English Internship Program

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How do I register for the internship course?

The internship coordinator will process an override for English 4960 only after you've met three criteria:

You've been accepted into the internship program. You've secured an internship. Your class schedule allows you to attend the weekly internship workshop.

What if I'm on scholarship?

You must be accepted into the program and secure an internship position before you can register for English 4960.

If you're on scholarship and required to maintain 12 credit hours, register for a safety course to meet your academic goals in the event you can't secure an internship.

How do I register for the senior capstone option?

You may take the internship course for capstone credit only if you've earned a total of 90+ credit hours prior to the start of the internship.

Register for an alternative capstone option in case you can't secure an internship.

Contact Information

Kris Whorton 
Library 427 
[email protected]

