Success in Online Courses
Tips for Success:
Stay connected
Taking classes online does not mean that you are closed off from the outside world. When you are not studying or going over class material, take time to connect with your friends through social media or step outside to get fresh air or take a walk. There is a world beyond the confinements of your home.
Connect or stay connected with your professor.
This step is very important because your professor has to come up with creative ways to keep you engaged and seeing your faces informs them whether or not you understand the material. Staying in contact with them and asking questions informs them if you understand the concept, if you have questions, and how to address those questions. Professors can’t help you if they don’t hear from you.
Make a schedule of all your academic priorities... and STICK to it!
Being in the privacy of your own comfort areas can easily make you feel as though you don’t have to follow a rigid schedule, but this is the time when having and following a schedule or using a to-do list is most essential. Having a schedule keeps you focused as you complete the remainder of the semester. Ending the semester strong is just as important, if not more, as being strong at the beginning. Sticking to your schedules will help you to master that.
Don’t Stress! Stay calm and know we’re here to help.
Having to transition from one way of performing a routine to another can be a stressful time, especially when it comes to education. Knowing that there are others experiencing the same challenges helps. In addition, know that there are people available, that you are familiar with, to assist you through this process. You are not alone.
Connect with a friend or classmate so both of you can hold each other accountable for “going to class and studying.”
Studying and/or attending lectures via on-line can make you less connected to your classmates. After all, you can’t really see them, right? Reaching out to connect with classmates reminds you that there are others taking the course with you, and you both can assist each other with assignments and remind each other of lecture times. Life is always better when you have help from someone.
Remove any and all distractions.
I know in this time of technology and super heroes, we mere mortals have the tendency to think that we can do all things, during all times. Well, we cannot. With the distractions of phones, on-line media service providers and many other things, it is very easy to get distracted and lose sight of time and deadlines. To assist with that, turn off all devices and close all browsers until your work is completed.
Treat this time as if you are physically going to class and create a routine.
Telling yourself that you are actually going to class will help keep you in the routine of physically attending class. The more you retain of your normal academic routine, the higher chances for your academic success.