The BA in history requires the completion of 39 hours of history courses, including the following:
Level 1 - Introducing History (6 hours):
Any two of the following surveys:
HIST 1110 World History from Origins to 1400
HIST 1120 World History from 1400 to the Present
HIST 2010 United States to 1865
HIST 2020 United States since 1865
Level 2 - Exploring History (9 hours):
HIST 2100 Historical Research and Writing (Required) (3 hours)
Any two 2000-level advanced surveys (HIST2030-2940) (6 hours)
Level 3 - Interpreting History (12 hours):
Any four 3000-level topics courses
Level 4 - Engaging History (6 hours):
HIST 4020 The Historian’s Craft (Required) (3 hours)
One additional 4000-level history course (3 hours)
Electives (6 hours):
Six additional hours of history classes to complete a total of 39 hours in the major
Distribution Requirement:
Advanced survey (2000-level) and topical courses (3000-level) must include two of each of the following:
U.S. history courses
European history courses
World history courses
Consider including one or more of the following in your major:
An internship. For more information see the Internships page on our website, or contact Prof. Mike Thompson, the History Department internship coordinator.
An independent research project. If you're interested in Departmental Honors (DHON), talk to your advisor at the beginning of your junior year.