Fee and Payment FAQ
- When is my payment due for fees each semester?
Payment is due on or before the published due date for each semester. Applicable due dates are printed on all Electronic Mocs Express Statements.
- I paid for my parking permit online where can I pick it up?
Parking Permits are now virtual! No more long lines at the beginning of the semester or having to change out physical decals on your dash.
- When will I receive a fee statement?
Electronic Mocs Express Statements are generated for priority registered students approximately six weeks before the beginning of each semester.
Failure to view your e-statement does not relieve you of your obligation to meet the fee payment deadline.
- Is there a payment plan?
Yes, UTC has a Tuition Installment Payment Plan (TIPP).
The plan requires a $30.00 extension fee plus a minimum payment of 25 percent of the student’s balance with three additional 25 percent payments.
- How and where can I pay my fees?
- Online: Through your MyMocsNet account; click on the "Payments and Refunds" Tool or search for "Payments and Refunds", then make a payment. UTC accepts: MasterCard, American Express, Visa and Discover—online only. There is a convenience fee for all credit card payments. You can also pay with Electronic Check (eCheck) with no additional fees.
- Walk-in: You may pay in the Bursar’s Office, University Center Room 274, with cash or check payments only.
- By mail: The payment must be received in the Bursar’s Office by the deadline. Allow for mail time. The mailing address is UTC - Office of the Bursar, 615 McCallie Ave. Dept. 6005, Chattanooga, TN 37403.
- By UPS, FEDEX or DHL: The address is UTC - Office of the Bursar, 642 E. 5th Street, 274 University Center, Dept. 6005, Chattanooga, TN 37403
- Why must I have a FERPA pin to discuss my student's account?
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, also known as the "Buckley Amendment, is a federal law enacted in 1974 that gives students certain rights regarding their educational records.
Students can complete the FERPA Disclosure form to provide access to their records. This form must be notarized with the student's signature and cannot be faxed because the form must have the original signature when turned into the Registrar Office.
Once completed an email will be sent to the individual(s) listed on the form with the appropriate pin needed when contacting UTC regarding the student's account.
Contact the Registrar Office with FERPA related questions at 423-425-4416.
- What if my payment for fees for the semester is not received by the due date?
If your payment is not received by the due date, your classes will be canceled for non-payment.
All mail received by the deadline will be processed before classes are canceled.
If your classes are canceled you will need to register if you plan on attending. There is no guarantee you will get the same classes.
Your fees must be received in the Bursar’s Office prior to the first day of the semester to avoid a late fee assessment.
- Can I set up refunds to be automatically deposited into a bank account?
Yes, when you make an electronic check payment you will have the option to save that checking account information as a payment method for future payments. Payment methods can also be used for refunds.
You can have multiple payment methods, but only one payment method can be used for refunds. A payment method that is set up for refunds will display a green check mark beside it.
- Why do I pay out-of-state tuition?
Out-of-state students pay out-of-state tuition.
Students classified as in-state do not pay tuition because they are funded by the state of Tennessee.
Contact Undergraduate Admissions at 423-425-4662 or The Graduate School at 423-425-4666, if you have specific questions regarding your residency.
- What is the Maintenance Fee?
The maintenance fee is assessed to all students. This is the per hour charge for credit or audit for a class.
- Do I qualify for Regional Tuition Discount?
- Will I be charged if I drop/withdraw from classes?
- Are lab, course, differential and music fees refundable?
Lab/Studio, course, differential and music fees are non-refundable after the 100% refund period ends for each semester.
- What are the different type of fees I am charged at UTC?
Student Mandatory Fee Definitions
- Student Activity Fee – provides support for student programming, student organizations, and operational expenses for facilities.
- Debt Service Fee – funds debt service for the University Center, Aquatic and Recreation Center (ARC), and the UTC Sports Complex.
- Health Fee – Funds student health services and provides counseling services and health initiatives.
- Athletic Fee – Funds additional support for men and women sport programs, scholarships, and fellowships.
- Green Fee – funds various green and energy efficient initiatives.
- Library Fee – funds operations, periodicals, and databases for the library.
- Facilities Fee – funds custodial services, facilities upkeep, grounds maintenance, campus transportation, and debt service for projects.
- Transportation Fee – funds parking improvements for campus and debt service obligations for west campus garage.
- Technology Fee – funds technological upgrades and operational support for the Information Technology department.
- International Fee – funds operational support for Study Abroad programs, office and scholarships.
- What if my fees are paid by a third party?
If your fees are to be billed to an employer, government agency, foreign embassy, etc. you should bring the necessary paperwork to the Bursar’s Office.
It needs to be received approximately four weeks prior to the beginning of classes each semester so that your account can be credited and your sponsor billed.
You are responsible for any amount not collected from your sponsor. There is a $5.00 billing fee. If the fee is not paid by the third party the student is responsible for the fee.
- Who is an Authorized User?
An authorized user is set up by the student and given the ability to access the student’s account information, to make payments and/or view the payment history.
The user will receive a username and password. Authorized users DO NOT have access to the student’s stored payment methods, academic records or other personal information.
A student can have multiple Authorized Users and will determine the type of account access per Authorized User.
- Do I have to submit a Teacher or State Dependent/State Employee/Board of Regents form each semester?
Yes, forms must be received prior to the end of the semester in order for the student to receive the discount.
The employer’s signature for certification should be obtained no earlier than June 1 for fall, Oct. 1 for spring and March 1 for summer.