Tutor.com is available 24/7 for many courses throughout finals.
UTC offers 24/7 online tutoring services provided by Tutor.com. This resource is free and accessed through supported courses in a students UTC Learn/Canvas accounts. Students must be currently registered for one of these supported courses to gain access:
ACC 2010 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2020 Principles of Accounting II
BIOL 1110 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1120 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 1120L Principles of Biology II Lab
BIOL 1130 Principles of Biology III
BIOL 2060 Functional Human Anatomy
BIOL 2080 Human Physiology
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CPSC 1100 Fundamentals of Computer Science
CPSC 1110 Data Structures and Program Design
DATA 1000 Computers in Business (formerly MGT 1000)
DATA 2130 Statistics for Business (formerly MGT 2130)
ECON 1010 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 1020 Principles of Microeconomics
ENME 1030 Basic Engineering Science
FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 2120 Intermediate French for Conversation II
GNSC 1150 Science and Society
HHP 2300 Applied Anatomy and Physiology
HIST 1110 Gods, Empires, and Power: The World to 1400
HIST 2010 Making the US: Cultures in Conflict through the Civil War Era
HIST 2030 History of Tennessee
MATH 1010 Mathematics in our Modern World
MATH 1130 College Algebra
MATH 1730 Combined Precalculus
MATH 1830 Calculus for Management, Life, and Social Sciences
MATH 1950 Calculus with Analytic Geometry
MATH 1960 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
MATH 2100 Introductory Statistics
MATH 2150 Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I
MATH 2160 Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers II
MATH 2200 Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 2450 Introduction to Differential and Difference Equations
MATH 2560 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
MATH 3100 Applied Statistics
MGT 3110 Operations Management
PHYS 1030 General Physics: Mechanics and Heat
PHYS 1040 General Physics: Electromagnetism and Optics
PHYS 2300 Principles of Physics: Mechanics and Heat
PHYS 2310 Principles of Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
PSY 2010 Research Methodology: Introductory Statistics in Psychology
SOC 1510 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 2120 Intermediate Spanish for Conversation II
SPAN 2130 Intermediate Spanish for Reading I
SPAN 2140 Intermediate Spanish for Reading II
Questions about tutoring can be sent to [email protected] and questions about advising can be directed to [email protected].
If you have questions or need assistance logging in to your account, please email [email protected].
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University of Tennessee Chattanooga Tutor.com Partnership
- University of Tennessee Chattanooga partners with Tutor.com, the world’s largest and highest-rated online tutoring company, in supporting our students’ academic journey with free, live, online tutoring, available 24/7.
- Since our partnership's inception in April 2016, over 10,500 online tutoring sessions have been delivered to the University of Tennessee Chattanooga students.
- University of Tennessee Chattanooga offers free, online tutoring through Tutor.com in over 55 subjects including Business, Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Spanish, and much more.
- Tutor.com is a service of The Princeton Review and has over 4,000 expert tutors who provide one-on-one tutoring to our students at the moment they need help.