. The student must FIRST get approval from his or her professor. Once the professor has approved the exemption, the student must ask his or her supervisor at his or her current position to write a letter on official letterhead, detailing the job description, hours worked, and overall success in the position. That letter must be first submitted to the EDUC 5200 professor for review. That letter should then be submitted to the School of Education office in Hunter 312, where the document will be placed in the student’s permanent file. If a student fails to complete the field placement component for any reason (lacking the full 10 hours, failing to submit the correct paperwork, etc), the student will receive an F in the course.
- 2.75 GPA (UTC and Cumulative)
A student must have at least a 2.75 Cumulative GPA as well as at least a 2.75 UTC GPA. The cumulative GPA is determined based on all coursework taken at UTC and from any other institution. The UTC GPA is determined based solely on coursework taken at UTC.
- Checkpoint 1 Application
- Passing Praxis Core Scores
All graduate students must show passing scores on the three subtests of the Praxis Core. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) delivers this test, and you can register at Passing scores must be achieve in each subtest. The following minimum scores are required:
- Praxis I PPST: Math 173, Reading 174, Writing 173 (prior to July 15, 2014)
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Math 150, Reading 156, Writing 162 (after July 15, 2014)
- Liability Insurance
All students must hold updated liability insurance in order to complete field experiences. Students can find information here to register. Email or drop off a copy of the verification letter or copy of the membership card to [email protected] in Hunter 312. Students may submit proof of liability insurance as covered by home or renter's insurance to [email protected] or to Hunter 312 as well, as long as it provides at least one million dollars in coverage.
- Background Check
Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 5, Part 5610 specifies that all students wishing to enter approved teacher training programs in Tennessee shall be required to submit to a criminal history background check.
- Policy Background: TCA 49-5-5610 requires students wishing to enter an approved teacher training program in Tennessee to:
Agree to the release of all investigative records to the administrator of the teacher training program; Supply a fingerprint sample and submit to a criminal history records check to be conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation; Sign an authorization and release form authorizing a qualified Tennessee licensed private investigation company to complete a criminal history records check.
To complete your background check, please click here.
If you have been fingerprinted at another location within the last 12 months, you can request that those results are sent to [email protected]. However, we must receive the official TBI document, not the scan of your fingerprints.
A student must complete all requirements in Checkpoint 1 before moving to Checkpoint 2.
Checkpoint 2
- Submission of Candidacy Form (12-18 hours)
After completing 12 credit hours and before completing 18 credit hours, submit your candidacy form. You can find that form here.
- EDUC 5210
This course must be taken prior to being admitted into the Teacher Education Program.
- Resume
TEP applicants must submit a completed resume to fulfill an admission requirement to the program. The resume must include the following:
- name, address
- degree status and major(s)
- employment history
- other information (volunteer work, honors, etc.)
It is strongly advised that students utilize the Center for Career and Leadership Development' Resume Doctor prior to their formal submission. Center for Career and Leadership Development also provides resources on writing a resume in addition to other helpful job prep resources.
Submit your professional, PDF resume to [email protected].
Remember, this resume should reflect your abilities and achievements in the field of education. - 2.75 GPA (Cumulative and bridging coursework) 3.0 (Graduate education coursework)
It is your responsibility to keep track of your GPA each semester. In order to view your GPA, you need to log in to MyMocsDegree. This will show both your Cumulative and UTC GPA.
- Grade C or higher in bridging and education coursework
All bridging and education coursework must be passed with a grade of C or better.
- Interview
Before being admitted to the UTC Teacher Education Program, you must receive a favorable recommendation from an interview panel. The panel will consist of Teacher Educatio Preparation faculty and staff. You should dress professionally and be prompt. Interviews are typically held in the Hunter Conference Room. Submit the Application for TEP Interview form and email professional resume to [email protected]. Interviews are held four to six times per semester and summers as needed. You will be asked about your general purpose interests, your short and long-term professional goals, and your educational philosophy. Be prepared to discuss subjects related to classroom management, assessment, instructional strategies, and dispositions. Be prepared to be evaluated in areas such as appearance, verbal communication, and information processing. The interview should last approximately 45-60 minutes. A letter will be emailed to your UTC account confirming your admission to TEP or indicating reasons you have not been admitted. In some cases, additional field placements, coursework, remediation, mock interviews, and additional interviews are recommended by the interview panel. Please note interviews will not be scheduled unless the admission file is complete.
- Admission to TEP
Successful completion of Checkpoints 1 and 2 is required for TEP admission.
A student must complete all requirements in Checkpoint 2 before moving to Checkpoint 3.
Checkpoint 3
- TEP course (EDUC 3230 or 4230 or 4330 where appropriate)
Graduate students who must complete additional bridging coursework may be required to complete one of these classes.
All Student are Required to Choose One Course
EDUC 3230:
Literacy II (3)
This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of elementary literacy learners from 2nd through 5th grades and children with exceptional needs (including English Language Learners). Includes theory, research, curriculum/instruction, and evaluation as they relate to the components of literacy (spelling/word work, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension) and the language arts (reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, visually representing). Field component required. Prerequisites or co-requisites: EDUC 2010, ECHD 2430, ENGL 2280, EDUC 3170, and EDUC 3220 or department head approval; must have met the requirement for Checkpoint 1.
EDUC 4230:
The Middle Grades: Assessment and Instruction (3)
Classroom diagnostic and prescriptive teaching; linking middle grades reading, assessment, decision-making and instruction; in-depth study of selected assessment instruments, instructional strategies, materials, and management procedures. Field component required. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program. May not be used for graduate credit.
EDUC 4330:
Designing Instruction and Evaluation in the Secondary Classroom (3)
Formulating and evaluating appropriate affective and cognitive objectives. Lesson planning and a wide range of teaching strategies will be examined. Each student will be required to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of component teaching skills via the microteaching laboratory and a self-developed teaching unit. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
- Praxis II scores (must be completed prior to clinical practice)
Praxis II tests (formerly known as the NTE, or National Teacher’s Exam) measure a candidate’s knowledge of the subject(s) he will teach. They also measure general and subject-specific pedagogical skills and knowledge.
All applicants for initial teacher licensure must document appropriate minimum scores on one of the Principles of Learning and Teaching tests as well as specified test(s) in the content area. These tests are one or two hours in length and may be taken independently of each other or in different combinations as a package. They are administered in a paper-and-pencil format at various sites and via computer throughout the county.
Information about registration for the tests may be found in The Praxis Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers Registration Bulletin. This booklet is available in the UTC Testing Center (208 Hooper Hall), or from the Praxis Series Services at (609) 771-7395. You may also get information online here. Tests-at-a-Glance booklets can be obtained online for each test; these booklets include content outlines, sample questions with rationales for the best answers, and test-taking strategies. While the best preparation for any test in the Praxis Series is the knowledge and experience gained from the college preparation program, the booklets provide appropriate review and focus for the tests. Study materials are also available for two-week check out from the Field Placement Coordinator, Hunter 312 and in many bookstores. Before purchase, students should analyze these materials carefully to assure their relevance to the test(s) which will be taken. Praxis review sessions are presented several times each year at UTC to help students prepare to take these required examinations.
Information as to the tests specified for each licensure area as well as the required minimum scores may be obtained from the Certification Office, the UTC Testing Center, or the bulletin board display for the School of Education. The ETS Registration Bulletin also lists the required tests by state. Students are urged to be sure that they register for the correct test(s).
Students seeking licensure in states other than Tennessee may be required to take additional Praxis II tests. Students should obtain information from the CHEPS Certification Office or the licensing agency in the other state before registering for tests other than those required by Tennessee.
Praxis II requirements for licensure are determined by the Tennessee Department of Education. The College of Health, Education and Professional Studies at UTC has mandated that a candidate must meet all Praxis II requirements for the licensure area sought before a grade will be recorded for student teaching or the induction experience. A designated institution score report should be sent to UTC (Score Recipient Code R1831); it is suggested that an additional report should be sent to the Tennessee State Department of Education (Recipient Code R8190).
- Clinical Practice Application
Applications for clinical practice are located online here. Completed applications are submitted electronically to the Field Placement Coordinator in Hunter 312.
Students who wish to enroll in induction experience for the fall semester must submit their applications by the previous March 1st. For those who seek spring student teaching, the application deadline is the previous October 1st.
Students participating in induction experience may not enroll in additional coursework except under certain specified conditions. For further information, contact the Certification Officer, Avalon Gourlay, in Hunter 312G or Vikki Bernotski in Hunter 312E.
Mandatory seminars occur during the first week of the semester. Students must attend all seminars. Only students who have met all qualifications for student teaching can attend the seminars. Students are informed of their placements during the first seminar day.
All student teachers must hold updated liability insurance as well as a successful background check. Those must be on file with the School of Education. Information on this can be found here.
- Updated Resume
Prior to clinical practice, an updated resume will be requested from the field placement coordinator. This resume will be delivered to your upcoming host mentors and principals.
- Admission to Clinical Practice
Once students are admitted to clinical practice, they will receive an email with their applicable courses.
A student must complete all requirements in Checkpoint 3 before moving to Checkpoint 4.
Checkpoint 4
- Completion of Clinical Practice
The Residency/Induction Experience at UTC is a 16-week field-based practicum experience and is an integral component of the teacher education program. It is during this period that the student participates as a pre-professional in the public schools. Essentially, this is the experience which provides the student with the arena for converting theory to practice and demonstrating potential to perform the teaching-learning process. Whenever possible, the candidates are placed in cohort groups of 6-12 student teachers per site. There is no college supervisor; instead, there is a professor-in-residence (PIR). The PIR gives the equivalent of one day per week service to the K-12 school and may be utilized to write grants, do in-service, etc. The PIR acts as a liaison between UTC and the school.
Teacher candidates must successfully complete two assigned placements. One placement is typically in a rural school setting and the other an urban setting. Placements are assigned by the Field Placement Coordinator, Hunter 312. The student teaching assignment depends on state requirements for the licensure area.
- Completion of edTPA
Student teachers will complete the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) in accordance with the timeline and protocol provided. Candidates are required to send home a consent form titled, “Notification of Teacher Candidate Assessment” to all P-12 students involved in the learning segment. All consent forms should be kept in the Clinical Teaching notebook. Additional information about the edTPA and consent forms will be addressed in the seminar. Remediation and resubmission will be required should a TC score below the Tennessee state requirement.
A student must complete all requirements in Checkpoint 4 to complete his/her program.